So, last night my right foot was pretty swollen after class. This morning I get up and it's completely bruised and still swollen. The top of my knee is skinned as well as my elbow! Good stuff... haha
My question is, what am I doing wrong with kicking? When I hit the bag, I'm hitting it with my lower shin, but my foot always smacks the back part of the bag. Which, leaves this bruise. There are a few guys in my class that don't have messed up feet like this. So, obviously I'm doing something wrong. I tried hitting the bag with my upper shin, but I don't feel like I get nearly as much power as I do with the further reach and swing that comes from contacting with the bottom part of my shin.
I haven't asked my instructor to watch my form yet, but everytime he walks past me to watch when I kick he says "Good." So, I assume that my form is pretty good at least.
Also, with all the skinning of knee's and elbows on the bags and bruised swollen feet, how do you train on a daily basis and at the same time heal?
My question is, what am I doing wrong with kicking? When I hit the bag, I'm hitting it with my lower shin, but my foot always smacks the back part of the bag. Which, leaves this bruise. There are a few guys in my class that don't have messed up feet like this. So, obviously I'm doing something wrong. I tried hitting the bag with my upper shin, but I don't feel like I get nearly as much power as I do with the further reach and swing that comes from contacting with the bottom part of my shin.
I haven't asked my instructor to watch my form yet, but everytime he walks past me to watch when I kick he says "Good." So, I assume that my form is pretty good at least.
Also, with all the skinning of knee's and elbows on the bags and bruised swollen feet, how do you train on a daily basis and at the same time heal?