I'm Angry!!!




I've read some posts on Chung Moo Doe. How can any of you, as martial artists, bash such a fine art? Our art is one of the deadliest taught in the world. Tournaments won't let us in because they are afraid of what we can do! People in other systems are just jealous of the fine physical and mental accomplishments we have made through Chung Moo Doe. I ask that you all show respect to one of the world's **TRUE** martial arts.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior

I've read some posts on Chung Moo Doe. How can any of you, as martial artists, bash such a fine art? Our art is one of the deadliest taught in the world. Tournaments won't let us in because they are afraid of what we can do! People in other systems are just jealous of the fine physical and mental accomplishments we have made through Chung Moo Doe. I ask that you all show respect to one of the world's **TRUE** martial arts.

OMFG. The only system I know of that was denied access to any tournament was the Dog Brothers. They even have the letter from the former organizers of the UFC basically stating that they were simply too rough to be admitted to the UFC.

CMD/Q students aren't allowed into tournaments because their instructors won't let them enter. When the students ask the instructors why, then they are told the BS 'because we're too deadly blah blah blah'. In fact, the reason they don't want their students to join is because they're afraid the student will get pounded, question the system, and seek instruction elsewhere, taking valuable money out of CMD/Q's pockets.

There is another reason why CMD/Q students may not be allowed into tournaments: some may not be able to demonstrate the level of control needed. ANY system is deadly in a tournament if the fighter doesn't exhibit control or follow the rules.

I will not show respect to CMD/Q as 'one of the world's true martial arts' because it is NOT a true martial art. It is a creation of the criminal 'Iron' Kim, used to extort money from many many unfortunate individuals who never knew better.

Instead of demanding respect for your art, why not take this
opportunity to educate us if we're so wrong about your art?
Instead of going "we're so deadly, we can't fight" I'm sorry,
but that's just the worst excuse in the world. Let's DISCUSS
this rationally. You have GOT to realize that there's LOADS of
information that is negative on the web about your style. Lots
and lots of accusations of CMD being a cult. A lot of legitimate
periodicals out there, doing the same thing. So you have a
unique opportunity here ... teach us, in a rational manner.

I'd like to address one statement you made:

Chung Moo training is the cream of the crop. Nobody has dared challenge our schools, for they know that they will be beaten. Yes, it is expensive, but we get 3 times what we would get at any other art.

Given that there's a finite number of places to strike, and a
finite number of ways that the body can move ... how is it
that you can say that your art is 3 times that of any other art?
Care to discuss, or are you just going to call me "ignorant" and
"uneducated" again? If you're any kind of man, any kind of
warrior .. you'll discuss this, in a civilized manner ... ya never
know, you might even gain some members to your art. I
challenge you, here and now ... discuss it with us all, until we're
Yes please enlighten us I know very little about your art. However the statement that you cannot enter tournaments because they fear what you can do seems like an weak excuse.
there's only one art thats too deadly for competition and I posted a video clip in the sports and entertainment board:D
I'm not allowed to go over specifics of our training. I will, however, give you an insight to my training. Before I started, I was overwieght, and couldn't do excercise without taking a break. 3 years later, I'm 80 lbs lighter, i'm faster, and I've become a skilled fighter. My mental focus is much clearer.

Our curriculum encompasses a broad wealth of knowledge. We learn techniques from tae kwon doe, kung fu, iado, and several other arts. We emphasize self defense scenarios commonly encountered on the streets. We also learn how to do flips, kickups, and other stunts which will help us win or get out of a fight.
I'm not allowed to go over specifics of our training. I will, however, give you an insight to my training.

If you can't talk about the specifics, then the only way you can
get new members is if they walk in off the streets and don't
ask any questions? That must make things difficult. One of the
things that got me to decide on which art to train in was by
watching the training, and talking with other artists.

Before I started, I was overwieght, and couldn't do excercise without taking a break. 3 years later, I'm 80 lbs lighter, i'm faster, and I've become a skilled fighter. My mental focus is much clearer.

A gym can do the same thing, can't it? Do you deny that other
arts can make one a skilled fighter? There's a LOT of styles
out there that are a mix of several styles .. what makes yours
different? Why is it superb to others?
"We also learn how to do flips, kickups, and other stunts which will help us win or get out of a fight."

Or get a part in a movie...

Congratulations on your weight loss, though. It's cool that you're happy with your art, but how do you know you're a skilled fighter if you're not fighting anyone?
I've also got another question for you, chungmoo...

According to your profile, you just got your 2nd dan, after only three years of training. Many systems won't give a shodan until at least three years of training, much less a 2nd dan. In fact, in my system, getting a black belt in five years is considered very fast.

Unless you're not allowed to divulge this, how often do you train a week and how much does CMD charge you?

I train everyday, except for Sunday, when the school is closed. It's my constant attendance which got me so far. Most have to wait 4 years for second dan. Our belt system is somewhat different than other systems. We don't go through colors. We start with white, and as we progress, the ends get dyed black, and continues being dyed until it is completely black. As for pricing, that's something that only our instructor is allowed to divulge. For further information, you can see my school's website at www.chungmoodoe.com.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
I'm not allowed to go over specifics of our training
Sounds Like a cult to me.
There seems to be an awfull lot you are not "allowed" to talk about, does that not strike you as odd?

Despair Bear
Every reputable martial arts school I've ever visited has been more than willing to discuss any fees, as well as to explain their training methods. Any school that doesn't do this is obviously hiding something...and it damn sure isn't "the world's deadliest martial art".

You can't even tell us how much the monthly fees are? How much belt tests cost? These questions would always be answered by literally any other martial arts school.

Well I'm sorry if my school isn't every other martial arts school. So we do things differently. Maybe it's a waste of time to try to discuss things with you all. You all already have your preconcieved notions, and nothing I say will change that, will it? You've made your conclusions before even talking to me. I really don't think that's fair.
Originally posted by chungmoowarrior
Well I'm sorry if my school isn't every other martial arts school. So we do things differently. Maybe it's a waste of time to try to discuss things with you all. You all already have your preconcieved notions, and nothing I say will change that, will it? You've made your conclusions before even talking to me. I really don't think that's fair.
No I'm willing to hear you out. the only thing I know about it is what info I've found through research. So what can you discuss with us?
You all already have your preconcieved notions, and nothing I say will change that, will it?

My mind is an open book. When you stop listening, you stop
learning. I'm new to M.A. (6 months now) ... I'd like to hear
more. I must admit though, it does seem like you can't tell me
anything about. I don't understand it, how did YOU get into
it, without knowing about it? I hope that doesn't sound harsh,
I'm legitimitely curious. Trust me.
Actually, we are trying to talk to you. Unfortunately, you can only respond with "I'm not allowed to talk about that".

Makes for somewhat stilted conversation.


I don't know anything about your art or school. As a rule though, the argument that you are too deadly to compete reeks of BS.

If you are truly interested in becoming a good fighter, I highly recommend that you try your techniques out against a boxer, wrestler or judoka. I'm sure someone in your area is willing to agree to some rules that will satisfy both of you. If you cannot perform your techniques against one of these guys, with a similar amount of training experience, then you are training in fantasy-land. If you hold your own, then ignore what others say, your training is working.

I for one never heard of this system, or Mr.Kim. The web site seemed to offer at least some info on the training etc.. What is it that so many find disagreeable about this system? Why was Mr.Kim refered to as a criminal? The CMD web site claims a laundry list of accomplishments for Mr.Kim. Are these substantiated by anyone outside of the CMD hierarchy? I would be very interested to hear from an informed individual, not heresay.
Salute in Christ,
ok, i don't like to be negative, but i can't stay quiet on this one.... if you look in the Humor forum, there's a chart that lists several translations, one of them being:

My art is too deadly to demonstrate = Everybody who's tried using it on the street has been killed.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

With all the research I've done on it, Chung Moo Doe does not seem to be a legitimate martial art. I've sent info requests to the Kukkiwon, and they have told me that the "All Asia Championship" which Kim claimed to have won never existed.

However, I firmly believe that you will always get out of martial arts what you put into them. If you're a good fighter, I'm sure that there are other fighters who'll be glad to fight you, and you'll come out on top. If not, I advise you to find another school.

In the words of Aerosmith: "Talk is cheap, shut up and dance"
You mentioned dropping weight my brother and i have been training 10 months now, before he started he weighed 250 pounds, he down to around 210 and has the potential to drop himself under 200 for the first time since he was in highschool (he was athletic in HS but a knee injury forced him to stop being active for over a year, 5 surgerys later his knee is pretty much ok.) all i know is that everyone here discredits CMD. I take american kenpo, A VERY DEADLY ART, i know this and many other here know this, and i only have my purple belt. I can enter into tournaments, Theres open tournaments, How do you know that "youre too dangerous to enter a tournament" when im willing to bet you have never even tried to enter, find one and then try to enter, see what the officials at the tournament say, odds are theyll let you right in to the black belt divison if you can show a certificate, they dont care what art you study, its an open tournament. Just be careful those open tourneys are brutal.