Learn a whole system



I was watching some MA video's from someone (that will remain nameless at the moment because it's not really important) and they said something I found very interesting and I'd like to see what other think.
The MAist stated, and I'm paraphrasing, that you will only use about 5% of what you do in the dojo on the street, but to be able to use that 5% you must be proficient in 100% of a system. He basically relies on very few techniques but says you need the support system of a complete martial art to have what it takes to utilize those few techniques.

What do others here think about this and how it relates to kenpo?

Originally posted by kenpo12
You will only use about 5% of what you do in the dojo on the street, but to be able to use that 5% you must be proficient in 100% of a system.

What do others here think about this and how it relates to kenpo? Matt

LOL, don't quit your day job and keep posting on the net or....

know your [[[BASICS]]] inside out!!!

I have heard others say the same thing, that a good portion of what you learn inside, will go out the window when you're on the outside. I disagree with having to know the system 100% as he stated. Being 100% could take a lifetime. Am I safe to assume that he's saying that if you need to defend yourself, prior to your 50yrs that you're supposed to give to the system, that you'll basically be screwed?? I think that after a few months of devoted training, that you'll be capable of escaping some basic situations. Just my opinion.

Originally posted by MJS
I think that after a few months of devoted training, that you'll be capable of escaping some basic situations. Just my opinion. Mike

I am of the opinion, that even one lesson can be very beneficial and help, every lesson after that is one more percentage point to putting advantage in your corner. You are better off than no lessons at all!

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I am of the opinion, that even one lesson can be very beneficial and help, every lesson after that is one more percentage point to putting advantage in your corner. You are better off than no lessons at all!


Very true!

I see the guys point. If you want to pick say the 10 best moves from the system you couldn't do that if you didn't know the whole system. Can you sum up a book if you only read the first three chapters?
I see the guys point. If you want to pick say the 10 best moves from the system you couldn't do that if you didn't know the whole system. Can you sum up a book if you only read the first three chapters?

Yes that is my point. How can you define your own "go to" techniques without having knowlege of all there is to choose from.
Originally posted by kenpo12
Yes that is my point. How can you define your own "go to" techniques without having knowlege of all there is to choose from.

Well, until you have "ALL" the "go to" techniques, you'll have to due with, the list you have to choose from (incomplete as it may be), so you'll have to [make a 'new' list] often!:rofl:

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
I am of the opinion, that even one lesson can be very beneficial and help, every lesson after that is one more percentage point to putting advantage in your corner. You are better off than no lessons at all!


absolutely. I'm glad that i study under a good hand.;):)
I have always felt the same. I may not be the best kenpoist or have trained with the top instructors, but I am worlds ahead of where I would be if I never trained at all. Everytime I learn something I just add it to my never ending list.
A while back someone posted in this forum a quote from Mr. Parker. Whether Mr. Parker said it or not, is not really important because I think the words hold true and I think that they pertain to what has been said here. The quote goes something like this...

" A kenpo practitioner will be able to defend Him/herself against 9 out of 10 people after just six months of training. He/she will spend the rest of their lives training to defend themselves against the other 1".

I for one am interested in defending my self against ten out of ten people so I will spend the rest of my life studying Kenpo because you never know who that one person is going to be or when you are going to run into them.

Mike Miller UKF
Perhaps we should know 100% of what we know. Do the best you can with what you have NOW, and keep learning.

As far as 95% of your stuff going out the window, there is an adrenaline problem, which, if not addressed and understood, will leave most martial artists flailing as if they knew nothing. I think overcoming that has less to do with the quantity of what one knows and more to do with whether one has faced that type of situation (serious, real, life or death threat) and had to ride that adrenalin wave.
As far as 95% of your stuff going out the window

I never said it went out the window, I said you only use 5%, that doesn't mean the rest is useless or it goes out the window. The other 95% is a support system for what you do use.

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