Interesting quote about violence from Roger Ebert of all people


Senior Master
MT Mentor
Oct 26, 2003
Reaction score
Springfield, Missouri
I have a tendency to go from article to article while surfing the net and often find myself far from where I'd intended. I started out looking up head and shoulders shampoo on wikipedia because I saw it in an ad. From there, I went to the movie Evolution because the shampoo is featured prominently in it. From there I shot over to David Duchovny, and from there to the movie Kalifornia.

Now, I don't know if you've seen Kalifornia. It's like Natural Born Killers, only much better, more graphic, and at least for me, more disturbing. It's, something. So next I flipped over to Roger Ebert's review of the movie, written back in 1993, and that's where I find this great quote.

I think the point of "Kalifornia" is that it's altogether too comforting to believe that people need inspiration to hurt and kill. Some people, the movie says, are simply evil.

They lack all values and sympathy. And they don't need anybody to give them ideas.

Now, who would have thought he had such insight?

I remember that movie. And I remember thinking at the time - gee, Hollywood still doesn't get it. But they kind of get it. Sometimes. If you squint at it just right. Between Silence of the Lambs and Joe Dirt, there's some truth.
I remember that movie. And I remember thinking at the time - gee, Hollywood still doesn't get it. But they kind of get it. Sometimes. If you squint at it just right. Between Silence of the Lambs and Joe Dirt, there's some truth.
I thought the movie was rather realistic, and still do; 'round here people will kill you for the sulferic acid in your car battery.
