Modern Arnis 80

Dan Anderson

Master of Arts
Feb 9, 2002
Reaction score
Bridal Veil, Oregon
Hi All,

You may or may not have wondered why I sign a number of my posts Founder, Modern Arnis 80 . The question was raised on the WMAC forum under the World Head Of Family Sokeship Council Hall Of Fame awards thread. A full answer is posted there so I need not repeat myself here.

It's either informative or the beginning of yet another food fight.

:flame: :biggun:

Dan Anderson
Founder, Modern Arnis 80
I am not even sure where that other forum is, and do not even really want to have to go looking for it. Just me being lazy I guess.

If you are going open a thread like this one, do some cut and paste so we can all read what you have on your mind.

No teasing man!! So, please repeat.
Thank you in advance.

Try this:
and then go to the Soke awards thread.

Jedibudo filling in for the non-computer literate Dan Anderson

PS - This is actually me on Jedibudo's computer. If he actually said this I'd have to horsewhip him...if I had a horse. Dan