Now I'll take my hat off to this guy... at least his heart is in the right place. Presidential inauguration parties shouldn't be just reserved for those who made significant campaign contributions and the wealthy... if the President is a people's President then the balls, galas, parties and all else that go with it... should be by the people, for the people and of the people ... so to speak.
True, that the money probably could've been better spent on feeding the poor, paying off hospital bills and helping those who could REALLY use it
this gesture is a good one and I applaud the man.
Our nation's traditions of benevolence... amen.
That the already posh hotels are going to be making a killing off this event as they always do... why not include those who couldn't even afford to THINK about affording to go?
Wonderful and I :asian: this man's heart.
True, that the money probably could've been better spent on feeding the poor, paying off hospital bills and helping those who could REALLY use it

(above bold is mine)Bringing the Inaugural to the Needy: One Businessman’s Million Dollar Dream
By Lindsay Corcoran on December 4, 2008 Stafford, a 60-year-old businessman from Virginia, paid $1 million in order to bring the inaugural experience to disadvantaged people, like wounded soldiers and terminally ill patients.
The $1 million package is being provided by the JW Marriott which offered a “build your own ball” option that includes a 300 rooms, four suites, $200,000 in food and beverages and a location along the parade route.
The LA Times reported:
“Stafford has paid the $1 million, a spokesman said, and is prepared to spend an additional $600,000 for a breakfast, a luncheon and two balls at the hotel. Stafford said he hopes to recoup some of the $600,000 from sponsors yet to be recruited.
‘We wanted to . . . bless those who otherwise wouldn’t have an opportunity to be a part of the great celebration, the inauguration and the festivities,’ Stafford said in an interview Wednesday.
Stafford said the idea was inspired by his deep religious faith and the good fortune that has come his way. The inauguration is an opportunity to remember the less fortunate and remind the nation of its traditions of benevolence, he said.”
Our nation's traditions of benevolence... amen.
That the already posh hotels are going to be making a killing off this event as they always do... why not include those who couldn't even afford to THINK about affording to go?
Wonderful and I :asian: this man's heart.