Is it just me, or would this be cool to do?

Yeah, that would definitely be cool. I was in Australia a few years ago and those crocs were REALLY impressive! Didn't get that close to them though.
About as cool as getting into a shark cage while a 16 foot great white circles... and I don't want to do that either.
I would'nt mind that at all ... either of them... But they now use thick acrylic glass/plastic for shark encounters too... so you're not surrounded by flimsy steel bars... I bet that has got to be surreal all by itself.

Pretty nifty idea.
I would'nt mind that at all ... either of them... But they now use thick acrylic glass/plastic for shark encounters too... so you're not surrounded by flimsy steel bars... I bet that has got to be surreal all by itself.

Pretty nifty idea.
Based on the fact that what you normally do for fun scares the crap out of a lot of people, your vote here, doesn't count. :p
Not me just my luck one of the wall will go and then so will I.
I would'nt mind that at all ... either of them... But they now use thick acrylic glass/plastic for shark encounters too... so you're not surrounded by flimsy steel bars... I bet that has got to be surreal all by itself.

Pretty nifty idea.

You know I understand what you are saying but I still am not going to do it. They tell me parachuting is safe to but I still can't find a good reason to jump out of a perfectly good airplane and I have my doubts that a Shark or a Croc are out to get me so why temp them. :D
Based on the fact that what you normally do for fun scares the crap out of a lot of people, your vote here, doesn't count. :p
Hey, just because it scares YOU doesn't mean it scares everybody. Besides been doing it for 30+ years... I'm still around, whole, sane and probably in the best shape of my life because of it. What's so scary about that?? :D
I am for a revolving cage that is a square with one side missing. :erg: Definitely that would make for an exhilarating swim.
No, I would not go in it! :rofl:
Coin operated variable speed rotation?
Reminds me of that scene from Blazing Saddles... where Bart got Mongo by having him Dive, Dive, Dive for spanish treasure at the bottom of the town well... lowered him down in that big bulky dive suit then a minute later lowered a sign saying "insert coin for more air"....
reminds me of that scene from blazing saddles... Where bart got mongo by having him dive, dive, dive for spanish treasure at the bottom of the town well... Lowered him down in that big bulky dive suit then a minute later lowered a sign saying "insert coin for more air"....
mongo said:
spanish balloons?
How long before the croc figures to go over the top

Thats what I thought too. It says the Croc has no front arms But I saw front arms and legs.

Here in Miami there use to be a park with a lake. People would bring their friends and family to it so there was quite alot of people there. On one side people would swim on the other side were the Alligators. There was nothing stopping the Alligators from coming over to where the people were. Everyone knew about the Aligators but it did not stop people from swiming. I heard stories about someone got killed by an Alligator and the park has been closed. I do not remember the parks name but I was there and saw the Alligators.

Another story was when I was in the Everglades about to go on an Airboat ride. There was a flat plank like bridge. I was standing on the bridge and an Alligator swam right next to me I was about 5 feet or so I remember looking at it and it looking at me and then swimming under the bridge. We have a lot of animals here in Miami you have to respect them and their environment.
Absolutely you really have to respect wild life.

Crocodiles and Alligators are smart predators I do not think
it will be to long before they figure it out. :erg:
'This is it!' said self-confessed thrill-seeker Mark Clayton from Darwin after spending 20 minutes face-to-face with the crocodiles.

I would love to do that. I've always wanted to go down in a shark cage too though. I would never sky-dive though...go figure... I'm wierd. LOL