Does anyone know of any great martial art fantasy novels?
I'm an aspiring writer, and as far as I can tell the whole martial art genere is sparcely populated with fighting based on anything resembling real martial arts (maybe thats why its called fantasy...)
The only martial art fantasy novels I know of are:
Last of the Renshi (and the entire Renshi Series): by Micky Zucker Reichert.
Initiate Brother (Series) : by Sean Russel.
For the Renshi series Ms. Reichert enacted every battle sequence, every sword stroke, even the scenes on horseback. She even suffered a mild concussion from being hit in the process. Thats dedication. The series is an excellent work. Its paramont message relating to martial arts is that skill is infinite, potential is boundless. The novels blend the strick discipline involved in martial arts training with Norce mythology and the heavenly concept of Valhalla, with some good old wizardry and demigods thrown in for good measure.
The Initiate Brother is a novel relating to the coming of an enlightened buddha into the world and the adventures of a monk who develops unoridinary powers with chi. It is set in a detailed oriental like culture intricately woven with political manuverings. Not as action packed as the Renshi series, but it does have alot of elegance.
I know of lots of books that have a little martial art stuff in them, like Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time (The Greatest fantasy liturature ever written), with the different sword techniques and such, but these two novels are much more indepth and have clear representations within the martial arts.
Anyway, does anyone else have any recommendations for great fantasy novels?
I'm an aspiring writer, and as far as I can tell the whole martial art genere is sparcely populated with fighting based on anything resembling real martial arts (maybe thats why its called fantasy...)
The only martial art fantasy novels I know of are:
Last of the Renshi (and the entire Renshi Series): by Micky Zucker Reichert.
Initiate Brother (Series) : by Sean Russel.
For the Renshi series Ms. Reichert enacted every battle sequence, every sword stroke, even the scenes on horseback. She even suffered a mild concussion from being hit in the process. Thats dedication. The series is an excellent work. Its paramont message relating to martial arts is that skill is infinite, potential is boundless. The novels blend the strick discipline involved in martial arts training with Norce mythology and the heavenly concept of Valhalla, with some good old wizardry and demigods thrown in for good measure.
The Initiate Brother is a novel relating to the coming of an enlightened buddha into the world and the adventures of a monk who develops unoridinary powers with chi. It is set in a detailed oriental like culture intricately woven with political manuverings. Not as action packed as the Renshi series, but it does have alot of elegance.
I know of lots of books that have a little martial art stuff in them, like Robert Jordan's Wheel Of Time (The Greatest fantasy liturature ever written), with the different sword techniques and such, but these two novels are much more indepth and have clear representations within the martial arts.
Anyway, does anyone else have any recommendations for great fantasy novels?