ITF World Championship Higlights

Yet another cool vid. It's interesting to compare and contrast that to typical WTF sparring. I see a similar reliance on front leg kciks used in a "jab-like" gauge distance, set up harder shots, and to stop charges. Less reliance on the heavy use of the round house kick.

Interestingly enough, I noticed the gaurds were awefulo low in the sparring...just about as low as the oft maligned WTF guards. Hands down at the wasit...aprtidcualrly at kciking range. With them getting slightly higher (bu tnot really head height) in punching range except when directly fending off head shots.

I'm guessing the reason for this is similar to the Olympic reason, low gaurd protects against body kickks better than a higher boxing-style gaurd.

Yes I would imagine so, it is nice to watch the overall techniques of fighters.
I think the thing I like most about this video is the clips of him performing patterns. No second guessing, no hesitation. Start a technique, finish it, move on to the next. Just comething about it that I can get tired of watching.