I-Phone App: The Art of Fencing - The Use of the Small Sword

Daniel Sullivan

MT Mentor
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Olney, Maryland
Yes, there is an I-phone app for .99 cents. It is a 31 chapter manual by Monsieur L'Abbat. I have not read it in its entirety, but I figured that for .99 cents, it is more than worthwhile.

To find it, just search 'sword' or 'fencing' and it will be one of the choices.

There is also one called iGranbassi, which turned out to be a photo shoot of Margherita Granbassi. Nothing in regards to actual fencing, but very nice on the eyes.:)

How very cool. Not my branch of swordwork but I don't give a hoot about that aspect. May it be the first of many (tho' I wouldn't hold my breath for anything koryu) :D.
How very cool. Not my branch of swordwork but I don't give a hoot about that aspect. May it be the first of many (tho' I wouldn't hold my breath for anything koryu) :D.
I cannot even find a kendo app, let alone anything koryo.

I don't have an iPhone. Are we talking about a book with very short pages? Is that what this 'app' is?
An app on the i-phone is any one of a number of things that you can download onto your phone from Apple's app store. Essentially, this app is a book that you can read on the screen. The screen is fairly large, as the i-phone has no physical buttons.
