kenpo history

I also like the graphic. Good job!

I would note the spelling change with Mr. Parker's renaming of the art to KENPO, as distinguished from Kempo.

Also, Mr. Parker has, and always will be the Father of American Karate. I am not sure where the "Grandfather" came from. Will he someday be the Great Grandfather? I need a little clarification on this.

Thanks & my comments in no way are meant to discourage your good effort and work!

As I understand it, John McSweeney arrived in Dublin in 1962. When left Dublin about 1965-66, he returned to the states. As far as I know, John McSweeney never went to England. I found this at

Kenpo Karate arrived in the U.K. in 1966, when an Irish student, who had studied the art of Kenpo in Dublin under Grand Master Ed Parker, Mr. Tom McSweeney, settled in Swindon in 1966. Together with Mr. Peter Presswell, Mr. Martin Sleeman and Mr. Phil Haggerty, they formed the first U.K. Kenpo club. Mr. Haggerty moved to Landrake, in Cornwall and set up another Kenpo club which attracted Master B. Rose, (10th degree black belt), who trained under Mr. Haggerty as a pupil. Due to ill health, Mr. Haggerty was forced to retire from teaching Kenpo.

Master Rose took over the club and taught professionally from 1977. Master Rose travelled to America, where he trained with Grand Master Ed Parker, and upon his return to England, formed the B.K.K.U., (british kenpo karate union). Mr. B. Walsh started his training in 1976, having studied various other Martial Arts. After over 10 years was awarded his 1st Degree Black Belt by Master B. Rose. Mr. Walsh is now a 5th Degree Black Belt. Mr. Finlayson's Kenpo training started in 1982, and again after 10 years, in 1992, was awarded his 1st Degree Black Belt by Master B. Rose. Mr. Finlayson was awarded his 4th Degree Black Belt in October 2000 and has been teaching students since 1987. In 1998, Mr. Walsh and Mr. Finlayson set up the A.K.K.C.,uk, (american kenpo karate connection, uk). This system recognises ALL the variations and styles of KENPO. Through attending different seminars hosted by some of the worlds top Kenpo Masters, such as:

Now according to this, a person by the name of Tom McSweeney established Kenpo in 1966. And studied Kenpo under Ed Parker in Dublin?!? Now the only person he could have studied Kenpo from in Dublin was John McSweeney. I've never heard of the person. I am more than a little confused and suspicious.

Now if you want to know more about John McSweeney, I wrote a Tribute about him for a Memorial Service in Chicago. Click here to see it.

Anyway, nice site. Keep up the good work!!:)
Originally posted by Zoran

As I understand it, John McSweeney arrived in Dublin in 1962. When left Dublin about 1965-66, he returned to the states. As far as I know, John McSweeney never went to England. I found this at

See, it's messed up isn't it!?

That particular bit was researched from the BKKU site here:

I think that I just misread it, I'll change it....

There, it's done, I think it makes sense now. It doesn't help when some sites burgle text from other sites and then rip names out! That text on mine wasn't burgled, i typed the lot out yesterday, although I used a few books and things as references.

Also changed 'Grandfather' to 'Father'.

Just when I was gonna suggest some modifications, you run ahead of me and change them.... well, Now I have to go back and adjust my list.

One real problem here is that when you trust the written word of individuals or groups you tend to get a different perspective sometimes..... some people seem to forget about certain things or dates and re-write history as it were....

Well we can't change people I guess....

I'll be back ......

I found this article on Master Rose.
I would note the spelling change with Mr. Parker's renaming of the art to KENPO, as distinguished from Kempo.

Hi Mr. Billings,

Are you saying Mr. Parker was the one who changed the usual spelling of kempo to kenpo? If so, I disagree with you. That switch is generally credited to Chow, and Emperado placed it in the name of Kajukenbo (KEN for kenpo) well before Mr. Parker started studying kenpo.

I did notice in the Japan to Hawaii section :

He returned to Hawaii 15 years later in 1937, after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbour, and decided to open up a Kosho Ryu Kempo Karate school on the island. Pivotally, this was the first kenpo karate school to be opened up outside of the Orient.

That doesn't read correctly as Pearl Harbor (correct American spelling :D ) was attacked in 1941.
