Men charged with plotting to kill Obama

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
  • Story Highlights
  • Plot included killing 100 African-Americans, beheading 14, officials say
  • Plot was to end with attempt to kill Obama while wearing white, police say
  • Law enforcement sources sees no evidence men could pull off plot
  • Federal prosecutors charge Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman, 18
Whatever flaws there may be in our means of selecting a President, we certainly do not need racist psychotics deciding for us. If guilty, I hope they never see a free day again. :hammer:
Though they told investigators they would be willing to die in their mission, the men backed out of their October 21 attempt to rob the gun dealer after spotting two cars and a dog at the home, the affidavit states. The men also shot out the window of a church on their way back to Cowart's grandfather's home, where they were arrested the next day.
Mission? Self subscribed mission if anything. Idiot white supremacists still clinging to that superior race mentality of the 40's in Germany and here in the States. Sheesh... would that these guys go the way of the dodo that the world would be better off.
They might've posed a "true threat" if they hadn't gone off half cocked and started shooting out a church (a hypocrisy if there ever was one since these guys usually claim to be "soldiers of God" ) probably yee-hawing the whole time.
But should Obama claim the Presidency there will be numerous threats and attempts on his life throughout his term. These morons definitely help support that idea.
I would also suspect that the threat doesn't come from only white supremacists but could conceivably come from blacks as well. That arab nationalities will want to be in the mix should come as no surprise either.
But should Obama win the day and (live long enough) to take the oath of office he will break that ceiling once and for all and the Dream will be a reality. Children of the future will live in a time where having a black president isn't a "new" or unusual idea. Up until now it's only been an entertaining speculation and a hollywood what-if.

Guys like those really make me sad that I share the same color skin sometimes. It's just plain stupid thinking that's all.
A couple of warnings regarding white supremacists/separatists and the like...

They're real. They're dangerous. Many are quite sincere and fervent in their beliefs. And, fortunately, they haven't had a real good rallying point for a while outside the prison system -- or a sufficiently charismatic leader.

I'm afraid that if Obama is elected, that'll change. Especially because the economy isn't going to improve particularly quickly.

Folks -- I have a feeling we're in for a really rocky four years...
Woman in line at Walmart the other day was talking to the cashier. Commented about McCain "At least he's the right color."

I think you're right. Going to be rocky. Then again, 8 years of Bush II and the Secret Service is quite experienced at shielding the President from the public. Obama better hope to stay in their good graces, lest they give him the Kennedy treatment while visiting somewhere.
Well, yeah-I think I posted elsewhere that the....uh....."gentlemen" over at the Stormfront started collecting for a defense fund for prospective (and, as far as I know, hypothetical) assasins-should Obama be elected.

Did you think I was being facetious? If you can stomach it, log on and search "Obama, defense fund," and see how many hits you get.
A couple of warnings regarding white supremacists/separatists and the like...

They're real. They're dangerous. Many are quite sincere and fervent in their beliefs. And, fortunately, they haven't had a real good rallying point for a while outside the prison system -- or a sufficiently charismatic leader.
Oh I have no doubt of them and give them the "respect" that's due to them for being extraordinarily dangerous individuals. Psychopaths and radicals just as bad as the insurgents in Iraq in their beliefs and willingness to do what they feel they must.
I know a few personally and it's probably because I haven't (dared) be outspoken with them and that I'm as white as wonder bread that they view me as a potential and an equal to their race. But trust them... oh my hell no.
Probably taking a hellva risk right here with what all I just said. How many (non-posting lurkers) are among them?
A couple of warnings regarding white supremacists/separatists and the like...

They're real. They're dangerous. Many are quite sincere and fervent in their beliefs. And, fortunately, they haven't had a real good rallying point for a while outside the prison system -- or a sufficiently charismatic leader.

I'm afraid that if Obama is elected, that'll change. Especially because the economy isn't going to improve particularly quickly.

Folks -- I have a feeling we're in for a really rocky four years...
I think for most of us, the reality of these dangerous people seems surreal because we don't have to deal with them in real life. Also, people make the mistake of thinking they're all a bunch of dumb criminals. Unfortunately, their leaders are usually quite intelligent and charismatic and very good at brainwashing and mind control.

One thing that bothers me is that McCain, during his debate with Barack, didn't decry those who had shouted, "Kill Obama" during a campaign. Instead, he seemed pleased to have received the support, said his supporters were good, hard-working people.
Woman in line at Walmart the other day was talking to the cashier. Commented about McCain "At least he's the right color."

I think you're right. Going to be rocky. Then again, 8 years of Bush II and the Secret Service is quite experienced at shielding the President from the public. Obama better hope to stay in their good graces, lest they give him the Kennedy treatment while visiting somewhere.

I didn't know pale, blotchy, and isipid were colors. Oh well...learn something new every day. Did you smack her in the back of the head? Or, at least fart in her general direction?

Elected or not elected, Obama's skin tone is gonna cause some grief. It's not his fault of course, but a sad reflection of the immaturity and ignorance that exists here. Many states have already organized their National Guard units to be at the ready.

As previously stated, add in the ever-declining economy (job losses, etc) and you've got a recipe for violence and discord.

Watch your backs and be more aware of your surroundings. Granted I am somewhat of a cynic, but I think things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better.
Men of narrow mind and low character always seek the cowards way to smite their enemies. Men of broad mind and good character face their challenges head on, and use all the tools at their disposal to conquer those challenges. Which side of that coin these feeble-minded ruffians lie is apparent.
Come on Arni....haven't you wanted to face overwhelming odds, an uphill fight, poorly organized and under armed? Sounds exhilarating to me. The real patriots can face the mob of stupidity, like Butch and Sundance faced the Bolivian Army. :D
I used to work with a guy that was stationed in Germany with the Army. There was a "neo-nazi" in his unit that decided to attend a Nazi rally while stationed there. They beat his ***. Seems he wasn't "aryan" enough.

I've heard "At least he's the right color" from both sides of the aisle. So much for voting based on the issues.

As for it getting worse before it gets better... well, I'm still reviewing 1980s era post apocalypse films for tips on surviving the next decade or so. ;)
So if I'm reading this right.....

News has it that *Neo-Nazis* have conspired to assassinate *Barack Obama*.

And I must be, like, the ONLY member of this forum that gets the joke.........

It must be made clear at the outset that I detest racism, or Nazism, Neo or otherwise, in any way shape or form.

But yet--how tragically, comically, and cruelly ironic that the one segment of society totally sworn to the ideologies of the last Hitler should strive so mightily to prevent the making of the next one........

(I didn't say it was a GOOD joke, I'm just going along with the gag, cause seriously once you understand--really , truly sit down and understand what a joke the world is, laughing at it's the only thing makes SENSE).

So if I'm reading this right.....

News has it that *Neo-Nazis* have conspired to assassinate *Barack Obama*.

And I must be, like, the ONLY member of this forum that gets the joke.........

It must be made clear at the outset that I detest racism, or Nazism, Neo or otherwise, in any way shape or form.

But yet--how tragically, comically, and cruelly ironic that the one segment of society totally sworn to the ideologies of the last Hitler should strive so mightily to prevent the making of the next one........

(I didn't say it was a GOOD joke, I'm just going along with the gag, cause seriously once you understand--really , truly sit down and understand what a joke the world is, laughing at it's the only thing makes SENSE).

I get the joke as well... it's dark humor or (pardon the pun) black comedy at it's best but only because those neos just make themselves a joke with their hatred and attitudes and shaven heads and all of that.
I get the joke as well... it's dark humor or (pardon the pun) black comedy at it's best but only because those neos just make themselves a joke with their hatred and attitudes and shaven heads and all of that.

I know, that's the joke is that that's how ****ed up we've become as a nation that even our hate groups can't do anything right.

It's over.

It's all over.
I know, that's the joke is that that's how ****ed up we've become as a nation that even our hate groups can't do anything right.

It's over.

It's all over.
Whell, I wouldn't go as far as that. Yeah those guys were probably the bottom of the list as far as intelligence quotas goes for members of that group. But I imagine that since 9/11 quite a few have buried themselves quite deeply since the conception/inception of the Homeland Security. They may not be of arabic descent but they are still Terrorists and their plans may have been put on hold.
They are not to be underestimated by any means at all. Remember just like L.A. gang members are doing now, quite a few have been in the military or joined the military for the purpose of getting hands on training/experience in urbanized combat. They could get their swastika tattoos after they are discharged.