Is Kaith a Libertarian?

I voted Libertarian in 2000. So far this year, I'm undecided.
Simple. Originally I felt the only options were:
Vote Kerry to remove Bush
Vote Bush to keep Bush
Vote any 3rd party to keep Bush.

I've now revised that to include other options based on my own research.
Have you read House of Bush House of Saud, by Craig Unger? If so, why would you even consider sticking with a dynasty that has so many conflicts of interest?
The -only- reason I can see to vote for Bush, would be to keep the military command structure together which in my opinion would be a good thing.


Because the people currently calling the shots have, despite issues with equipment, manpower, or support, managed to have record low casulties in an operation of this scale.

I can see no other reason to keep Bush.
I also can not see -ANY- reason to vote for Kerry. I honestly do not believe he has what it takes to lead this country.

As I said, I saw only 3. I now see more options, however the outcome will still be the same.
NY will vote for Kerry.
Bush will win the White House again.

If Bush wins in 04, the Dems will win in 08.
If Kerry wins 04, the Reps will regain the imperial seat in 08

Either way, "We the People" will lose, and continue to lose until we can put a 3rd party into power who will fight to give us back that which we willingly let go.

If you want to know where I stand, go read my 'Platform'.
And yes, -I- am considering running in 08.
Under the current laws, I have 0 chance of winning.
I'd be running against the multi-billion $ war machines of the 2 monopolist parties who will be more than happy to smear me all over the place. In addition, I highly doubt I'll get on the actual ballot since that procedure is as complex as our tax codes.
The financial part is the least of the headache....getting the 3,500-15,000 signatures per sate however will be.

Here is a little of the info I've found so far.

I actually see it as a 'part time' job. I mean, they claim that Bush has spent almost half his first term on vacation. Heck, that ain't too hard. ;)