[I]"Food Fight"[/I] On WMAC forum

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi Folks,
If you go to the WMAC forum, you'll see a huge food fight in progress concerning the article I wrote on Modern Arnis appearing in thie month's issue of Inside Kung Fu. It's getting pretty heated and makes for good reading.

:D :soapbox: :flame: :biggun: :bazook: :shock:

Dan Anderson
author of reknown (buy the ebooks) and all-around level headed guy, for someone who is balding
foodfight? yes, that is one word for it.....
There are probably others, but we'll leave it there.
You sure managed to stir the pot Dan!

(and for what its worth I liked the article, and thought the editing was fairly obvious; folks remember that whenever someone writes for the martial arts mags the material is edited for space and content...)
:argue: :goop:

Well, I am here to throw food at Dan.

I thought the article was good. Then I thought other articles were good also.

Oh well, good food fighting everyone :D


is there anybody who can e-mail me a scan of Dan´s article?
I have read a lot about it but Inside Kung Fu is very hard to get here in Germany.

My adress would be:

[email protected]

and in case that gives problems

[email protected]

Thanks in advance

Dieter Knüttel
DATU of Modern Arnis
"Is there a copyright issue?" "Good point, unless Dan sends it himself."


Daaaan, can someone send the article?

Or, can somebody send me a copy of the Inside Kung Fu? I will be glad to pay the price plus shipment. This way there will be no copyright problem.

Any answer will be appreciated.

Dieter Knüttel
Datu of Modern Arnis
OK, all machines stop,

Dan just mailed to me, that he scanned the article and will send it to me.


Dieter Knüttel
I'm glad that Mr. Knuttel is now in on the situation!

The thread in question is:

I especially direct everyone's attention to the July 07, 2002 06:27 PM post by Dr. Barber (I don't think I can link directly to it); see also his July 08, 2002 11:53 PM post. Dr. Barber, would you consider putting those messages, edited for the change of context if you think it desireable, up here? They contain many truths about the Professor's unfortunate aversion to controversy and dealing with difficult situations, and the very many incarnations of the "best and brightest" we have seen in Modern Arnis.

There is considerable discussion of the belief that the Professor wished for his grandson to succeed him as the Grandmaster (eventually).

The thread contains an argument with several proponents that--to oversimplify--states that the true students of the Professor were the ones who were rarely around him, and that (many of) those who were seen with him often were weak students. To be honest, I find the argument self-serving. Going off in one's own direction is fine and is in fact its own sort of tribute but let's call it what it is. There are also lots of claims from lots of people in that thread that they have secret information that will soon be revealed. I doubt that it will be convincing to many people, whatever it is in each case. The issues of who is/was and is not/was not active/a renegade are common in the thread.

Finally, I liked this quote from Mr. Anderson, showing once again his keen grasp of the Modern Arnis situation and willingness to help improve it:

Tim Hartman is awfully shy and very reserved in his communication. I am working with him on that.

Originally posted by arnisador

The thread contains an argument with several proponents that--to oversimplify--states that the true students of the Professor were the ones who were rarely around him, and that (many of) those who were seen with him often were weak students. To be honest, I find the argument self-serving. Going off in one's own direction is fine and is in fact its own sort of tribute but let's call it what it is.

That is a mis-duplication. Where it came from (IMHO) is the original IMAF website had a declaration of Masters Of Tapi-Tapi title including that this MOTT ttile superceded numerical rank and other titles as well. The implication was that many of our juniors were now our seniors. Couple this with the fact that Remy Presas never regained sufficient health for us to consider questioning him directly on the matter, many of us considered that the IMAF thought of themselves to be senior or superior to the rest of us.

I admit that this might be a mis-conception, at the very least, on my part.

There are many student of Modern Arnis who have not gone beyond what Prof. Presas taught them. These are who are referred to as the followers. At this point the renegades, independants, et al, are basically saying, "Don't even think of figuring us out of the equation." Many of us are very experienced martial artists. As the humerous saying goes, "We are much smarter than we look." That is the thrust of that line of communication.

I am glad you have noticed Tim Hartman's shyness and unwillingness to speak his mind or stand up for himself. Together, as partners, we can work on this lad's reticence and help to create a strong, self sufficient, self respecting young man out of him.

Articulately yours,

Arnisador & Dan A.,

BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim Hartman

:bird: :biggun: :soapbox:
So how does one find the "food fight" on WMAC forum?

Thanks, Terry
Originally posted by Renegade

Arnisador & Dan A.,

BITE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim Hartman

:bird: :biggun: :soapbox:

Anyone reading this thread can obviously see what I mean about Tim's innate shyness and apparant inability to express what he really feels. What he really means is that ever since we first met in around 1987, I have been an inspiration, a guiding light for him not only in the martial arts but in life as well.

Inspirationally yours,
Um, Dan.....
You are going to take credit for being a guiding light for Tim??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

well, ok, that's on you I guess....
Thanks, Kaith!

I just finished witnessing the "Food Fight" and I'm exhausted. I don't care for all the attempts of one-upsmanships. All the "who was where, when" bull crap, but at least things are certainly being thrown out on the table.

I feel that some folks are starting to get the picture that much of this turmoil was created by Professor himself. He certainly was not successful in his attempts to try to make EVERYONE happy.

Thank you Kelly for, "Remy just loved his art, human nature forced much of the turmoil to rise above the beauty of his gift..." Excellently put!

We all love the gypsy who comes into town, teaches us about the world, shows us what we could be capable of accomplishing, and then moves on to some other place to repeat the show.

I loved Professor for his childlike response to his own needs. I love you all for trying to keep his dream alive. That has always been my only desire, and is still my only intention.

Dr. Schea and I go a long way back. Yes, when camps were two weeks long, and I have never met a more selfless, egoless person in my life. When anyone questions his motives regarding Professor and the continuence of his dream, I just chuckle.

Good night, and keep up the good work!

Originally posted by Terry

Thanks, Kaith!

I just finished witnessing the "Food Fight" and I'm exhausted. I don't care for all the attempts of one-upsmanships. All the "who was where, when" bull crap, but at least things are certainly being thrown out on the table.

I feel that some folks are starting to get the picture that much of this turmoil was created by Professor himself. He certainly was not successful in his attempts to try to make EVERYONE happy.

Thank you Kelly for, "Remy just loved his art, human nature forced much of the turmoil to rise above the beauty of his gift..." Excellently put!

We all love the gypsy who comes into town, teaches us about the world, shows us what we could be capable of accomplishing, and then moves on to some other place to repeat the show.

I loved Professor for his childlike response to his own needs. I love you all for trying to keep his dream alive. That has always been my only desire, and is still my only intention.

Dr. Schea and I go a long way back. Yes, when camps were two weeks long, and I have never met a more selfless, egoless person in my life. When anyone questions his motives regarding Professor and the continuence of his dream, I just chuckle.

Good night, and keep up the good work!



I would have to agree that it was a task to keep it all straight and follow clearly.

Thanks for the post

Originally posted by dearnis.com

Um, Dan.....
You are going to take credit for being a guiding light for Tim??

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

well, ok, that's on you I guess....

I never said he measured up. In fact, he is one of my less successful projects but in my heart, hope springs eternal.

Op(Tim)istically yous,