Fing Fang Foom
Green Belt

Would you believe we are already on our 2nd pulse pounding issue!

This week all 64 1/2 staff members worked well into the wee hours of the night to make our decision. We were looking for posts that are 'thought provoking, humorous, or just generally create good amounts of blah blah blah'. This weeks COVETED award goes to:
Mr. Longhorn won this week by starting out strong and never letting up with his great posts: "Best fundraiser, non-traditional, handing out syllabi, abusive, tactful way of slowing, and how frequently do you test." Keep up the great work Longhorn! An offical "no-prize" is headed for your mailbox!


~ Part 10 ~
Student of the Month, Brown tape, and "The question of the week!"
Student of the Month, Brown tape, and "The question of the week!"
Let me start out on Dragon Kid; Tues was a big day for her. She knew she had made her gold belt, but had not got the belt itself yet. Well I dropped her off around 11am & she went to the daytime class. We were kinda suprised though when she came home with 3 certificates instead of 1? One was for her gold belt, the next one was because she had Won "Student of the Month"!! We were all very happy for her.
(to be honest though I wasn't suprised; On Friday evenings when she practices her hardest I always notice a black SUV parked outside with Oklahoma plates. Turns out, the hobo who sleeps in the bushs near the Dojang let me know it was none other then Chuck Norris watching DK and taking notes)

The week started out pretty good for Lil' Tiger too; She went to her 'junior class' on Tues & she did great! Class was much smaller, so as always she did really well when she could focus on the teacher instead of being distracted by a "johnny booger picker". Her kicking is comin' along great as she seems to have no issue with using left or right foot. Her "i-yahs" are great (when she does them), and she has been breaking glass on a regular basis now

Now... On to the question of the week! Which brings up that '3rd certificate' that DK received. It was a personal invite by the GM to their "Black Belt Club". I frowned when I saw it (after reading what others had wrote here about BB clubs), but didn't let on to my family. On Wednesday I spoke to one of the instructors about the invite. He said that it is a one time fee of $250.00 for the club. It comes with a 'fancier' and different colored uniform and a set of nunchucks. Also, it means you can attend the BB club practices, And, Unlimited training each week (meaning you can come to as many classes as you wish). Now all that sounds great right? Well here's the kicker....You have to also sign a 3 year contract! mmmmmmmmmm I told them I would think about it... Now; Here's the question for you: "What should I do"?
You can post your answers right here on this thread, and be as tuff as you want. I want your honest opinion!
Well, that's it for this week. Keep wishin' LT the best of luck in her classes, and when she becomes famous you can say; "I rooted for that kid"!


DK has agreed to post a weekly "funny" link for us to enjoy! (Remember her sense of humor is a little strange) :lol:
"Best Cry Ever"
:lol: :lol: :lol:

It may have been a long time since youv'e had the 'blue box blues' but you need to eat some kraft mac & cheese this week; Your pancreas is crying out for some powdered cheese. Avoid hand crafted log animals (carved by any chainsaw craftsmen), the wood can harbor the deadly 'hoof & mouth' disease which you are prone to catch. Make sure to pay close attention to your oral hygeine this coming week; you significant other will tell you "your breath smells fine" but your co-workers will be looking for the month old Kimchee in the breakroom fridge.
Your lucky numbers next week are: 8-12-15-26-30-39

Finding a person to do this section was no easy task! We received over 125 applications and had to screen them over the last several days. We were looking for someone that not only was knowlegable but understood the basics even better then Mr Miyagi (hence the title of the section) :lol: We here at the Dragon's Breath hope you enjoy these ongoing articles by "the teacher"!
JU-MOK! (The Fist)
To really understand how to punch one must first understand how to properly make the different types of fist used in TKD, so here goes: To clench the fist properly first open your hand. Secondly clench your four fingers, and third press down against your index and third finger to completely make a tight fist.
The forefist punch is the most common used punch. The identical way to make the fist (like what was explained in the beginning) is the foundation to the forefist. To deliver the (Ju-mok) one must keep the forearm and wrist straight when delivering a striking blow to avoid injury to the fist.
The backfist or (dung ju-mok) would be the second most common punch in regards to TKD. To properly form a backfist is the same as the above the most common area's to use a backfist is the Temple, jaw,chin, the solarplexus and the ribs, notice that with the (dung ju-mok) we are targeting specific area's for maxium blows to make your opponent end their assault.
The Hammerfist, or (Me ju-mok) will be the last one for this week. The fist is formed in the same manner as the previous the main difference between them is the hand or fist is used just like a hammer mainly for striking the head, wrist, ribs, solarplexus and elbow or knee's joints. The hammer fist is regarded as an devastating blow when used to target areas.
One thing I would like to add is simply I see too many people not understanding the importance of placing a blow to the target area, but more of "I will keep hitting and hoping I connect to the right spot". With anything, one should spend more time with the basics and more time learning where a hand technique needs to be delivered for the most effective result.
In my next piece I will cover the basics of the (Pyun Ju-mok), or the open knuckle fist, (Bam Ju-mok) or the chestnut fist and the (Inji Ju-mok) or the index finger fist. If you have any questions about this or anything else please send them to FFF and the editoral staff.
The Teacher
Wow, the 2nd newsletter is in the books! Please feel free to drop a line on this thread and let us know what you think! No matter how you feel let us know, we have pretty thick skin (exept for that guy in accounting) :lol: We are also always looking to make the newsletter better, so please let us know any tips or suggestions you may have.
Until next time...
Continue to Fight and Train with Heart & Fire!!!