Letter to the Editor


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
oye veh, I went activist and actually put my fingers...well, to work...

In short: there is a proposal on the table to ban carriage horses from central Park NYC. So far so bad.
However, the wording of the bill is so bad, it should scare the life out of everybody: The horses are to be sold or donated to individuals or sanctuaries to keep them for their natural life and not put them to work.
Sounds heavenly, I know, until you look at it with more care: There are no such sanctuaries, other charities are full with truly abused and neglected horses, and no body in their right mind would acquire a draft horse with that kind of stipulation attached.
Not to mention that developers have eyeballed the property on which the stables are located...a big mess, if allowed to go through it sets precedence for all of us to be booted out of legal activities and screwed out of our property, because somebody with deep enough pockets wants it bad enough (as if that is not already happening...)

So, here is my composition
(I already send it, so for better or worth, that's it)
It's been a good two decades since I visited New york City.
The world was a better, more peaceful place. people still remembered where they came from and children knew that apples grow on trees and milk does indeed come from cows, and not just from the grocery store.
Sadly these days we have lost this connection. We have encased out lives in steel, concrete and asphalt, decorated with sparkling plastic and LED lights.
We even avoid talking to people face to face.

The presence of a horse hardly ever fails to evoke a smile, something cars can hardly ever accomplish.
Horses remind us of a time when life was simpler.
Yet we are threatened by a group of people who orchestrates assaults on the innocence of little girls to further their agenda to have this piece of humanity stolen from us.
The rhythm of the horse has been intertwined with our lives for many centuries. When I once mentioned that I could hear the hoof beat in a Beethoven piece, a friend of mine, NYC residence replied that they might very well have been instrumental in the inspiration of the great masters of the past.(Berny , if you read this, I miss your wisdom)
Banning the carriage horses from the city is yet another attempt to cut us off the living, breathing universe of which we are all part of.

As if the philosophical aspect is not enough, the language of the proposed ban should frighten every last person to the core.
It puts our rights as property owners at stake, for no other reason than that somebody does not approve of the use we make of it. Without criminal act or conviction.
it sets a precedent for future encroachment of our freedoms, be it the right to own working animals or pets or the ability to hold on to real estate in desirable locations.

A bad proposal in a feel-good wrapper, little girls with dreams of Princesses and pretty ponies as pawn for the greater evil.

If New York City loses the carriages, we all lose.
I hate to say it but Kelo may have made your attempts to stop it impossible. I don't know exactly what the deals are behind the scenes but you might want to go to the Land Mark Legal foundation, run by Mark Levin, to help with the private property issues. The Supreme court case that may make the effort more difficult:

I hate to say it but Kelo may have made your attempts to stop it impossible. I don't know exactly what the deals are behind the scenes but you might want to go to the Land Mark Legal foundation, run by Mark Levin, to help with the private property issues. The Supreme court case that may make the effort more difficult:


Yes, it's a scary thought.
Of course in this case the 2 evils lumped together to form an even greater one:
Alongside the land thieves you have Animal Rights nut cases working on slowly eliminating domesticated animals.
Sadly, the fluffy commercials PETA and the HSUS put out are heavily misleading (not to say false advertisement) and get the urban population to donate heavily.

Of course, they won't go straight for the jugular...yet. just fringe groups they can rally support against from animal lovers.
Yes, it's a scary thought.
Of course in this case the 2 evils lumped together to form an even greater one:
Alongside the land thieves you have Animal Rights nut cases working on slowly eliminating domesticated animals.
Sadly, the fluffy commercials PETA and the HSUS put out are heavily misleading (not to say false advertisement) and get the urban population to donate heavily.

Of course, they won't go straight for the jugular...yet. just fringe groups they can rally support against from animal lovers.

I think common sence and decency is going the way of the dodo. I know high speed rail to go 1/2 a block and stop traffic for and hour.
Just ticks me off. Used to be 5 dairies and several other types of simpler life all within 20 minutes of home. Now pretty much gone with master planned communities and hills with flat top hair cuts. Oh another golf course is the perfect outdoor setting.
:barf: Golfers don't get your shorts in a bunch, but another course really?
You may hate the thought Granfire, but if you really want to fight this government silliness, you may have to go libetarian or conservative legally to get someone to go after this issue.
You may hate the thought Granfire, but if you really want to fight this government silliness, you may have to go libetarian or conservative legally to get someone to go after this issue.

This is not government silliness.

this is an outright attack from fringe groups upon our liberties.
Groups with more money than many a small sovereign country!
People who do think nothing of setting free your dog because they don't like dog shows. hell with the dog that gets hurt or killed while they are fighting for it's 'freedom'.
Those are the people who have in the past (and will likely in the future, too) realeased animals from laboratories and fur farms to let the animals starve or die horrible deaths or cause irrepairable damages to the environment.
Burning and bombing facilities are all in a day's work.
Oh no, I've infected Granfire with libertarian and conservative, "urges," quick, someone bring out a picture of George Bush or Sarah Palin, it might not be too late.:uhyeah:
This is not government silliness.

this is an outright attack from fringe groups upon our liberties.
Groups with more money than many a small sovereign country!
People who do think nothing of setting free your dog because they don't like dog shows. hell with the dog that gets hurt or killed while they are fighting for it's 'freedom'.
Those are the people who have in the past (and will likely in the future, too) realeased animals from laboratories and fur farms to let the animals starve or die horrible deaths or cause irrepairable damages to the environment.
Burning and bombing facilities are all in a day's work.
Please send them to my place. The big one can knock them down with his oaf charge( 80+#), the middle one can jump on them (12#) and the little bossy one can just flat out chew them up (8#).
Oh no, I've infected Granfire with libertarian and conservative, "urges," quick, someone bring out a picture of George Bush or Sarah Palin, it might not be too late.:uhyeah:
Damn it wont let me upload the pick Of Jhoon Rhee with Ronnie R.
Please send them to my place. The big one can knock them down with his oaf charge( 80+#), the middle one can jump on them (12#) and the little bossy one can just flat out chew them up (8#).

then we can use the 9mm to put them out of their misery....

And no, billi, no infection.
Cos I am not as leftist as you made me out to be ^_~
then we can use the 9mm to put them out of their misery....

And no, billi, no infection.
Cos I am not as leftist as you made me out to be ^_~

Naa, I don't like short range. Throw the cat at'em. Now that's a whole nother ball game :)
well, mine did not get printed...but it seems obvious that the ASPCA has turned the corner from animal welfare to animal rights...
then we can use the 9mm to put them out of their misery....

And no, billi, no infection.
Cos I am not as leftist as you made me out to be ^_~

Nobody is!