Atlanta-Kenpo said:
I have seen different threads that were like this however what I am trying to stress here is the method of training.
Techniques lines are ok for a while but we need to break away from that and look for other ways to improve ourselves. Spar, spar spar and when you are tired of that fight! Spar empty handed, spar with a training blade, spar with a stick, spar against several attackers. Lean how to make your kenpo work and become alive with someone being resistant!
What makes you think that this is a new idea??? Some, if not many of us are doing all of these things and more. As far as EPAK missing ground work, so what. Is grappling the end all of violent altercations? No, not in my experiences. If you want to be an Ultimate Fighter, Cage Fighter, etc... then by all means, strap on your board shorts and have at it. EPAK was not designed to be a sporting system. It was designed to be a tool for self protection against violent attacks. From Delayed Sword through all 154 techniques plus extensions, EPAK is ripe with potentially lethal strikes. Not for use in sporting events.
The Gracies, and umpteen other grapplers gaining fame in mixed martial arts events are not thugs in a parking lot, at an ATM, or even a drunken badass in your local watering hole. EPAK is more then adequate to protect its' followers in these situations. In my 40 years, through many many fights, unprovoked attacks, underground fights, vendetta fights, and drunken badass jaunts, Ive yet to face an opponent that WANTS to go to the ground. Some have ended up there, but not the 90% that grappling proponents tout as gospel.
The whole big confusion in this topic is the differentiation between fighting and self defense. Two people agreeing to fight is more likely to end up in a grappling situation, especially if either party has grappling experience. Surprise attacks are less likely to end up in a grappling situation because of many variables, far too many to get into in this post, but, time restraints, intent, adrenaline, etc. are just the tip of the iceberg. No generalizations exist when speaking of violent attacks, a few however do when speaking of fights.
As far as defense against blades and sticks, EPAK deals with these...and not just in the techniques, but in the principles. Now the age old debate shall ensue as to whether the techniques are the end all of self protection, to which, my answer is no. But, now we have the gaseous expansion, rearrangement, variable expansion, what if, formulation, prefixing, suffixing, sets, forms, and oh yeah, the techniques themselves, as reference points in defending against a blade or a club, or any other instrument that can be likened to the aforementioned. Also, Chuck Taylor has an innovative tool to use in these instances, simply turn and leave, quickly.....I know, I know, not always an option, but, the best one when available, and not only against a weapon, but against any violent altercation.
So, there you have it, my rant for the evening. Just got done watching Ultimate Knockouts.....pretty canny the way those MMA'ers are still able to KTFO of an opponent while standing....
Yours in the SELF PRESERVATION art of EPAK,
Gary Catherman