katas that go with music. Love them or hate them?


Green Belt
You know those katas where the practitioner tries to move to the beat of the song. Do you like or hate those? I honestly don't like them at all.....doesn;t look cool or anything to me. Just my opinion. What's yours?
I just... words fail me...

if you want to do a routine to music, try gymnastics. People rarely attack on beat in a rhythm.
background music while you are training is one thing, but matching a kata with music? gotta hate it with a passion.
I friggin' hate "creative" divisions, especially when the whole dang gym is stuck listening to it. Ever try judging a Sanchin kata when some joker has his techno/rap blasting in your ear. It really doesn't work.

Sam said:
I just... words fail me...

if you want to do a routine to music, try gymnastics. People rarely attack on beat in a rhythm.

Words failed me too when I witnessed kata being performed to East Indian music. I was dumbfounded by what I was witnessing.
Depends on the situation. Keep in mind, that I'm much more of a traditionalist, so my viewpoint will be rather biased. :)

We've all probably gotten a good chuckle out of watching ESPN2, where people are doing all sorts of spinning, jumping, twirling moves to the theme from "Mortal Kombat" or some other peppy song. I get even more of a laugh when seeing people using weapons that have built-in LED's... Really, though, if a kata has that many jumps, spins, and yells, or if I see someone doing a sword kata with jumping and spinning kicks, then I tend to crinkle my nose a bit.

However, I've seen traditional kata (Kanku Dai) performed to Asian music, namely the theme from "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." The group of 4 performing it, were all well trained, each performed the kata facing a different direction. During some times, two were proceeding while the other two were waiting, and at other times, they would perform synchronously. Near the end, they were all facing each other, towards the center, and it was a very nice display, and had none of the stench that normally eminates from the flashy folks' stuff.

I'm a firm believer that kata is best done without background music, distractions, etc., but will be the first to admit that I can appreciate the music when the kata is executed well, and when things are well-planned. Oh yeah, and none of the techno-pop, whizz bang music, either...
I Don't like them. I hate the commercialising of the arts. Some are very impressive to watch though.
MMAfighter said:
LOL i just saw a video on the whole class doing a kata going with 'eye of the tiger' hahaha man it was stupid

please please please please put the link up, this could well make my year!

(btw i HATE kata to music)
I'm going to have to go against the trend here. I enjoy watching these kata's/patterns/whatever you want to call them. Keeping in mind though, I feel they have a time and place. Tournaments that put them on a separate day, or before or after all divisions. I don't see a place for them in the dojang, train for them on your own time. They take skill, and perserverance- qualities I believe are good to have.
So i guess i'm torn. I do not in any way consider them true to martial arts- But I do like to watch them.
p.s. It could be my age too..17..I like music, and high speed, even though myeself I compete in traditional Korean and love the slow intensity and concentration required!
O my..I just watched the musical Kata group pattern..its not like any i've seen before. I can see why there may be distaste...
I rarely like them. Putting music on to train by can help the brain train, but ... gawrsh I really HATE watching forms and demos done to music.

OK, as a trained musician I'm a bit sensitive, but someone trying to do kata to music is like someone trying to sing off-key. It's HORRIBLE, doesn't reflect the feel of the music, and doesn't show any respect to the music. Make it stop.......