Japanese People are Polite???



Japanese people will never fail to tell you how law abiding and polite they are.
If thatÂ’s true I wonder who these signs are for in the Japanese subwaysÂ…Â…Â…:confused:

This one says to remember to have good manners in the subway.
Don't sit on the floor of the car, open your Newspapaer and legs as to take up 2 seats, and don't wear your backpack.


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This one says violence and sexual perversions (*** grabbing....it's a big problem here) on the trains are crimes and won't be forgiven.


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Too wild! Very interesting, and educational.
It really depends... Stereotypes just degrade society.

Maybe those signs are just a reminder? :p
Originally posted by MartialArtist
It really depends... Stereotypes just degrade society.

Maybe those signs are just a reminder? :p

Within the last 5 or 6 years crime has been at a 50 year high in Japan.
Violent crime has gone up considerably as well as sexual molestation on the trains.

Japanese that I know well will often comment how young peopleÂ’s manners have gone the way of the Dodo.
I actually agree as I have seen the level of manners decline from the time I first got here.

Stereotypes bug the living hell out of me and most foreigners that have lived here.
Some of the questions we as foreigners always get asked by Japanese are:

“Can you use chopsticks?”

“Can you eat Natto?”

Thins they always tell us that are pure crap:

“WE Japanese are polite.”
“Japanese are always on time.”
“Japanese people are shy.”
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
Within the last 5 or 6 years crime has been at a 50 year high in Japan.
Violent crime has gone up considerably as well as sexual molestation on the trains.

Japanese that I know well will often comment how young peopleÂ’s manners have gone the way of the Dodo.
I actually agree as I have seen the level of manners decline from the time I first got here.

Stereotypes bug the living hell out of me and most foreigners that have lived here.
Some of the questions we as foreigners always get asked by Japanese are:

“Can you use chopsticks?”

“Can you eat Natto?”

Thins they always tell us that are pure crap:

“WE Japanese are polite.”
“Japanese are always on time.”
“Japanese people are shy.”
Morality degrading is happening everywhere unfortunately, not just Japan.

It reminds me of a South Park episode, the Museum of Tolerance. Did you know that all Japanese were good at math? ;)
People (men) just go up to women and 'goose' them? Then just
stand there or something?
Originally posted by MartialArtist
Morality degrading is happening everywhere unfortunately, not just Japan.

It reminds me of a South Park episode, the Museum of Tolerance. Did you know that all Japanese were good at math? ;)

That reminds me of a class I had when I was a school teacher here.
The Japanese students I had claimed all foreigners were bad at math.

So I gave them the dimensions of the room and told them to figure the volume of the room.
They couldnÂ’t do it.

Having said that, my 13 year old son goes to a Japanese school and does math that most kids in the US do in their Senior year of High School.
Originally posted by Kirk
People (men) just go up to women and 'goose' them? Then just
stand there or something?

"Just goose them" nothing!
They get on those packed trains and stand behind some girl and do full bore inner panty exploration.
I have even read where some guy pulled “it” out and had a “tug” on the back of a woman’s skirt.
I'm not going to say anything about that one because I've been told about the same thing by some friends that where over in Japan for a while.
But on the polite question. I think that youth all over the wold go through a period of rebellion that seem to be verry impolite to adults. What one says with a smile can also be an insult depending on how something is worded.
"Posted by RyuShi Kan: Can you eat Natto?”

Well do you??? :p

I grew up eating it, and for me it is a treat. On the other hand, every other non-Japanese person I have tried to introduce it to has hated it.

I think it is a fair question.

Originally posted by Blindside
Well do you??? :p

I grew up eating it, and for me it is a treat. On the other hand, every other non-Japanese person I have tried to introduce it to has hated it.

I think it is a fair question.


Yes, I do. The stuff smells like road kill but is damn good for you.