LTKKA Black Belt Test Photos Are Up!!!

Way cool! The blur of a roundhouse kick is wild! I like the looks
of your studio too! The mat though .. looks like one giant solid
piece, what gives there? What is it?
Originally posted by Seminerio
Check out my yahoo photos page.

Be sure to check out the captions.


I can't believe Linda caught that beautiiiiiiiiifffffuuuuuuullll roundhouse kick of James'. Man that was cool and some big HOOHAAAS after.

Have a great Kenpo day

I thought your gi was 100% stars and stripes, until I saw the
picture. People should post pics more often!
Originally posted by Kirk
I thought your gi was 100% stars and stripes, until I saw the
picture. People should post pics more often!

I have another Century Stars and Stripes, the one I'm wearing is one my wife made about 6 years ago. The mat is Vinyl on top of Carpet padding with a wood substructure underneath and it's about 11 years old now but we still like it.

Have a great Kenpo day

It sure would have been nice to have been able to watch the whole test in person. :) Congtratulations to all of those who passed. :D