Larvae Infests Man's Head


Master of Arts
May 4, 2007
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Northeast, USA
Doctors thought that the bleeding bumps on Mr. Dallas' head might be shingles or gnat bites...until they started moving.

There is a video if you have the stomach for it (where bot fly larvae are being extracted).

The story has a sappy ending though. Mr. Dallas' wife say, "I will stay with you through your maggots." Brings a tear to my eye. :D

Lynne, thanks for posting this. I think if people knew more about what is loose in nature around the world, science fiction writers would have to work much harder to scare us.
I saw this earlier... thought to myself. Hmm, almost like that earwig urban legend, (scratches head) but how did the flies manage to bite/lay their eggs in the guy's head without him feeling any pain? (scratches head) Must've been drunk at the time. (scratches head)
From A mosquito bite in Belize and common to be found in Central and South America.
Ugh. I could barely read the post much less have the stomach for the video. I'm grossed out at the mere thought of that.
Yeah, saw something like this several years ago on the history or discovery channel or some such about a guy that survived a plane crash in the amazon and had to find his way to civilization. At some point he managed to get bitten by a certain type of fly, the fly layed eggs and when the eggs went larval they began eating him from the inside out. Nasty critters in the world, ain't it?
That happened to a friend of mine in Costa Rica, she thought it was a pimple, until the maggot came out. It isn't a mosquito that transmitted it though, even though the locals call it a "zancudo," this is a bot fly, a completely different family of insect.

Incidentally, I have found bot fly larvae that are about an inch long and a half an inch wide (things look like little footballs) on mice I have trapped in the United States. That would be the equivelent of you or I having a living medicine ball moving around under our skins. Freaked me out the first time I saw that.

Yeah, saw something like this several years ago on the history or discovery channel or some such about a guy that survived a plane crash in the amazon and had to find his way to civilization. At some point he managed to get bitten by a certain type of fly, the fly layed eggs and when the eggs went larval they began eating him from the inside out. Nasty critters in the world, ain't it?

I saw this to and have the same thoughts as you! Nasty critters!
****ing lovely isn't it? Horses get bot flies. Have to comb for them all the time. Gross.
I saw this earlier... thought to myself. Hmm, almost like that earwig urban legend, (scratches head) but how did the flies manage to bite/lay their eggs in the guy's head without him feeling any pain? (scratches head) Must've been drunk at the time. (scratches head)
He was scratching his head a lot, like yourself :D

That's the wrong video for the lovely extractions - sorry about that, folks.
There are heaps of bot fly clips on youtube. They certainly are disgusting

Probably the yuckiest bug in the world... except for that species that likes to put similar eggs in the fleshy walls of your nostrils.
It is a close relative to the bot fly that likes to put larvae up the noses of reindeer. However i don`t think this species attack humans.
So that's why Santa Claus has a long white beard...

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