How to: speed timber breaks

light dancer

White Belt
Nov 27, 2008
Reaction score
Any one got some tips on getting a great strike rate in speed breaks using spin kicks - either technical tips that make the kick work 100% or tips for getting the mind-set right. I'm making contact, but just knock the timber flying - no break. (And it's not the timber holders, other students are managing the break with the same holders). They're not even really difficult breaks, so I think it's a mental thing about committing to the break - but I think I'm so concerned I won't break, that I hold back on the kick.
Sounds like you might have a couple of things going on. With speed breaks...well, speed is the key. You have to get that technique moving as fast as possible.

Second, accuracy. With speed breaks where the bottom of th eboard i sbeing held (spunds like you situation) then the target is not th emiddle of the board, rather it is the bottom of the board as close to the holder as possible. This will allow the board to flex and break rather than just flip over.

If the board is free standing, then you want to be dead center and moving even fast than with a one side hold break.

Make sure you get your head around first and aqcuire your target. then let loose. Don;t worry about hitting the board so much as moving your striking surface right through the target area.

Practice on a heavy bag or something and just work on getting that speed and fluidity going.

Make sure your boards are not sappy or dense...that'll kill your break fast as well.

Speed breaks are about speed and accuracy, you must be dead center or else the board goes flying. practice practice and practice.