Looking for pictures



I'm looking for pictures of various Kenpo notables to put on my web site. I can't find the following:

Tom Conners - Traco International
Jay T. Will - Kenpo Karate
Any Ideas????
Hey.........what about my Pic................oh wait you said notables. Oh Well..............:shrug:

Welcome to the "The Un-Notables" LOL. We may have crossed paths perhaps. I take my students to the Springfield/Joplin area from time to time for SWAT tournaments. Perhaps you go to some of these also???

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

Hey.........what about my Pic................oh wait you said notables. Oh Well..............:shrug:

"The Un-Notables"
Yes I have seen your site and the photo gallery. It's GREAT! :) If you can dig those up it would be outstanding. Both of those Instructors play an important role in my past training, having trained first at Tom Conner's Traco International and then several years later with Jay T Will.
I trained under D'veed Natan at Traco who later switched over to RyuKyu Kenpo and is now a 9th Dan in that system. I followed him for awhile but switched back to Kenpo Karate and then to American Kenpo.
Can I steal some of those pics for addition to my site?
Which ones are copy protected?

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

in my files I just have to dig them up for you.


p.s. have you seen other kenpo instructors on my site yet?


Here I am in my handy-dandy black GI when I was 50 (12 year ago) and doing what I remembered from the old kajukenbo kenpo days. Managed to actually get a fairly high kick over the gut :D :asian:

Anyway, I lost 65 pounds and can't get into that GI now! :)

Now tell me, aint you invious?:D :D :) ;)

:soapbox: :asian:

Maybe this will work

BTW, the last time I was in kenpo class was in 1967! Anwya suggestions?:D



  • $me50.jpeg
    28.8 KB · Views: 179
I too would suggest the IKKO site, the owner of it was nice enought to let me use the photos he had posted formy webpage. And he does have themost pics I have seen on the web.
Originally posted by C.E.Jackson

Welcome to the "The Un-Notables" LOL. We may have crossed paths perhaps. I take my students to the Springfield/Joplin area from time to time for SWAT tournaments. Perhaps you go to some of these also???

"The Un-Notables"

Yes I have been to those tournaments, the last one I went to was last spring? cant remember I will have to look at the dates on my trophies. I am at work right now.

Are there any more tournaments scheduled for that area?

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

Yes I have been to those tournaments, the last one I went to was last spring? cant remember I will have to look at the dates on my trophies. I am at work right now.

Are there any more tournaments scheduled for that area?


I'm sure there are. I'll have to check with the SWAT director to find out when and where. I've not gotten any recient notices except for one in Arkansas.
Originally posted by C.E.Jackson

I'm sure there are. I'll have to check with the SWAT director to find out when and where. I've not gotten any recient notices except for one in Arkansas.

Yeah if you find out post them please. I need some tournaments.

Originally posted by AvPKenpo

Yeah if you find out post them please. I need some tournaments.


I've got an e-mail out to the SWAT director, Should here back soon.
FYI here is his contact information

Jim Riggs

[email protected]


Southwest Association of Tournaments
Originally posted by C.E.Jackson

I've got an e-mail out to the SWAT director, Should here back soon.
FYI here is his contact information

Jim Riggs

[email protected]


Southwest Association of Tournaments

Yes, I remember Mr. Riggs, extremely nice gentleman, met him at the last tournament that was SWAT. I beleive he had a female assistant, him and her were running the tournament very effeciently(better than a Some I have been to).

Originally posted by Bonehead

I too would suggest the IKKO site, the owner of it was nice enought to let me use the photos he had posted formy webpage. And he does have themost pics I have seen on the web.

Be careful, you're gonna get a bill in the mail!:eek: