I say, I believe I have broken myself...

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Last night, while attempting to perform a 'flying side kick' in the dojo, I managed the 'flying' part (kind of), but managed to land rather heavily on my right leg, which promptly collapsed. I ended up on my posterior, which had everyone laughing - including myself, until I tried to rise and discovered that my right leg would not bear my weight. I had to be helped up.

I am significantly overweight and out-of-shape, but I generally have very strong legs.

I believe I have injured my knee, but I am not sure how serious it is.

I am not in pain. The knee has full range of motion. It is not swollen.

But, I must walk carefully. If I twist or turn while standing, putting more weight on it that on the other, it instantly hurts and then tries to fold up.

Since I am not in pain and it is not swollen, I am considering just giving it a couple days and see how things go. I looked online under 'knee injuries' and the only 'symptom' I seem to have is 'will not bear weight'. So I'm not sure that I need to rush off to the emergency room.

This happened last night, I got a good night's sleep, and I feel fine this morning, with the exception I mentioned.

Any thoughts?
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you Bill. I wish I knew more about knee injuries to help you out; it sounds like you're doing the right thing so far. Have you wrapped it for stability? Are you using a cane to keep your weight off of it?
Sorry Bill I would suggest going to see the Doc as soon as possible.
Sorry Bill I would suggest going to see the Doc as soon as possible.
How did it feel the next day? I'm also for seeing a doctor, if you have the money or the insurance.

Here's a great article on knee injuries. It's on a grappling website that is one of my favorites, but in plain english explains some of the things that might be going on.


Good luck and let us know what you find out.
I'm sorry to hear that happened to you Bill. I wish I knew more about knee injuries to help you out; it sounds like you're doing the right thing so far. Have you wrapped it for stability? Are you using a cane to keep your weight off of it?

Well, it just happened last night, so no, I haven't done anything yet. I don't really need to keep my weight off it - it will hold me up standing and walking (carefully). I just can't (for example) do knee bends at the moment.
How did it feel the next day? I'm also for seeing a doctor, if you have the money or the insurance.

Here's a great article on knee injuries. It's on a grappling website that is one of my favorites, but in plain english explains some of the things that might be going on.


Good luck and let us know what you find out.

This morning is the next day - I did this last night. I'll check out the link, thank you.
I'd go really easy Bill, until at least Sunday and see how it feels then. If you can do some knee bends, not 'upper thigh parallel to the ground' type stuff, just halfway there, then I'd assume whatever you pulled or compacted is likely slowly righting itself and healing. If you still can't bend it or it isn't feeling otherwise improved, I think I'd be heading to a doctor on Monday or as soon after as possible. I'd keep a watch for any discoloration as well as the swellling, too.

Good Luck with it though!
I gotta go with Steve, here. I would say get to the doc ASAP. It sounds like your knee is unstable (since you can't twist without it collapsing), and that can be indicative of a ligament injury, even if you don't have swelling. How do I know this? I tore the ligaments in my right ankle doing a jump spinning back kick last December, and didn't have really significant swelling until about 24 hours afterward; the discoloration didn't show up for 48. But it was a serious injury, and might not be still bothering me now IF I had gotten treatment for it immediately.

Hope it's all right.
I gotta go with Steve, here. I would say get to the doc ASAP. It sounds like your knee is unstable (since you can't twist without it collapsing), and that can be indicative of a ligament injury, even if you don't have swelling. How do I know this? I tore the ligaments in my right ankle doing a jump spinning back kick last December, and didn't have really significant swelling until about 24 hours afterward; the discoloration didn't show up for 48. But it was a serious injury, and might not be still bothering me now IF I had gotten treatment for it immediately.

Hope it's all right.

Thank you! Let me ask - did you have pain in the joint? Because my knee really does not hurt. I just had to walk back from the auto shop - my car would not start this morning and I had to get a jump start - drove it down, dropped it off, and walked back. I discovered that what really hurts is when my knee is in the 'locked' position, like that slightly hyperextended backwards position people get in when they stand at attention. Otherwise, no pain. I can go up and down stairs carefully (I live on the third floor of my apt bldg), but not with casual disregard, if you know what I mean.

I'm kind of thinking torn or stretched muscle - but I'm no doctor. At the moment, I won't be able to go to the hospital anyway - no car. I'm waiting for the mechanic to call me back.
Sounds like what I did a few years ago....could be an ACL tear.

I was practicing tornado kicks...landed funky. Blew out my knee...hurt like hell when it happened, ut the pain subsided and there wasn't much swelling.. I went on to teach 3 classes right after it happened. Went around for amonth or so on it...it was fine...except when i tried to move laterally or twist in any wya...in which case I could feel my shin slide beneath my knee and down I'd go. Most bizarre feeling I've ever had. Not pleasant...but it didn't really hurt as such.

Get thee to adoctor and then get an MRI. Sorry to hear you're laid up but with proper care and treatment you can bounce back stronger than ever.

When I tore the ankle ligaments, one of the reasons I delayed visiting the doc is that it really didn't hurt much. Only a bit when I bent it in certain ways, or put weight on it when it was bent in certain ways. I could walk just fine. It was only when the swelling came on in earnest (it was really gross a couple of days after I did it) that I broke down and went to have it looked at.

Hope you get your car back soon.
When you can go get it checked out by a doctor.

Knee issues are no fun. I have been there and done that.
Last night, while attempting to perform a 'flying side kick' in the dojo, I managed the 'flying' part (kind of), but managed to land rather heavily on my right leg, which promptly collapsed. I ended up on my posterior, which had everyone laughing - including myself, until I tried to rise and discovered that my right leg would not bear my weight. I had to be helped up.

I am significantly overweight and out-of-shape, but I generally have very strong legs.

I believe I have injured my knee, but I am not sure how serious it is.

I am not in pain. The knee has full range of motion. It is not swollen.

But, I must walk carefully. If I twist or turn while standing, putting more weight on it that on the other, it instantly hurts and then tries to fold up.

Since I am not in pain and it is not swollen, I am considering just giving it a couple days and see how things go. I looked online under 'knee injuries' and the only 'symptom' I seem to have is 'will not bear weight'. So I'm not sure that I need to rush off to the emergency room.

This happened last night, I got a good night's sleep, and I feel fine this morning, with the exception I mentioned.

Any thoughts?

Hello bill, i injured my knee playing soccer last saturday. My leg got stuck and i feel to my left... i'm hoping that i haven't torn a ligament there. Initially, i couldn't bend my knee without excruciating pain, turning on itwas and is still unbearable.

I did some research online and the diagnosis I found based on how it happened and my symptoms was a medial lateral collateral ligament injury. (mcl.)

I can finally walk again without a stick, albeit the twisting pain that you are talking about above.

I have an appointment to see the orthopedic dr this tuesday (first visit) to ascertain the serverity.

Your injury sounds similar but albeit a less severe version. You should still go so an orthopedic dr.

In the mean time though,you can look up mcl (spelled out above) or lateral collateral ligament injuries on google(lcl injuries). If thats not it look up knee injuries.

Also, rest your knee do not aggravate it, no karate etc. Put some ice on it man. Good luck.
I also thing you should go to the doctor, if your knee decides to collapse while you're walking down a flight of stairs it probably won't be much fun. I've had surgeries on both knees that I probably could have avoided if I had taken my own advice.
Last night, while attempting to perform a 'flying side kick' in the dojo, I managed the 'flying' part (kind of), but managed to land rather heavily on my right leg, which promptly collapsed. I ended up on my posterior, which had everyone laughing - including myself, until I tried to rise and discovered that my right leg would not bear my weight. I had to be helped up.

I am significantly overweight and out-of-shape, but I generally have very strong legs.

I believe I have injured my knee, but I am not sure how serious it is.

I am not in pain. The knee has full range of motion. It is not swollen.

But, I must walk carefully. If I twist or turn while standing, putting more weight on it that on the other, it instantly hurts and then tries to fold up.

Since I am not in pain and it is not swollen, I am considering just giving it a couple days and see how things go. I looked online under 'knee injuries' and the only 'symptom' I seem to have is 'will not bear weight'. So I'm not sure that I need to rush off to the emergency room.

This happened last night, I got a good night's sleep, and I feel fine this morning, with the exception I mentioned.

Any thoughts?


Get an xray.


Screwed up legs for the rest of your life you don't need.
Rather than rely on advice from a bunch of well intentioned "quacks" on the web... See a doctor. It could be something that you can treat with rest and maybe some ibuprofen... or it could require surgery to correct. We can't tell from here... and you don't want to limit your mobility.
While my knee injury was nowhere near as dramatic as yours, I recently injured my knee (and wrist..thpppbttt) and have been ignoring them for about a week. I just got back from the doctor, and was relieved to find out it's a simple case of runner's knee that some ice, aleve, and some rehabilitation exercises he gave me will resolve fairly quicky.

The point is, though, that it could have been much worse, and my usual activities (including workouts and MA) were starting to suffer. My knee didn't usually hurt until I put it under the stress of workouts and training...things I do not intend to give up anytime soon.

The wrist? Tenosynovitus...which is very treatable when caught early..if not, it can lead to scarring and require surgery (BLECH).

My point? Go to the doc...and then you'll at least know if it's something serious...and get down to the real business of healing. Either way, it sounds like you may have some rehabilitation (home exercises or PT) in your future. Go to the doc, so you can get back to your training without fear of your knee giving out on you!

I hope things get better soon!
How about this Bill ... let's make a pact to see our respective doctors "together." There's nothing like a group activity for motivation. :mst:

Sound good?
I definitely recommend seeing your doctor. Most doctors will know the basic physical tests that give an indication that there is ligament damage.
I know most insurance companies will stall any real tests to check if there is damage to the ligaments.... like an MRI. They will probably send you for Xrays, which will most likely show nothing from what you are describing. I would demand they send you for an MRI, since those stupid things usually take a while to get scheduled from when they are ordered. But demand it, they will probably try to send you to physical therapy.. Demand the MRI in the meantime otherwise if it is a ligament injury it could be months before they ever even diagnose it as such.