Lesnar vs. Carwin


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Thoughts on this match up? If I can, I'll post video in a few days.
Oh man, this is, IMO, going to be a good one. Carwin has more fights, and wins, according to Sherdog. Both are pretty evenly matched as far as height/weight go. I'll go with Carwin. Sadly, I'm working tonight, so I'll have to wait for the spoilers for the decision. :D
Oh man, this is, IMO, going to be a good one. Carwin has more fights, and wins, according to Sherdog. Both are pretty evenly matched as far as height/weight go. I'll go with Carwin. Sadly, I'm working tonight, so I'll have to wait for the spoilers for the decision. :D

This will be a good one. Both of these guys are beasts! I don't think it's going to go to decision.

Thought this was pretty interesting. Click on prediction results. As of right now, it looks pretty close, with Carwin 51% to Lesner at 49%.

Either way, its gonna be a good one.
I am working late tonight to get things settled for the long weekend.

I would love for Shane to win, because he seems like a cool guy. I have never seen him be anything but a soft spoken gentlman.
I am working late tonight to get things settled for the long weekend.

I would love for Shane to win, because he seems like a cool guy. I have never seen him be anything but a soft spoken gentlman.
I am working late tonight to get things settled for the long weekend.

I would love for Shane to win, because he seems like a cool guy. I have never seen him be anything but a soft spoken gentlman.
Then, more power to him!
Shane Carwin

He deserves to win. He worked his way up from nothing. He did not go into Big Time Wrestling create a name for himself and then come in with a near title shot.
Just google UFC play by play.
Sherdog has one.
These give you a live play by play of the action as it's happening in real time.

It's the next best thing to watching the fight.
Unfortunately I just don't see Shane winning. He has a strikers chance but Lesnar is a far superior wrestler and I think this one goes to the ground and Lesnar grounds and pounds him into submission. However, I really hope I am wrong!!!
Well, that was short and sweet. I'm glad to hear that Lesnar showed some class. I can't wait for the fight to come to Spike or see a video on the internet.
After tonight I am thoroughly reminded why I train with and carry both knives and guns.

No kidding. If guys that big can have those skills...
No kidding. If guys that big can have those skills...
Well I still noticed two HUGE big weak spots in Brock Lesners game, and I noticed some more huge big advantages that he has.
I noticed that he doesn't strike very well, and I saw he got rocked by frank mir in a small exchange. So I saw it coming when he got rocked by shane carwin.
And he doesn't do very well off his back. A smaller opponent like Frank Mir should've never let brock lesner be the one on top. Frank mir should of tried to get brock to the ground on his back.(Back when they fought) But Brock Lesner is smart, and he plays his game. That's why I respect him. He doesn't have this mentality that has been floating around in MMA lately. "I have to beat the other guy at their own game"
And when you're smart that can make up for your weaknesses. I don't understand why all these fighters who could have easily won their fights if they would of kept the fight in their game and their strong points, instead of "I have to beat them at their own game" All that talent... Just to go down the drain.
George St Pierre is another example of a smart fighter. I love how he knew Hardy's striking would be equal to or better than his own. So he took it to where Dan Hardy would be out of his element. That was smart.
What's the main lesson to take from that fight? Cardio!

Carwin got Brock to the ground, pounded on him, made 2 or 3 nice looking transitions, but essentially punched himself out. He really showed in his performance why his fights thus far have never left the first round, because he blows his wad in one go.
Great fight. I thought Carwin was going to have this one in the bag, by virtue of his out-striking Lesnar so bad in the first round:


Brock did a great job of defending on the ground, blocking most of the worst shots. Although those elbows that Shane threw were hard enough for me to feel at home, LOL! Anyone that questions Brock's ability to take punches should remember that no one else in the UFC has been able to get out of round one with Carwin.

This was maybe the best UFC I have ever seen overall. How about Harris' slam KO? Leben's triangle! Bonnar's knee! I was out of my seat several times.

Good stuff. Can't wait to see Randy Couture smash James Toney. ;)
Yeah we also got to see Eddie Bravo himself.
And his 10th planet Jiu Jitsu system at work. With George using both the rubber guard and the crackhead control. Awesome display.

And watching Yoshihiro's beautiful tactical throws.