Just want to brag a little

Ya did a good job Kreusel, and we were happy to black ya. Now it's time to get to work sharpening up all the little things, so that when you earn your stripe, you're even better than you were on saturday.


If you can and you are willing, perhaps you could share with us how your black belt exam went. There are several of us interested....

- Ceicei
Ceicei said:
If you can and you are willing, perhaps you could share with us how your black belt exam went. There are several of us interested....

- Ceicei
No problem, We started off with a written test, which was more conceptual/abstract oriented. An example of one of the questions would be "Where do you think kenpo will be in 10 years and how can you train to contribute to that evolution?"

After that, we worked a lot of basics; blocks, strikes, kicks, etc. these were done "in the air," on the bags, and on shields. Included in this phase we did a lot of physical-fitness stuff: push-ups, crunches, squat-thrusts, breakfalls, etc.
From there we moved on to sparring, working some different combos and drills, and then sparring both point-style and continuous with varying levels of contact (from "touch" to "I'm seeing stars after that one" :D).
We then went on to some scenario-based/adrenal-stress/spontanaety drills.
After that, it was techniques from yellow through black in the air and on the body. During this phase of the test, we were also being "quizzed" on basics, concepts, and theories from the various lists.
Once we were done with techniques, we did sets and forms.
After that we did some multiple-attacker stuff and some grappling/groundfighting.

There may have been more in there somewhere, it was kind of a blur :D
kenpotex said:
No problem, We started off with a written test, which was more conceptual/abstract oriented. An example of one of the questions would be "Where do you think kenpo will be in 10 years and how can you train to contribute to that evolution?"

After that, we worked a lot of basics; blocks, strikes, kicks, etc. these were done "in the air," on the bags, and on shields. Included in this phase we did a lot of physical-fitness stuff: push-ups, crunches, squat-thrusts, breakfalls, etc.
From there we moved on to sparring, working some different combos and drills, and then sparring both point-style and continuous with varying levels of contact (from "touch" to "I'm seeing stars after that one" :D).
We then went on to some scenario-based/adrenal-stress/spontanaety drills.
After that, it was techniques from yellow through black in the air and on the body. During this phase of the test, we were also being "quizzed" on basics, concepts, and theories from the various lists.
Once we were done with techniques, we did sets and forms.
After that we did some multiple-attacker stuff and some grappling/groundfighting.

There may have been more in there somewhere, it was kind of a blur :D
Sounds to me like you could do with a rest now then...

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