Is Your Sensi A Midget

I guess I'm what you would call a midget. If I whipped your ***, would you still call me a midget?
I know a guy name Paul who.....ahh forget it, hed kick my @#$.
I would still call you a midgit if tyou beat me up......short guys are quick dang it....they got less to move around...unlike us taller guys
Hey so what if I'm vertically challenged. I've learned to live and cope with my handicap.
LadyDragon said:
Hey so what if I'm vertically challenged. I've learned to live and cope with my handicap.
I'm not sure it's a handicap. One of the things that impressed me about Sean Kelley when I met him is that he used his short stature as an asset and made it look like a disadvantage to be tall.

My teacher is like Yoda. Wise and amazing. He's older than he looks and acts way younger than that. He gets his aches and pains and injuries (latest one from me :uhohh::waah:) but when he has to, he can fly all over the room - it's quite amazing.

And, yes, he's a little shorter than me...but boy is he powerful!!!
Kenpodoc said:
Yeah, but a damn good one.
Hey, thanks. I have had to be more precise than most people just as you said in a previous post. I needed to rely more on accuracy and speed to get there than power. :)
On another note. I'm looking forward to this saturday's class. Hopefully if things go well I'm going to be bringing an old training partner of mine to help get the most out of the time with the best drills we can think of. He and I have already met and discussed plans and as long as he feels up to it he will be there with me. :asian:
Feisty Mouse said:
I like the term "compact, with explosive energy".

Well said. My instructor........she is about...5'4, I think. My sparring instructor is abou 6'2, and they're both awesome
There bodies need less energy then the larger guys do....that is how they are so fast and agile
Actually, jfarnsworth, it almost sounds like Sin is curious about the opposite -- why taller people don't seem to be high level masters in their arts. I can't really say that I've noticed any correlation between height and highest level attained. Looking at one of the club pictures I've got, it appears that our teacher is a little shorter than I am, by a couple of inches I guess, and I'm about 5'8". FWIW.
Hello, It size important to teach? For tall people everyone seem small. I know of a thick guy who is 5' 4'' who loves to fight tall guys and set them up for them to head kick him and he goes low and hits them in the groin or under the thigh areas, after that they never go to his head, if they can recover.

Smaller people have more speed and can move faster, less weight to carry. Larger people have mass and getting hit from them is like getting hit from a sledge hammer instead of a regular hammer.

Can you learn english , math and science from small teachers? Size of a person is not important. Size of knowledge and the way they teach is important, do you agree? ......Aloha

Today the word " Midget" may be consider a racist remark? Be carefull!
actually midgit is a correct term cause it is refering to a normal proportioned human being but they are short in stature. but anyways my karate Instructor is pretty short but he is fast as lightning and hes fifty years old. i think he's about 5'6 maybe a little shorter. then my Tang Soo Do teacher is almost 6' 0" but he rests at an easy 5' 11". cool thing for him is when is son turns about 10 they can share martial art gi's. (he's my brother and all of his brothers tower over him so we like to tease him about it.)
still learning said:
Smaller people have more speed and can move faster, less weight to carry.
Be very carefull in this assumption still learning. Mr. Liles is about 240 lbs of walking muscle and is faster than I ever dream of being. Edit: Mr. Liles also is 1000 times the martial artest I could ever be and does so with a titanium hip.
if you think of it in terms of physics his mass and speed is larger which increases his potential energy and when he blasts that punch forward, its simple the striking point is his max kenetic energy out put. Kaaabooooom!!

I'm 6'2 my sensi is maybe 5'5. But he looks much taller after he throws me to the ground with ease.
kid said:
if you think of it in terms of physics his mass and speed is larger which increases his potential energy and when he blasts that punch forward, its simple the striking point is his max kenetic energy out put. Kaaabooooom!!
Feeling is believing. I have felt it and I believe it.

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