Interest in an EPAK specific forum?

Shour MT create a Kenpo-EPAK forum?

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  • No

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Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
Clyde inquired if we would consider spinning off an EPAK specific forum from Kenpo-General due to a large number of EPAK folks here. As always, we try to meet the requests of our members.

So, Should MT have an EPAK-specific forum?

Ideas on a forum 'charter' also are apreciated.
For those that voted no on this, is there a particular reason why? I've explained why I think there should be, at the least, you should explain why there shouldn't be. It's not like it won't be accessible to read or post, but would keep the topics in the genre of EPAK.

Have a great Kenpo day

I am new to Kenpo and to this Forum and I voted YES.....
I think it makes it easier to view/indentify information specific to your style...think of it as "Economy Of Motion" for the Forum viewer/poster.


Ok yeah.....Great site you guys have here.
The volume of posts is less when looking at a specific forum that way. I know CANAM did this, but look at KenpoNet and the amount of traffic that drives through it by not being restrictive.

The main thing about amount of traffic is not volume, but rather that we can learn from the diversity of individuals participating. Are we so arrogant as to think that other styles or systems have nothing to teach us? I sure hope not.

It is a great convenience for us to JUST look in the EPAK fora, but the same is said of others, they only look in their system-specific forums when in a hurry. Looking at other forums gives you some idea of how this works. It can be days before you get a response in some of the "Kenpo Related" or subsets when broken down to far. A silly example would be this "Thread is only for Inward Blocks", now let's have a Forum for Inward Block, done by TRACO Kenpo people only.

Weigh and balance the input, with the desired output. I want more participation, not less.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
The volume of posts is less when looking at a specific forum that way. I know CANAM did this, but look at KenpoNet and the amount of traffic that drives through it by not being restrictive.

The main thing about amount of traffic is not volume, but rather that we can learn from the diversity of individuals participating. Are we so arrogant as to think that other styles or systems have nothing to teach us? I sure hope not.

It is a great convenience for us to JUST look in the EPAK fora, but the same is said of others, they only look in their system-specific forums when in a hurry. Looking at other forums gives you some idea of how this works. It can be days before you get a response in some of the "Kenpo Related" or subsets when broken down to far. A silly example would be this "Thread is only for Inward Blocks", now let's have a Forum for Inward Block, done by TRACO Kenpo people only.

Weigh and balance the input, with the desired output. I want more participation, not less.


That's the reason I asked for seperation, I want to look at what I do specifically and could care less what the other TKD, Kung Fu, Chink Chunk Pow people are talking about. Take a look at my posts and see how many you see outside of Kenpo/Kempo, I think I found 2 that weren't.

Have a great Kenpo day

Maybe you should just make a forum for Clyde. That way he can revel in his own splendor and brilliance. Yes, perhaps Clyde should have his own pulpit where things like groundfighting and weapons training aren't allowed. Then the world would be right again.

Sorry, I tend to agree with Michael Billings. By subcategorizing too much you will kill the flow of the forum, which by comparison to earlier times has been rather slow lately. Also, how do you distinguish who or what is actually EPAK. Is the IKKA EPAK? Or is it the material? If so is EPAK solely based on techniques and forms? If this is the case then do you include people who are doing older versions of EPAK (32 tech system)? Do they consider people who don't do the the 32 tech system EPAK? What about those who teach a majority of the techniques but have cut out some material? Don't they still teach EPAK? Maybe not in its entirety, but is it not still EPAK?

Or are the EPAK techniques inconsequential, merely a vehicle for teaching important concepts and principles? If so then you would have to acknowledge all of the other kenpo associations that teach these principles and let them play on the forum as well. This in turn brings us right back to the beginning, or actually right back to where we are now. I think what Clyde means is that he wants a forum where he gets to pick and choose who gets to play and when he doesn't agree with what you have to say he can simply relegate you to the domain of non-EPAK practitioners. "Well if you don't do this, then you aren't really EPAK...... Be gone."

Yeah, that sounds like a great idea to me. :shrug:
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
Maybe you should just make a forum for Clyde. That way he can revel in his own splendor and brilliance. Yes, perhaps Clyde should have his own pulpit where things like groundfighting and weapons training aren't allowed. Then the world would be right again.

I think what Clyde means is that he wants a forum where he gets to pick and choose who gets to play and when he doesn't agree with what you have to say he can simply relegate you to the domain of non-EPAK practitioners. "Well if you don't do this, then you aren't really EPAK...... Be gone."

Yeah, that sounds like a great idea to me. :shrug:

Yes, it does sound like a good idea, from an anonypussy as well.

Clyde that might sound a little more demeaning if it came from someone who could actually work the material. I've seen you move and it definately wasn't anything to write home about. Good luck with your new forum.
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
Clyde that might sound a little more demeaning if it came from someone who could actually work the material. I've seen you move and it definately wasn't anything to write home about. Good luck with your new forum.

Are you jealous because you don't know or don't do the EPAK system? Gotta be a reason for this hostility, anonymously no less.

I lean toward giving this a try, but I am concerned that the conversations will be less valuable without the discussions and, frankly, disagreements of having people with different views look at it. Without disagreements and differences, what will people talk about?

I also am a bit concerned about the orothodoxy issues--who will judge who is truly doing EPAK and who isn't?
Originally posted by arnisador
I lean toward giving this a try, but I am concerned that the conversations will be less valuable without the discussions and, frankly, disagreements of having people with different views look at it. Without disagreements and differences, what will people talk about?

I also am a bit concerned about the orothodoxy issues--who will judge who is truly doing EPAK and who isn't?

I don't do either version of Kenpo, yet I say go for it. It there are enough hits, then it'll stick around, if not, then it'll go away. Survival of the fittest.

I think it could work because we have Filipino MA, and Modern Arnis here, and it works great. Why? Because we have a ton of people who do Modern Arnis here that can talk exclusively about that.

I don't think orthodoxy SHOULD be an issue here. A lot of people post on Modern Arnis who aren't. There is nobody "screening" them, yet it still ends with us having meaningful discussions.

I would hope that even the most die hard of EPAK adherents would be open minded enough to not try to kick everyone out who wasn't EPAK, but I don't know.

I think that it would be worth a try, though.
Without disagreements and differences, what will people talk about?

I also am a bit concerned about the orothodoxy issues--who will judge who is truly doing EPAK and who isn't?

Two very excellent points.

I study in what could be considered an EPAK derivative which, in my opinion, is better. That's my opinion, something I'm entitled to have. The system I study carries some of the original EPAK technique names, but in most cases the sequences aren't the same, and where they are the same the techs are executed in a manner unlike anything in EPAK.

So who decides if I'm close enough to EPAK to discuss kenpo in this particular forum?

Here's another question for you. If Clyde and his guys are doing EPAK, what is the IKKA doing? Are they not doing EPAK as well? Funny but Larry Kongaika seems to be teaching some new things to his IKKA group that weren't, historically, taught in EPAK and they are beginning to adopt it into their system. Does this mean that the IKKA, SGM Ed Parker's association, isn't doing EPAK? or does it mean that you guys who aren't doing the new IKKA material aren't doing EPAK? It goes back to the not so easy to answer question of what characterizes EPAK.
I don't think orthodoxy SHOULD be an issue here. A lot of people post on Modern Arnis who aren't. There is nobody "screening" them, yet it still ends with us having meaningful discussions.

If this is the case than what is the point of subdividing the category? Clyde is requesting a forum specifically for EPAK:
That's the reason I asked for seperation, I want to look at what I do specifically and could care less what the other TKD, Kung Fu, Chink Chunk Pow people are talking about.

How would subdividing the category of kenpo any further keep these individuals from posting on that forum?

Hey give it a shot and see how it goes, but I think you'll find the same problem there as you would in here
I feel that "Ed Parker's American Kenpo" has become a vague enough term that it doesn't really describe an art any more specifically than saying "Kenpo." I personally sometimes feel a greater kinship with totally different systems of thinking and training (JKD and MMA) than I do with other EPAK practitioners.
I think that 'Sub-Catagorization' just makes things more difficult to find. While the conversation is going on, it is easy enough to follow, but 3 months later, when you have to look something up, where was that posted again?

Also, although I believe I am studying Ed Parker's lineage, I am learning a 16 technique system. From what I have seen here, this was never formally accepted by Mr. Parker ... does that disqualify me?

But, on the other hand, my instructor studies with Mr. Planas ... is that close enough to be considered EPAK ? Hmm...

All these questions... that don't lend themselves to easy answers.

Then again... is there something that I can learn from a Chinese Kenpo practictioner, or a Tracy practitioner ... why would I want to leave good information aside, just because it was not handed down through Ed Parker.

Mr. Planas has told me 'What is useful and what is useless, will make itself know through time, practice and logic'. Therefore, lets keep everything in one Kenpo bucket.

Thanks for listening.

Originally posted by Michael Billings
The main thing about amount of traffic is not volume, but rather that we can learn from the diversity of individuals participating. Are we so arrogant as to think that other styles or systems have nothing to teach us? I sure hope not.

I agree with Mr. Billings! Personally, I enjoy the diversity, and feel that we can learn something. By saying that something is not good or not effective cuz its not Kenpo, is being very closed minded.

Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
If this is the case than what is the point of subdividing the category? Clyde is requesting a forum specifically for EPAK:

The threads specifically pertain to Modern Arnis, but other people who aren't Modern Arnis can post. It seems to work out just fine.

But, I will admit that I am not entirely sure what Clyde is looking for. If he is looking for an EPAK forum that only EPAK purists are allowed to browse and talk on, then I don't think it will work out well. If he is looking for a forum that talks about subjects that specifically pertain to EPAK, yet anyone can browse or talk (like the Modern Arnis Forum), then I think it could possibly work.
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
Clyde that might sound a little more demeaning if it came from someone who could actually work the material. I've seen you move and it definately wasn't anything to write home about. Good luck with your new forum.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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