Larry Tatum Videos


Purple Belt
Mar 24, 2003
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
I am looking for a set of "When Kenpo Strikes" I am hoping to find someone with a slightly used set to purchase, I really don't want to spend $700 unless I absolutely have to.

What curriculum do these tapes follow? They sell them at the BKKU website (I assume they're PAL copies) but it only says 'Green Belt' '3rd Brown Belt' etc., no details as to what's on each tape.

I was thinking about getting one (although at £22 each they're about twice the price I'd like to pay!) but with my syllabus being different to most people's I could do with knowing what's on each tape, so I could get one with some of my techniques on.


Originally posted by phlaw
I am looking for a set of "When Kenpo Strikes" I am hoping to find someone with a slightly used set to purchase, I really don't want to spend $700 unless I absolutely have to.


Damn, seems everyone wants to keep their set intact, I find that odd for some reason, and this is the second time you've put it up. Thanks for the suffort. Wished I had one to sell you cheap bro but I want to keep mine too LOL.

Have a great Kenpo day

Originally posted by phlaw
I am looking for a set of "When Kenpo Strikes" I am hoping to find someone with a slightly used set to purchase, I really don't want to spend $700 unless I absolutely have to.


I have nearly the whole set and they, along with Larry Tatum's self defense tapes, are my favorite MA instruction videos. You can always try Ebay. I saw a set of them there last month