Kug Maky Ung Ryu Ninjitsu

For the record.

Emo is a troll. He deserves no respect.

Point: His "system" is only being discussed here. I don't find it on any other site. At least, Google doesn't. All listings, point right back here.

Point: He's purposefully poking buttons of people in ways he know will rile them up. He's experienced at this stuff.

Point: He keeps coming back, when any serious person would have left the party a hundred posts back.

Point: He's interjected his "Krap Maki" stuff into a dozen other threads, spreading the disruption.

Point: His video protected his identity quite well. Then again, it's all still shots. Who's to say there isn't extensive Photoshoping inolved as well?

Point: It's highly unlikely that any serious former US soldier would pick as an alias a Mexican dictator.

Point: He cites footage from a well know cuddler collective with a reputation for having issues with traditional arts, and who use many of the same arguments as Emo. However, despite fitting in perfectly there, there is no mention of his "art" in the public sections of that site. I would hazard a guess that he is a staff member or in the "cool clique" there and this is yet another "invasion" that those children do from time to time to aleviate their bordom and delusions of adequacy.

I'm willing to guess that Emo's IP addresses are all over the place, that he's using a "throw away" email like Hotmail or Yahoo, and that if he's asked to present a real ID, we'll never hear from him again.

Like I said, Trolls deserve no respect. What they deserve is my size 12 boot stuck about inches up thier ***, and a serious beat down with whatever blunt objects are available.

And if, by some miracle, Emo's real, then he's a clueless putz, and in my opinion must have been manning a desk because I can't see how anyone this stupid would have survived first contact with the enemy, unless he was attacking burka babes, and even then I have my doubts.

Not mad, just love kicking turds.

I get that you don't like emilio, and I'm with you when you say you hate those kind of insulting videos posted by people who have no knowledge of what they are doing.

But even if emilio is a troll, and I'm not necessarily saying he is, as martial artists we should hold ourselves to a higher satndard of conduct. What emilio does with his life has absolutely no bearing on the rest of us, especially if he never decides to go public.

He's not bashing you directly, so I don't understand why you seem to be taking his ides so personal. If he bothers you, don't talk to him.
Honor works for Samurai and Knights, Officers and Gentlemen. I'm none of those.

I don't take it personally. I'm just pointing out his failings and clarifying why I believe him to be a troll, and not a legitimate poster. The shots are just some icing because I was feeling generous this morning. In any event, I see this site as one for serious martial artists, not one for overgrown children larping their gradeschool fantasies.

Apologies to the real people who think I'm being too harsh here, and the staff going prematurely gray because I'm well, me.
I will unequivocally state that I am not "trolling" this fine board. The MAs are a true love of mine and discussing them brings me great joy.

To those who say I could not make a basic technique work because osoto wasn't working for me; I think perhaps you fail to understand that I meant that I was not having luck pulling it off in competition against other skilled grapplers.There exists a huge difference between making something work on someone just standing there or someone who knows nothing about grappling, versus executing against another skilled opponent.

The rest of the attacks against me on this last page have been so typical of certain mentalities, that I feel no need to address them. My way is before me and I intend to perfect it. Those who have retained their center, I honor you and wish you well on your martial journey.
To those who say I could not make a basic technique work because osoto wasn't working for me; I think perhaps you fail to understand that I meant that I was not having luck pulling it off in competition against other skilled grapplers.There exists a huge difference between making something work on someone just standing there or someone who knows nothing about grappling, versus executing against another skilled opponent.
Yea because a skilled Judoka knows what you are doing so when you try Osoto he moves in a certain direction letting you apply a different technique. I mean you should have been training Osoto in your randori before going off in competition.

Just a point on how strong Osoto is. It was Kimura's favorite move and he used it on Helio Gracie among others who have felt it. Alot of Judoka use this move. I think Don Draeger met Kimura* and felt his Osoto and in the dojo many of the Judoka said before randori "no Osoto"
Well my whole point was that I modified osoto in the way in which I did to make it work better for me, so I ended up with a left sided osoto from a one hand on, right sided grip, it was very explosive and once I cleared with my left arm the throw was happening no matter what , often becoming a sacrifice type throw cause my momentum was so strong.

Your point about Kimura proves only that great grapplers develop favored techniques, usually the ones they find they can pull off most during actual randori. For each grappler they are usually different,and often slight, personal modifications are present.
Well my whole point was that I modified osoto in the way in which I did to make it work better for me, so I ended up with a left sided osoto from a one hand on, right sided grip, it was very explosive and once I cleared with my left arm the throw was happening no matter what , often becoming a sacrifice type throw cause my momentum was so strong.
Ah ok nothing wrong with Henka(variation) in randori I thought you meant you could not pull Osoto when learning the actual technique.

Your point about Kimura proves only that great grapplers develop favored techniques, usually the ones they find they can pull off most during actual randori. For each grappler they are usually different,and often slight, personal modifications are present.

I have no idea how much Kimura modified his Osoto his technique is clearly Osoto gari. But yes I agree Judoka will favor cetain techniques they are famous for.
Well my whole point was that I modified osoto in the way in which I did to make it work better for me, so I ended up with a left sided osoto from a one hand on, right sided grip, it was very explosive and once I cleared with my left arm the throw was happening no matter what , often becoming a sacrifice type throw cause my momentum was so strong.

Your point about Kimura proves only that great grapplers develop favored techniques, usually the ones they find they can pull off most during actual randori. For each grappler they are usually different,and often slight, personal modifications are present.

It sounds to me like you are implying the principles the technique was trying to teach you. Modifications are important and likely to happen under stressful situations, so I have no problem with what you just described.

However the more offbalance you take your opponent the less you will have to modify the technique. The four steps to performing a good technique is kazushi (taking your enemy off balance both metally and physically) irimi (entering into their space) tsukuri (being skin tight and locking them up making it impossible to fight back with injurying themselves) and kake (execution of technique).

the more you practice these things the less reliant you have to be on muscle and speed. When practicing in randori conditions you can see where you need to improve on these steps. Everyone focuses on doing the technique (kake) but very few focus on kazushi which is were most problems during stressful training and real fights occur.
Seriously? This thread is 14 pages long?

C'mon fellas, let the guy do whatever he does at home with his kids and move on to better topics.

Troll or not, he sure has called alot of attention here...
I just want to know when this class will be available via dvd or online courses.
I think I figured out why we haven't see any training video (or think we haven't). Our good friend emilio is such a martial savant that he has distilled needlessly complex martial arts down to one effective response to any possible scenario:

Bad guy throws a punch
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a knife
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a gun
Flip a tractor tire on them

Several bad guys attack you
Flip several tractor tires on them

It all makes sense now.
I think I figured out why we haven't see any training video (or think we haven't). Our good friend emilio is such a martial savant that he has distilled needlessly complex martial arts down to one effective response to any possible scenario:

Bad guy throws a punch
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a knife
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a gun
Flip a tractor tire on them

Several bad guys attack you
Flip several tractor tires on them

It all makes sense now.

It works on the Hobos in Kingdom of Loathing.
I think I figured out why we haven't see any training video (or think we haven't). Our good friend emilio is such a martial savant that he has distilled needlessly complex martial arts down to one effective response to any possible scenario:

Bad guy throws a punch
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a knife
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a gun
Flip a tractor tire on them

Several bad guys attack you
Flip several tractor tires on them

It all makes sense now.

Man, I'm going to need bigger pockets to carry all those tractor tires
I think I figured out why we haven't see any training video (or think we haven't). Our good friend emilio is such a martial savant that he has distilled needlessly complex martial arts down to one effective response to any possible scenario:

Bad guy throws a punch
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a knife
Flip a tractor tire on them

Bad guy pulls a gun
Flip a tractor tire on them

Several bad guys attack you
Flip several tractor tires on them

It all makes sense now.

I have to say this is, despite the ridicule it bestows upon me, brilliant in it's humorous attributes.
If the bad guy pulls a gun, it is better to THROW the tire, with explosive power, rather than flip it. This is a subset in KMU called "Tirekenjutsu", a highly advanced form of Shurikenjutsu, requiring much taiso preparation.
Ok, now that's funny.
Anyway, who the hell's dumb enough to mess with someone rolling a fricken truck tire? And it's street legal! No way any cop can say you're carrying a concealed weapon! :rofl:
I throw my special titanium spork and with ninja precision, pierce the eye causing shock, tremor and ultimately demise. While they're blinded, I run up to them with my Boots of Extreme Speed and Agility, pry the gun from their hands and shoot them in the foot with it.

Oh, and then I dodge the tire someone chucked.

What if I don't have a truck tire? What if the only thing I have is a spare tire with love handles? WHat is this poor TKD-ninja supposed to do?? :(

What if I don't have a truck tire? What if the only thing I have is a spare tire with love handles? WHat is this poor TKD-ninja supposed to do?? :(

You should ALWAYS carry an inflatable collapsable truck tire and a hand pump in your ninja pack (along with your Ninja lunch box) for emergencies like this. Failing that, assume Truck Tire Stance and flip yourself at him of course.