Knee Brace Recommendation?


White Belt
Mar 21, 2018
Reaction score
Owensboro, Kentucky, USA
I had ACL reconstruction 5 months ago, so I'm not currently training karate. When I do go back, is there a knee brace that anyone recommends to help protect the graft that works well with karate?

A guy at my club has just had key hole surgery on his knee
He's been off now for 5 months.
The doctor tld him to go back but avoid kicks until you build the strength back in the knee with exercise.
I had a bad experience with a knee brace...

My knees weren't great in my first year, so I got a brace (neoprene type material, velcro fastening at the front) which worked well for a while.

I wore it sparring one night, and as I was lifting for a turning kick my opponent came in, pushing my foot toward my ****...

The brace acted like a leverage point and really stressed my knee.

For the next 3 or 4 weeks I had difficulty supporting myself on that leg if my knee was even slightly bent (with or without the brace) and since then wearing one makes my knee ache - oddly (maybe) my knee is now far better than it was before.

Not an opinion completely against braces, more of a cautionary tale to look after yourself ;)
Yeah, I know I probably won't really need a brace if I keep up the strengthening exercises the physical therapist has given me, but I think it will give me a boost of confidence in that knee. I've already tried going to a class last week, but I was just worrying about my knee the whole time, so I haven't gone back. I know its definitely more mental than physical at this point.
Yeah, I know I probably won't really need a brace if I keep up the strengthening exercises the physical therapist has given me, but I think it will give me a boost of confidence in that knee. I've already tried going to a class last week, but I was just worrying about my knee the whole time, so I haven't gone back. I know its definitely more mental than physical at this point.

I've known football players coming back from ACL and thats what they say.....its just hard to start trusting that your knee is going to hold up. Just takes time and you getting out there and slowly proving it to yourself.

Note: and thats real football....not soccer, to you non-americans. :p
Note: and thats real football....not soccer, to you non-americans. :p

Oh, you mean that football where you don't actually use your feet much?

AKA, rugby with padding and helmets :D
Here's the thing...
The knee is one of the more complicated, weaker, and most heavily stressed joints in the human body.
Not having access to your imaging, surgical records, etc, makes it pretty much impossible to make a reasonable recommendation.
You need to see an orthopod, specifically one who specializes in sports medicine and follow their recommendations.
I’ve never had anyone use it for karate, but the best ACL braces I’ve had people use is a DonJoy ACL brace. Honestly, everything else I’ve seen used was problematic. They require custom fitting by a tech and are custom made. Insurance usually covers them with a script from an orthopedist.

Experience - Div 1 athletic trainer for 15 years, lower level college and high school for about 5. I’ve had quite a few athletes with ACL ruptures, either while they were playing where I worked or had surgery shortly before coming in. I’m not the biggest fan of bracing, but if you need it, DonJoy. I’ve put football, basketball, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, and tennis players in them. Probably a few others too. Not that DonJoy’s brace is perfect, but everything else I’ve seen has been very problematic - not fitting right, falling apart, too fragile, etc. DonJoy’s brace is pretty simple and effective. They guarantee they’ll pay for surgery (after some fine print) if you re-tear while wearing their brace.

Sorry for the DonJoy ad. I don’t have any financial connection. When something works, it just works. If you’ve had a routine ACL reconstruction without any other issues and are progressing normally, it should be fine. If there’s other factors at play, it might not be the right brace.
Div 1 athletic trainer for 15 years, lower level college and high school for about 5.

My son is interested in becoming an athletic trainer. That’s of course if the NBA point guard or MLB 2nd baseman doesn’t work out for him...;)
Here's the thing...
The knee is one of the more complicated, weaker, and most heavily stressed joints in the human body.
Not having access to your imaging, surgical records, etc, makes it pretty much impossible to make a reasonable recommendation.
You need to see an orthopod, specifically one who specializes in sports medicine and follow their recommendations.

My orthopedic surgeon is a sports med specialist. I plan on doing a follow-up with him before I return to training to see if he has any recommendations, but he's never mentioned it before, so I don't think he's a big believer in bracing either. I was just wondering if anyone here had any experience with this and liked any certain type of brace or support.
I had ACL reconstruction 5 months ago, so I'm not currently training karate. When I do go back, is there a knee brace that anyone recommends to help protect the graft that works well with karate?


LittleChick, if I may ask, how did you hurt your knee?
LittleChick, if I may ask, how did you hurt your knee?
I wish I had a cool story for that, but it was really just a careless mistake. We were running a drill in which we were paired up. I was doing step side-kicks down the floor while my partner held on to my belt to give resistance. I did my left leg fine, but when we switched to the right leg, I just kind of threw the kick without getting down in my stance. Since the guy had a firm grip on my belt, I basically bounced back over my left leg, and that's when I heard and felt the pop and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground.
I wish I had a cool story for that, but it was really just a careless mistake. We were running a drill in which we were paired up. I was doing step side-kicks down the floor while my partner held on to my belt to give resistance. I did my left leg fine, but when we switched to the right leg, I just kind of threw the kick without getting down in my stance. Since the guy had a firm grip on my belt, I basically bounced back over my left leg, and that's when I heard and felt the pop and the next thing I knew, I was on the ground.

Nah, there ain't any cool stories about this kind of thing, not even if you were fighting pirates. Well, maybe pirates. :)

I've been through the ACL thing before. I feel your pain, sistah'.
I worked in a good Physical Therapy unit for several years, one that specialized in sports medicine, there's a preventive exercise, a really simple one, that's designed for women, women of all ages. [Women's hip structure being different than that of men.] To prevent it from happening again in either knee.

If you want, I'll PM you.
Nah, there ain't any cool stories about this kind of thing, not even if you were fighting pirates. Well, maybe pirates. :)

I've been through the ACL thing before. I feel your pain, sistah'.
I worked in a good Physical Therapy unit for several years, one that specialized in sports medicine, there's a preventive exercise, a really simple one, that's designed for women, women of all ages. [Women's hip structure being different than that of men.] To prevent it from happening again in either knee.

If you want, I'll PM you.
Thanks! That would be great!
simple one, that's designed for women, women of all ages. [Women's hip structure being different than that of men.] To prevent it from happening again in either knee

Can't you share it publicly?

I know a couple of women who could possibly benefit...
Can't you share it publicly?

I know a couple of women who could possibly benefit...

Yes, of course. The only reason I didn't was, you know how we all are on forums. Folks start coming up with alternate ways - which are all well and good in Martial Arts as there are so many ways to do so many things - but not always so well and good in other areas. I didn't want to do a disservice to LittleChick.

I'm leaving for work now, I'll get back to it, though.
Yes, of course. The only reason I didn't was, you know how we all are on forums. Folks start coming up with alternate ways - which are all well and good in Martial Arts as there are so many ways to do so many things - but not always so well and good in other areas. I didn't want to do a disservice to LittleChick.

I'm leaving for work now, I'll get back to it, though.

Yeah, fair enough.

PM me instead if you'd prefer to avoid the inevitable tears and recriminations ;)