I Am Abusive


Nov 7, 2007
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Well, not really. But I did tape some kids' fingers together in the proper fist position with duct tape Saturday morning. They were driving me crazy with loose fists and with their thumb dangling dangerously out to the side.

After I took the tape off, their form was tremendously improved. Fair to say that you can't be subtle with kids sometimes?
Sir I have done this before, if it works then great. I tell you it takes alot to get some people to stand right as well.
Sir I have done this before, if it works then great. I tell you it takes alot to get some people to stand right as well.

I had a tendency to hunch my shoulders a lot, for various reasons.
My first jujutsu sensei fixed that by yelling at me (to get my attention, not to confront me) every single time I did that. Eventually that worked.
Use the blue tape next time. Duct tape can pull the skin off.
Well, not really. But I did tape some kids' fingers together in the proper fist position with duct tape Saturday morning. They were driving me crazy with loose fists and with their thumb dangling dangerously out to the side.

After I took the tape off, their form was tremendously improved. Fair to say that you can't be subtle with kids sometimes?

Kids sometimes need a little help....I bet it got his attention!!!
Is it abuse when the ends justify the means? You may have saved these kids from broken fingers or knuckles.
I never did the tape thing. Just have then hold a penny in each hand. Works just as well and you won't get into trouble either. Plus it forces them to keep their hands closed using there muscle mem. They keep the hands closed not the tape.
Our instructor has kids with improper fists hold cotton balls.

And kids who won't keep their hands in blocking position have to hold their ear lobes.
Was at a seminar the other day. Guy emphasized tightening your buns when you punch. Say brought grapes to class and students had to hold a grape between their buns by clenching them.

If the grape fell out they ahd to eat it. Then they got another.
Was at a seminar the other day. Guy emphasized tightening your buns when you punch. Say brought grapes to class and students had to hold a grape between their buns by clenching them.

If the grape fell out they ahd to eat it. Then they got another.

Uh sir, we're still eating dinner on the West Coast. Thanks for the visual.:barf:
A lesson I learned and fine tuned is the famous "HANDS DOWN". Sure we all know olympic fighters fight with thier hands down.... BUT THAT DONT MAKE IT OK IN MY BOOK. So when teaching and in class, those kids/adults who want to practice kicking or sparring and leaving their arms dangle at thier sides... get this....

They must clench thier collar with each hand (not crossed), then thier belt gets removed and tied around thier arms (TIGHTLY) holding them in place. They have to spend the rest of class like that. I dont care if they are sparring, doing kicking drills or sprints....

Heres my simple reasoning.... if you hands are up.... YOU ARE PARTIALLY DEFENDED WITHOUT ANY EFFORT!!!!!!!!! why the hell do you want to use maximum effort to defend yourself?

And now with the electronic scoring, an arm in the way is a saved point!!!!

Plus it helps them with thier balance. People who learn to kick with thier arms flailing usually have poor balance..... 2 birds.... one belt!
I think the duct tape is a bit much. Athletic tape would work well. Pens, pennies, a lot of other things previously mentioned. Duct tape can rip off skin though, and that could be considered abusive. I'm all for correcting form in creative fashion when the normal way doesn't work, but a different choice of tape would have been better.
Was at a seminar the other day. Guy emphasized tightening your buns when you punch. Say brought grapes to class and students had to hold a grape between their buns by clenching them.

If the grape fell out they ahd to eat it. Then they got another.

Point taken about using duct tape. That said, I shudder to think about all the trouble my own teacher would have gotten in for his teaching methods. It was a different era then. At times I think we could use a few trips in the wayback machine.
Blue (painter's) tape works well for keeping the thumb in and fingers together for knife and ridge hands, too. I know a few people who have used it on themselves. I used a band-aid on my palm for that, myself--I could feel it with my thumb and know my thumb was in.
Was at a seminar the other day. Guy emphasized tightening your buns when you punch. Say brought grapes to class and students had to hold a grape between their buns by clenching them.

If the grape fell out they ahd to eat it. Then they got another.

I'm sure it works too.
Well, not really. But I did tape some kids' fingers together in the proper fist position with duct tape Saturday morning. They were driving me crazy with loose fists and with their thumb dangling dangerously out to the side.

After I took the tape off, their form was tremendously improved. Fair to say that you can't be subtle with kids sometimes?

I feel your frustration. Been there. Have you tried putting dimes or pennies in their hands and if the coins hit the floor .....
I'd definitely ixnay the duct tape. Aside from not being designed for human skin, some of the chemicals in the adhesives can interact badly with human skin...as I found out on one of my own misadventures in moving...LOL!

Something I'd personally recommend is the rlp's suggestion of athletic tape. This stuff is useful for a lot of things...so much so that I keep it in my backpack when I hike, and I'm loathe to carry anything with me on a hike that I don't absolutely need.

Aside from coming on and off the skin with relative ease, it can tape up training ouchies easily. It also does a great job of holding a hot pack/cold pack/bandage in place, or tape down piercings, wedding rings, and other forms of jewelry that might interfere with training but the student may be reluctant to take off.

It can also be used on mats, the floor, or gear, without leaving a lot of gunk behind. I remember working a stick drill with a partner (very senior guy) and my final strike (an overhead) seemed to be all over the place. My partner put a piece of athletic tape on the center of his stick. He pointed to it and instrcuted me to "Hit here," which I did. Drill much improved. You could do similar things with focus pads, lines on the floor, or other forms of training. Masking tape may be cheaper for stuff like this...but when it comes down to using stuff you have around, I found that I had athletic tape around when I needed it more often than the other stuff. :)
Reiterating what Carol said, I taped a blistered toe with duct tape once, and wound up ripping off what seemed like half my toe with the tape. Blue (painter's) tape is cheaper than athletic tape and doesn't leave residue behind either; it's also easier tear and easier to remove. The down side is that athletic tape is MUCH stronger.

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