JRE - Striking and BJJ

Anyway I'm out of here. Hanzou you keep it up with your closed minded attitude about anything that's not grappling
I'll tell you what's better having your legs free to kick them away and then stand up and escape which is what you should be doing if your attacked not playing around holding them in place. You should be doing everything to escape and if your holding someone in guard you have no chance

You're going to be trying to kick people away and trying to stand up while 2 people are standing over you (or one is on top of you) socking and kicking you in the face and head? Are you serious?

Edit: You don't "hold" someone in the guard. You break their posture and either choke, sweep, or whatever you need to do. Once you're done with assailant on top of you, you can then deal with the boot kicker.
a right cross to the jaw, who your punching has little bearing, leaving a side some freaks most people will fall over if you hit them hard. Even if they dont their brains and ballance are scrambled, so the next one knocks them over. Or you kick their legs away whilst they are tottering,

There are lots of people on you tube getting knocked over as well, you tube isnt actually a source of statical infomation. And we are talking abiyt being hit by a trained fighter not some drunks letting go in a kebab shop.

Ive hit lots of people and never broken my hand, perhaps i dont punch hard enough, but they still fall over,
Exactly even if a punch doesn't drop someone its going to have some effect if it just makes them stop for a second that second can be all you need to escape. E.g you hit the nose and break it even if their not hurt from the punch their eyes will be watering and they'll be tasting their own blood and since most attackers are cowards who pick on people they think are weak they won't like it and won't be expecting it
You're going to be trying to kick people away and trying to stand up while 2 people are standing over you (or one is on top of you) socking and kicking you in the face and head? Are you serious?

It's 2 on 1 now is it?

Fine - I'll bait you into a DLT while my friend restomps your groin.
You're going to be trying to kick people away and trying to stand up while 2 people are standing over you (or one is on top of you) socking and kicking you in the face and head? Are you serious?
Yes by moving back kicking at them so they haven't got a chance to get on me then when I get distance stand up. If they are on me I'm going to be hitting them elbowing them, biting them, scratching them, shoving my fingers in their eyes to move them away, is it guaranteed to work? No of course not but it's a much better option than playing leg locks or guard.

And before you say it yes I have trained it. It's a stress drill we do where multiple people are trying to get to you when your on your back and your job is to get up quick. We're fully padded up so we can actually and yeah I took a few shots doing this I even got a cut lip and a few bruises but I managed to get up doing it
biting them, scratching them, shoving my fingers in their eyes to move them away

I think those are illegal moves in MMA, so obviously they don't count.

They can't count, there's no video of an MMA fight where those tactics are used, so they must be low percentage...
Frankly this is the last I'm going to say. Yes bjj and wrestling CAN be useful to some extent in self defence but there's a HUGE amount of holes in the grappling game for self defence. Holes that need to be filled by knowing how to strike. I've been doing bjj for over a year and the way I roll is absolutely not the way I'd defend myself on the floor not in a millions. In fact there's very few things that I've learnt in bjj that I'd ever attempt in a real situation. I enjoy bjj for what it is. A sport, a workout, a social activity and fighting wise it's good for pressure testing, problem and staying calm in a bad position. That's all I've got to say
I think those are illegal moves in MMA, so obviously they don't count.

They can't count, there's no video of an MMA fight where those tactics are used, so they must be low percentage...
Ah yeah my bad the street referee would have to take a point...and if I did again he'd have to dq me and then I'd have to stop fighting these people attacker and I'd be sent home before I got to finish my fight.....that wouldn't be very good
You're going to be trying to kick people away and trying to stand up while 2 people are standing over you (or one is on top of you) socking and kicking you in the face and head? Are you serious?

Edit: You don't "hold" someone in the guard. You break their posture and either choke, sweep, or whatever you need to do. Once you're done with assailant on top of you, you can then deal with the boot kicker.
But that briNgs up bjj kryptonite, TWO people,,, oooo
Yes by moving back kicking at them so they haven't got a chance to get on me then when I get distance stand up. If they are on me I'm going to be hitting them elbowing them, biting them, scratching them, shoving my fingers in their eyes to move them away, is it guaranteed to work? No of course not but it's a much better option than playing leg locks or guard.

Kicking, scratching, punching, and elbowing while on your back with a guy on top of you socking you in the face, and another guy kicking you in the head.


And before you say it yes I have trained it.

I'm sure you have.
But that briNgs up bjj kryptonite, TWO people,,, oooo

Frankly if you're in that dire situation Bjj is probably your best bet of getting out of that situation with the least damage done to your body.
Kicking, scratching, punching, and elbowing while on your back with a guy on top of you socking you in the face, and another guy kicking you in the head.


I'm sure you have.
Yes, but thats rather the point, going on to the floor if your own volition, is not a wise move if yoUr out numbered,
Frankly if you're in that dire situation Bjj is probably your best bet of getting out of that situation with the least damage done to your body.
What better than knocking one over with the first pounch and the second with the second, how is bjj better ?
Yes, but thats rather the point, going on to the floor if your own volition, is not a wise move if yoUr out numbered,

That wasn't the scenario. The scenario was that Headhunter said he would never use the guard if someone was on top of him. How he got on his back is anyone's guess, but if you're on your back and someone is on top of you, you should probably use the guard.

What better than knocking one over with the first pounch and the second with the second, how is bjj better ?

You don't want to be trading punches with someone on top of you.

How is Bjj better? Because we know stuff like "if he's on top I'll just sock him and knock him off" is nonsense.
Frankly if you're in that dire situation Bjj is probably your best bet of getting out of that situation with the least damage done to your body.
Wow....those bjj guys have really brainwashed you
That wasn't the scenario. The scenario was that Headhunter said he would never use the guard if someone was on top of him. How he got on his back is anyone's guess, but if you're on your back and someone is on top of you, you should probably use the guard.

You don't want to be trading punches with someone on top of you.
Have you been drinking, why are they on top of me, i go to great lenths not to be lay on the floor
Have you been drinking, why are they on top of me, i go to great lenths not to be lay on the floor

Perhaps you were sucker punched? Perhaps you got tackled? Perhaps someone snatched you up and slammed you onto the ground? If you're a woman, add more possible ways you can end up in that position.

You can try to avoid being in that situation, but that doesn't mean that it can't happen to you.
Kicking, scratching, punching, and elbowing while on your back with a guy on top of you socking you in the face, and another guy kicking you in the head.


I'm sure you have.
It's a much a better option than trying to grab an arm that's flailing around like crazy or using both your arms and your legs to try a leg lock which leaves you completely defenceless. I'm saying my ways going to work either. Being on the floor is a very dangerous place to be and either way your likely to take a beating but I'd much rather have the chance to actually fight back then just sit there with my legs around one guy while the others kick the hell out of me. Like the old saying goes. If I'm going out I'm going out fighting

And yes I have I really don't care if you believe me or not but I have done simple as that.
Perhaps you were sucker punched? Perhaps you got tackled? Perhaps someone snatched you up and slammed you onto the ground? If you're a woman, add more possible ways you can end up in that position.

You can try to avoid being in that situation, but that doesn't mean that it can't happen to you.
Well no, but your mo, is to choose to go to the floor, which if there are two of them is frankly stupid,

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