iranian revolution starting?

Revolutions can only be successful if they are driven by the people, and NOT by the people who would profit. The US (the CIA) brought along the previous revolution and we all know how that worked out, right? It's what caused this mess in the first place.

If and when the revolution is truly happening, the west might help in the background, but not in the foreground. If there is not enough internal support to pull it off on its own, it would fail anyway.

And you expect the western democracies to do what exactly?

A military invasion of Iran would be insane. This is not Iraq or Afghanistan This is a country with a huge area, 75 Million people, a very well equipped military and primarily mountainous.

The Persian people will eventually topple the current regime, however this may not be the time. There is no evidence that this current unrest has been started by the Green movement, it sounds like normal people are pissed off with the governments economic policies, which is great for regime changes.

BTW I can all but guarantee that the West is pouring money into the “proper” places in Iran to help the new revolution along. Doing it up front would create more problems then it solves.
Well, a "we support the aspirations of people seeking freedom..." speech at the U.N.(yes, I know the U.N. is morally bankrupt as well as a den of villainy) would be something. Being next to Iran in neighboring Iraq probably makes it a lot easier to give the dissidents covert support.
If the US openly supports some regime in Iran, that regime is doomed to persecution and possibly death.

The US model is 'off the people, for the people, by the people' might have the propositions wrong here or there. But that holds true for all nations of the world. If the people do not agree with the form of government it's likely not going to thrive. Even Dictatorships have limited lifespans if there are no benefits for the people.
In humor, "off the people" has a different meaning in the states.Merry Christmas Granfire. I hope to have more fun with you in the new year.

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