Private Organization with Police Power: How to oversee their actions?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
Case in point:
The ASPCA in NYC is such an organization, their investigators are empowered to arest people, they carry big sidearms.

But they are not police.

here is were the problem lies:
The organization is in charge to oversee animal activities within the city of New York. fair enough.
However, they are also the most vocal in their demand to have a branch of these activities shut down: The carriage rides through Central Park.

For those who are not familiar with those: big hairy beasts pull light carriages on relatively flat ground.
They are subject to the most stringent rules and regulations any branch in the horse industry, and of course, their declared enemy is overseeing that the rules are upheld.

Bad enough as this is, about 2 weeks ago one of the horses dropped dead, out of the blue, on the way to work.
And the manure really hit the fan.

Aside from the owner of said horse being pressured to release the body of the horse to the ASPCA, a number of radical Animal Rights groups ahve naturally jumped on the band wagon (oh, did I forget to mention that there is a proposed ban of said horses on the table, that essentiallly forces the owners of the carriage horses to give away or sell the horses to retirement facilities to never be worked again, and work being defined as being ridden or harnessed, not in terms of working for money but any kind of activity a horse owner of a healthy horse would deem normal, past eating and pooping. Really scary wording)

Apparently the necropsy did not show neglect or abuse, but only ulcers - which a lot of horses, even in pasture seem to have - and a broken tooth...and even people do not drop dead from ulcers on chipped teeth.
Enter spin doctors...
Now, the vet in charge corrected her statement regarding the pain and suffering was misleading...she promptly got suspended.

LOOONG babble....
It seems that the ASPCA is not bound by the rules regular LEOs have to operate by.
Entrusted with enforcing regulation for the government (city) while actively promoting the ban of the businesses they are to oversee.
Withholding information that in light of the developments ought to be public record....

The things being the way they are (the group is only a thinly veiled AR group these days, led by graduates of the PETA and HSUS school of thinking, supported by well meaning and caring people all over the country - many not knowing that they are NOT a national group....) I am feeling growing discomfort having a group like that with the powers they wield.

Any thoughts?!

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