Is it possible to"Americanize" TKD ?



As an inactive member of the ITF(3rd Dan), I wonder if it's possible to go that route without having to pay homage to Korea, it's language, and culture.

I enjoy TKD, and teaching, but would like to avoid the control they have over it's members, and exhorbitant testing fees that goes with it.

I understand that Jerry Beasely's organization, the AIKIA is such a group that I describe, though I know little of it.

At any rate, is it possible to do that, and still teach TKD?

I would appreciate any personal emails. My Thanks to you all.:asian:
Well since it is a "Korean"Martial Art I do not think that you can teach or learn it with out acknowledging its origin.But you can ignore those things that are offensive.I for example have stopped practicing Juche' for I find it to be a horrible example of what TKD is suppossed to be.I also believe it goes against the last 2 tenets."I shall be a champion of freedom and justice" and "I will build a more peaceful world"
I for example have stopped practicing Juche' for I find it to be a horrible example of what TKD is suppossed to be.I also believe it goes against the last 2 tenets."I shall be a champion of freedom and justice" and "I will build a more peaceful world"

Could you explain, I never had the chance to fully learn Juche so I don't understand your statement. Also, does this mean you now practice Ko-Dong? I did learn that form a long time ago and I liked alot.

It has been a long time since I studied TKD, but I see names of forms today that I don't remember from back then. Of course my old instructor was just getting his black when he instructed me and still trying to learn the forms he was teaching.
Funny he now calls himslef Grandmaster,Wonder if he finnaly learned the forms?
As for teaching what you know without paying homeage unless you need the organization for ranking just start teachng. I'm sure there must be a few groups out there that have a tkd based
system. It may just take a little time to hook up with one. With all the TKD people who havestudied and been granted rank they all can't be still loyal to Korea.
Originally posted by kickyou

Well since it is a "Korean"Martial Art I do not think that you can teach or learn it with out acknowledging its origin.But you can ignore those things that are offensive.I for example have stopped practicing Juche' for I find it to be a horrible example of what TKD is suppossed to be.I also believe it goes against the last 2 tenets."I shall be a champion of freedom and justice" and "I will build a more peaceful world"

Yes, now that you mention it, some of this is contradictory. I seem to find that Nationalism is a big issue here. While I understand that spreading the art should be free, and open to all, I also have to question the "BIG" tie in with North Korea that the General has, especially since he was in the ROK army. Now that really confuses me.:asian:
I think the reason for his relationship with the North is because the South does not want him. I could be wrong but that is all I can think of.Unless it is a power issue and the North is of Course giving him Lots of money.I am sad to say that I think the teachings that I have followed for the last 17 years are all lies.Atleast from the General's perspective but I believe that Master Choi believes in all of the teachings and has decided to live by them.That is why I am following Master Choi.He is the perfect example of the last two tenets "I shall be a champion of Freedom and Justice" And "I shall build a more peaceful world"
I agree with you, not only is it money, but long ago the South Korean govt really wanted to put thier stamp on his, and everyones elses work, and when you fight the govt, thiey have a long memory. Basically, he is in exile from his country.:asian:
Yes he is and now he is turning his back on the Country that gave him refuge.He wants to leave Canada and he wants to be buried in North Korea.It is sad how things have turned out.
Mr Castillo,

Why don't you contact and see if the new regime is more conducive to your way of thinking...?

Originally posted by Agrippa

Mr Castillo,

Why don't you contact and see if the new regime is more conducive to your way of thinking...?


Yes, have been reading about it, but he controversy sure is hot right now. I understand that the new ITF people are called "Phoney." It seems like the new one will be much more open, and agreeable to work with. Thanks for your response!:asian:
The only reason that Master Choi is being called phony is because he will not bow down to the North Korean Government.The ITF that is based in Vienna is doing everything possible to undermine what Master Choi is trying to do which is run the ITF the way it is supposed to be run.

By the way I made a phone call to my local field office for the FBI today.They confirmed that they have information on the ITF based in Vienna.When I asked them if there was an active investigation going on the man on the phone got gruff with me and said I can not relay that information to you at this time.To me his denial is indeed confirmation that there is an active investigation going on.But you can make up your own mind.
Then call your local field office for the FBI and ask them yourself.Be warned though they will ask you who you are and why do you want to know.
This is a prime example of why Government and anything else should not mix, whether it be Martial Arts, religion, education or health care. Yes they have their hands in everything and everything they try to control becomes buried in beuracry.
someone wanna fill me in on what has happened with the ITF??? also not familiar with the terms ko-dong and juche can someone explain them??? and why on earth is the FBI interested in the ITF especially the one in vienna??? assuming you mean austria.....
The reason the FBI is interested in the ITF based in Vienna is because it has been exposed that the ITF in Vienna is being run by the North Korean Government.
Originally posted by kickyou

The reason the FBI is interested in the ITF based in Vienna is because it has been exposed that the ITF in Vienna is being run by the North Korean Government.

I read in another forum that a student walked into a grading with a Korean Flag sewn onto his dobock.

Apparantly General Choi saw the patch and was not at all happy. He said that Taekwon-Do is not a product of Korea.

This in a small way contradicts a previous post. Does anyone have any further info or thoughts on this.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

This is a prime example of why Government and anything else should not mix, whether it be Martial Arts, religion, education or health care. Yes they have their hands in everything and everything they try to control becomes buried in beuracry.

You are so correct, and they should know better, as the GAO can't even keep up with it's own problems.:asian: