Kids Fire Safety around Christmas time


Black Belt
Feb 27, 2002
Reaction score
Plymouth, MA
In addition to teaching Kenpo, I am a full time Paramedic. Myself and others across the United States that do this type of work see things on a daily basis that most ordinary people just couldn't fathom. As such, we sometimes find ourselves in the middle of family crisis. One such instance happened recently. A young girl accidentally set fire to her bed and thus set her entire home ablaze. This little girl was distraught with grief. She was well aware of the gravity of her situation saying "I have no place to live" and repeatedly apologizing to her dad who had run back into the building to get her and her mother out. I am not writing this to pull on your heart strings, although it may. I am asking that during this time of festivities that you take extra care in educating your children about fire safety. Dry Christmas trees and less than humid conditions in the many areas of the country can lead to disaster. For more information on Fire Safety Education for Kids, please go to:

Have a safe & wonderful Christmas!
In addition to teaching Kenpo, I am a full time Paramedic. Myself and others across the United States that do this type of work see things on a daily basis that most ordinary people just couldn't fathom. As such, we sometimes find ourselves in the middle of family crisis. One such instance happened recently. A young girl accidentally set fire to her bed and thus set her entire home ablaze. This little girl was distraught with grief. She was well aware of the gravity of her situation saying "I have no place to live" and repeatedly apologizing to her dad who had run back into the building to get her and her mother out. I am not writing this to pull on your heart strings, although it may. I am asking that during this time of festivities that you take extra care in educating your children about fire safety. Dry Christmas trees and less than humid conditions in the many areas of the country can lead to disaster. For more information on Fire Safety Education for Kids, please go to:

Have a safe & wonderful Christmas!

Great post...