I have fallen to the Dark Side.........

Andy Moynihan

Senior Master
MT Mentor
...and been seduced by the power of the relatively inexpensive( even for here) price, the unexpected quality, the perfect, glovelike ergonomics and 10+1 on-tap capacity of the Smith and Wesson M&P .45 fullsize. Traded in my aging and ever-increasingly-difficult-to-replace-in-this-communist-state Glock for it. I do not regret this for I shall scream forth the blasphemy that the M&P feels better in my hand than any Glock I have EVER held and is more accurate to boot.
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Grew up with the flat slab. Gifted my daughter with one (ever notice how crazies love med students?) . Went Glock strictly for 10mm ('cause of bears) but still fall back on the .45, a lot of the time.......

....though the 9 mm is still perfectly okay-as long as you're not expecting bears. :lol:
Grew up with the flat slab. Gifted my daughter with one (ever notice how crazies love med students?) . Went Glock strictly for 10mm ('cause of bears) but still fall back on the .45, a lot of the time.......

....though the 9 mm is still perfectly okay-as long as you're not expecting bears. :lol:

OK, I have to admit to a guilty pleasure. My wife and I love our Sauer and Sohn "Western Marshal" .44 Mag Single-Action Army clone. She is a great shot with it, fixed sights and all. Take it to the indoor range, and I love the reaction. Everybody in their stalls, plinking away, and she takes aim and KAWOOM! Three-foot flame shoots out the bidness end, and all the Wonder-Nines cease their chatter - people step back and claw at their Mickey Mouse ears, going WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?

And my wife is grinning from ear-to-ear as she draws the smiley face on the sillouhette target at 25 feet.
Colt 1911A1. But you have to have the stones for it.

1911's a great gun, I've owned several over time, but not worth the money to me anymore, and as far as carry or home defense is concerned I'm not willing to take a chance on a ND with that SA-only trigger with no give, when the safety's flicked off, my pulse is going thrice normal, my hands are shaking and I can't feel my fingers.

(I know, I know, we all hear the line about "just follow your training and keep the finger off the trigger", and we DO all make every effort to, but real life doesn't always work lke that once the stress is on).

The Smith M&P has *enough* trigger give to act as a buffer for those times adrenaline makes it tough for your finger to feel whether its still on/off the trigger but technically *IS* single action once compressed. Like a Glock trigger but better.

Only thing is the reset is nowhere near as sharp and identifiable for those shooters who like to ride the reset between shots.
Andy, you are a blasphemer and you need to be punished. As a father of 3 Glocks, I shiver to think you could do such a thing.
1911's a great gun, I've owned several over time, but not worth the money to me anymore, and as far as carry or home defense is concerned I'm not willing to take a chance on a ND with that SA-only trigger with no give, when the safety's flicked off, my pulse is going thrice normal, my hands are shaking and I can't feel my fingers.

Wheelgun is fine for DA people. I like my S&W Model 10. Yes, the lowly Model 10. Fine weapon, and handles +P Silvertips just fine. Bobbed hammer and Pachmyr grips, it's the shizz.
Andy, you are a blasphemer and you need to be punished. As a father of 3 Glocks, I shiver to think you could do such a thing.

If you only knew the power of the Dark Side.....An American Made pistol....like Glocks but better.......join me, it is your dessssss-tiny. I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate.....
Wheelgun is fine for DA people. I like my S&W Model 10. Yes, the lowly Model 10. Fine weapon, and handles +P Silvertips just fine. Bobbed hammer and Pachmyr grips, it's the shizz.

My backup/primary summer carry is a S&W model 642 w/ Crimson Trace grips, so my revolver needs are filled.

2 inch snubbie with 5 rounds is far from ideal but beats going unarmed because nothing else was comfortable or suitable based on clothing/weather needs to carry.
My backup/primary summer carry is a S&W model 642 w/ Crimson Trace grips, so my revolver needs are filled.

2 inch snubbie with 5 rounds is far from ideal but beats going unarmed because nothing else was comfortable or suitable based on clothing/weather needs to carry.

I'm thinking of going the EXACT same route ... for the same reasons.

I LOVE my p226 but it seems so LARGE (especially since I've never EVER carried before).

Heck, I almost never even wear a BELT ... the idea of grabbing my phone, keys AND strapping on a big hunk of metal when I leave my home seems ... cumbersome, to say the least.

Slipping a smaller, light aluminum thing in my pocket seems a lot more feasible for me.

Still mulling it over, though.
Or the pillows. The 1911 is my wife's second-favorite pistol.

Tellner!! :lol:. Wait one whilst I mop up my re-aspirated tea :D.

I've never heard that expression before - excellent :tup:.
I'm thinking of going the EXACT same route ... for the same reasons.

I LOVE my p226 but it seems so LARGE (especially since I've never EVER carried before).

Heck, I almost never even wear a BELT ... the idea of grabbing my phone, keys AND strapping on a big hunk of metal when I leave my home seems ... cumbersome, to say the least.

Slipping a smaller, light aluminum thing in my pocket seems a lot more feasible for me.

Still mulling it over, though.

It'll depend on your build and clothing style.

I found a full size Glock 17, with the right IWB holster/belt, conceals fine on me with a black tank top tucked in to keep the gun off my skin and match the holster/gun's color in the event the T shirt hikes up, and an untucked t shirt one size large hid the whole thing fine with hardly any print( especially if you use ther 45 degree "FBI rake").

Worked well today with even a crappy IWB holster( temporary till my holster is made) and a sweatshirt today.

And the Smith MP45 is not noticeably wider than the Glock was.

But maybe I don't wanna wear an untucked shirt, BDU blouse or other belt covering concealing garment, or maybe i have to dress somewhat nice for whatever reason.

Pocket holsters are your friend and can break up the snubbie's print and keep the trigger covered, but any good one will stay in the pocket when the snubbie is drawn.

No problems with sitting down, It doesn't interfere with social hugging such as at a family gathering, you can merely put your hand casually in your pocket if you twig that something's wrong--there is no faster draw than having your hand already on your gun, in such a way as not to even alert the sheeple.

If you have done the smart thing and gotten an enclosed, hammerless model(Such as the Smith 642), you need not even draw from your coat/sweatshirt/whatever pocket--there is no slide or hammer to catch on anything--the hammerless snubbie goes bang once in the pocket, it will go bang the next 4. Autos are only good for 1 in that instance and don't respond well to carry in sometimes gritty pockets if anything works its way into the slide.

But Be Warned:

*Do not expect ANYTHING like the accuracy you can expect from your full size SIG. I am happy to get all five shots into a roughly rib-cage/torso size area at 7 yds/21 ft and that's using BOTH hands. This is not a "target" gun, it's a "GET OFF ME!" gun.

*I can handle 38+Ps in mine but I'm not very recoil sensitive. FInd out where your comfort zone is with the airweight guns before you load them for carry.

*If you DO decide to go with a .357 snubbie, I STRONGLY recommend an all-steel gun, no alloy. Trust me on this one. No, really.

Since it may be carried as a backup to your fullsize auto, my common practice is to carry it in my left pocket:

*there's a gun in reach of either hand if my primary hand is wounded

* I therefore do much of my practice with the snubbie one handed with my left hand. That's how you live if hit in your good side.

If carried alone it matters not which pocket but practice from both so as not to get trapped by one-side-only muscle memory.
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I really should stop reading these threads; it just makes me sigh at the martial heritage our government robbed us of not all that long ago with their stupid laws that actually accelerated gun crime whilst simultaneously killing the passtimes of the shooting, law abiding, public, stone dead :(.

The fact that it also means that none of us can carry firearms to protect ourselves in the rare event that we are faced with an armed assailant is an important issue too but not so socially prominent in it's effects on once ordinary behaviour. Can you imagine if I still had my rifle and dared carry it, in it's case, from my house to my car? It's bad enough with my swords, which look similar when cased up ... I'm sure one day I'll turn around and find an armed response team on my **** :eek:.
I really should stop reading these threads; it just makes me sigh at the martial heritage our government robbed us of not all that long ago with their stupid laws that actually accelerated gun crime whilst simultaneously killing the passtimes of the shooting, law abiding, public, stone dead :(.

The fact that it also means that none of us can carry firearms to protect ourselves in the rare event that we are faced with an armed assailant is an important issue too but not so socially prominent in it's effects on once ordinary behaviour. Can you imagine if I still had my rifle and dared carry it, in it's case, from my house to my car? It's bad enough with my swords, which look similar when cased up ... I'm sure one day I'll turn around and find an armed response team on my **** :eek:.

Once I once get settled in Texas , if there's room for you and yours, come on down. :)
Oh how tempted I am, my friend. Particularly as I get the feeling that things are going to go seriously Pete Tong here in the not too distant future :eek:.

Integrated, multi-cultural, prosperous, free bordered society my bum! But that's a way different topic, so I'll shush (my econo-socio-political dander would appear to be up tonight :o).
Pete Tong = Wrong (in a catastrophic sense of the word). It's a somewhat hip, Cockney rhyming slang way of saying "all ****ed up!".