japanese inspired tattoos?


White Belt
Aug 6, 2007
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just wondering if anybody has any cool japanese MA inspired tattoos. pics or descriptions?
very nice sleeve.
I agree, they are good tattoos. I have a tattoo, but it's a butterfly. I've seen some really cool martial arts/japanese tattoos though. Kanji seem to be popular in the tattoo world.
Unfortunately, there's a lot of people walking around with Chinese/Japanese writing on them that does not mean what they think it does. :uhoh:
And that's one reason I wouldn't get tattoos of foreign writing, unless I can read it myself.

I'm sure someone's running around with a tattoo he thinks says something like "courage" or "bravery"... and it really says something like "Lunch Special #1" or "I'm a big dummy!"

Or worse.
And that's one reason I wouldn't get tattoos of foreign writing, unless I can read it myself.
I have one kanji in my sleeve, but I verified it in three J-to-E dictionaries and with two people that are fluent in Japanese before including it.
I'm pretty sure there are people walking around with tatoos that say "Stupid gwailo" :)
I have one kanji in my sleeve, but I verified it in three J-to-E dictionaries and with two people that are fluent in Japanese before including it.

I have Chinese characters in one of my tattoos. I too verified it completely with several sources before having the tat done.
I have the kanji for "Empty hand" on my right forearm and "China hand" on my left. Around the left arm I also have several lotus blossums and several cherry blossums. I intend to get some Koi and water/rocks around the kanji on my right arm.

I also have a tattoo inspired by my instructor's patch on my left shoulder.
:boing2:Kanji; fire on left forearm and air on right forearm.

Got them decades ago because I couldn't find a coal brazier with dragon and tiger cut outs.
I got my back done here in Japan a few years ago. A dragon. (see avatar)
Mostly by traditional hand methods but some machine needle work in the coloring.
Took 35 hrs all up.
I love it . the wife hates it!
Since getting it done though I've come to realise how much of a bad image tattoos have in main stream Japanese society.
I cant get inro public pools, onsen or health clubs.
They are frowned upon in budo circles also.
Still no regrets on my part.
Since getting it done though I've come to realise how much of a bad image tattoos have in main stream Japanese society.
I cant get inro public pools, onsen or health clubs.
They are frowned upon in budo circles also.
Still no regrets on my part.

Well after all you are in Yakuza land.
Since getting it done though I've come to realise how much of a bad image tattoos have in main stream Japanese society.
I cant get inro public pools, onsen or health clubs.
I ran into a similar issue the last time I was in Japan. It's interesting that most Japanese have the "tattoo=Yakuza" mindset, even with gaijin. :lol:
I got my back done here in Japan a few years ago. A dragon. (see avatar)
Mostly by traditional hand methods but some machine needle work in the coloring.
Took 35 hrs all up.
I love it . the wife hates it!
Since getting it done though I've come to realise how much of a bad image tattoos have in main stream Japanese society.
I cant get inro public pools, onsen or health clubs.
They are frowned upon in budo circles also.
Still no regrets on my part.

Drag'n I like your tatoo!
Still I can imagine that in Japan there are a few headaches associated with it.