How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you (warning, naughty word at the end)


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I know how to tell if a cat is plotting to kill you...

Is the cat breathing? Has it been distracted by something like eating? (Napping doesn't count; they dream of killing you..)
My tabby is such a sweetheart. He would never try to k
I know how to tell if a cat is plotting to kill you...

Is the cat breathing? Has it been distracted by something like eating? (Napping doesn't count; they dream of killing you..)

That was pretty much my thought... I owned a cat many moons ago and I pretty much figured out then that ALL cats were plotting to kill all humans and it doesn't matter if you own one

My tabby is such a sweetheart. He would never try to k

Carol....Carol.....CAROL!!!! MY GOD THEY GOT CAROL!!!!

Those evil Feline basta
It's a cat. That's all you need to know. Get out of the house NOW.
I know how to tell if a cat is plotting to kill you...

Is the cat breathing? Has it been distracted by something like eating? (Napping doesn't count; they dream of killing you..)
The Correct Answer:
Is it a cat? Then it is trying to kill you.
Actually, my cat has figured out how to get outside. She learned the dog door all on her own. Now she's investigating the possibility of getting over the fence.....the 8' tall wooden fence.

I know EXACTLY what she's thinking. "Finally, I've reached the back step, kill the neighbors, then conquer the world."
We have 3 cats, 2 dogs, and 2 ferrets. It has been truely said that dogs have masters and cats have staff.

Cats ar furry little demons. All of them. They merely pretend to be sweet and cute and cuddly to get us to drop our guard...
You know, I'm sitting here reading this all with my two lovely cats, both completely loving and docile, friendly to a fault, with ne'er a wayward thought towards any other living creature, let alone their true and constant companions, the wonderful human beings that inhabit their world. They assure me that it is all just a misunderstanding, they are our loyal guardians, nothing more, and this slander is the work of those traitorous canines.

(Okay, I said it, alright? Can you put the knife down now? And how are you holding a knife anyway, you don't have thumbs...)
Okay, they've gone, don't know how long I've got before they return...

I could swear I woke up in the middle of the night and they were just watching me, very creepy... they told me I dreamt it, I'm not sure...

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