Kenpo in the future ???


Kenpo viking

I wonder what shape Ed Parker kenpo is going to take in the future. Will other systems blend in. Mayby there will only be one art in the future it all blends together. Or will it become a traditional art. Which we know that Mr Parker didn't want it to be???

Food for thoughts

Ingmar Johansson
Ed Parker's Kenpo Sweden

:asian: :viking2: :viking3:
So when can we start adding and deleting things. With out being afraid people say you are not doing Ed Parker's kenpo. Or as we always hear. THATS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT.

Ingmar johansson
Ed Parker's kenpo sweden

:iws: :viking2: :viking3: :viking1:
I don't know what the Kenpo of the future will be, but I do believe that it is our responsibility to constantly make sure Ed Parker Kenpo is constantly evolving and not traditionalized. :cheers: :drinkbeer
Originally posted by Kenpo viking

So when can we start adding and deleting things. With out being afraid people say you are not doing Ed Parker's kenpo. Or as we always hear. THATS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT.

Ingmar johansson
Ed Parker's kenpo sweden

:iws: :viking2: :viking3: :viking1:

All's I can say to that is ........ You never heard me say that (THATS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT),
Did you.

You can do it any way you want to. I'm not stopping you. Hee hee

You are right I have not heard you say that but so many other high ranking instructors had said that. And that is a pitty.
And thank you for being so open minded. And leting us create and play.


Ingmar Johansson
Ed Parkers Kenpo Sweden

:asian: :viking3: :viking2:
Kenpo was meant to be versitle......... Mr. Parker had numerous ways to do the same thing. I don't understand (well, yes I do) why some don't get it. We have yet another topic to discuss while we drift through the fieords! LOL

:asian: :wavey:
If it ain't evolving, is it actually going anywhere at all? Respectfully, _(_)_ Tune
When are we gonna work on that one arm Kenpo that was discussed last year at Jeff Blay's camp. The idea of being ablw to whup someone's but and still not spill my beer is appealling.
I refuse to implicate a friend...... but it wasn't water he was drinking at Solid Gold.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

I thought he was on the wagon!:mad:

They just make the sides of the wagons too darn short. way to easy to fall off. But if you have had enough to drink you won;t even notice when you hit the ground.
By the way folks; the real Self Defense Science Of Dragon Kenpo will make it's first appearence on a university campus this fall at Reverand Jerry Fawell's Liberty University at 1971 University Blvd. in Lynchburg Virginia 24502. The Dragon Kenpo Karate class will be offered as credit in the Health Sciences and Kinesiology department. The instructor will be Professor James E. Schoffstall, 3rd Dan Dragon Kenpo: For more information call (434) 582-2882 or go to Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!