Is Your Sensi A Midget

My Aikido instructor is 5'11'' to 6'1''. somewhere in there. Ninjutsu instructor....about 5'9". grapples like an anaconda. so, so strong. He has some physical strength, but his internal strength (body motion, tehcnique, etc) is outstanding. same with Aikido instructor come to think about it. of course, my Aikido teacher is a 36 year veteran of one art. its expected.
ThatWasAKick said:
Mine is 5'10" but he looks like a giant because I'm 5' 0" and under 100 pounds.

Hey, I should change my sig to "I fight giants."
Hmmm. Maybe not. I feel more like running than fighting when we meet in the ring.

*Note to DUBLJ... out of something to consider in the future when I begin to cross-train what area of Sac is your Sifu located?

Mr. Liles is located on Fruitridge Rd. It is rather difficult to find as he does not advertize at all, and is very selective of the students he allows in. If you wish to know more please feel free to contact me.

I'm 5'8". My Instructor is actually big for a Korean. His exact height I don't know-he's about my height. VERY powerfully built though.
one of my teachers is artound 6 foot 2 inches and our shihan/master is pretty short probably around 5 and a half feet but i think he likes it that way, he doesnt look like he could hurt a fly but he could indeed handle some hairy situations
Josh - thanks, I've saved that information for future reference. It's always good to hear a student's perspective on their teacher. (Fruitridge is my old stomping ground - where I grew up. And people wonder why I fight. <grin> I'm an hour from there now, though.)
Don't know what Pendiri Stark's height is.... He's from the frozen north though and one of those viking-like folks so he's fairly well built. Of course his technique is such that his size is irrelevant to striking power. IIRC in my TKD days we had some wee little black belts that taught and regularly tore up other (larger) folks of similar rank because of ferocity.....daggum little shrews :EG:
ok I am getting hated on because it seemed to some people that I was making fun of there sensei's. well that was not what i intended. My instructor is really short and so was his instructor so i was just wondering.....

Sin said:
ok I am getting hated on because it seemed to some people that I was making fun of there sensei's. well that was not what i intended. My instructor is really short and so was his instructor so i was just wondering.....


thats not exactly true, skill might make more of a difference but if you have two people of identical skill, one is 6,8 275 lbbs of muscle and the second is 5, 5 with a regular build the second will likely lose everytime
How tall or small do you have to be to be called a midget?:asian:
If your sensei was a midget or a dwarf, would that make a difference to you?
Patrick Skerry said:
If your sensei was a midget or a dwarf, would that make a difference to you?
I've known both and their just shorter than other people, not better or worse.

Till recently Martial arts instructors were probably smaller than average because they were Japanese , chinese or Korean and grew up in years with less food. Now I suspect instructors run the gammut of sizes.

Frequently smaller instructors have had to learn to move precisely because of their size in order to make techniques work. They are less able to just bull their way through an opponent. So it is likely that for technical expertise smaller instructors will be statistically more likely to be a good instructor. Therefore if you get an opportunity to learn from someone of very shor stature (under 4'8" for example) watch closely and learn.

Why does it matter???

oh well.

I've had two (official) Kenpo instructors, one was 6'3" the other (current one) is 6'5".
NOT short.

I can defend myself very well against a taller man. (Guess I'm a midget at 5'10") But there's short short guy out there with my name on his Nike's.

Your Brother

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