How to Brainwash a Nation


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
Thanks to Andy Moynihan for posting this on Facebook:

Thanks to Andy for providing the first 'contact' with this one and cheers to Shesulsa for passing it on :tup:.
So, do you all really believe this is happening? This is a Grand Daddy Conspiracy Theory by the way. G. Edward Griffin goes way back to the John Birchers. I'm not saying that makes him wrong by any means. Lets put the rubber to the road though. Do you really think that someone is doing this to our nation?
So, do you all really believe this is happening? This is a Grand Daddy Conspiracy Theory by the way. G. Edward Griffin goes way back to the John Birchers. I'm not saying that makes him wrong by any means. Lets put the rubber to the road though. Do you really think that someone is doing this to our nation?

Yeppers......GM, Chevron, BP, GE, Sachs-Goldman, the rest of Wall St.....:lfao:
Yeppers......GM, Chevron, BP, GE, Sachs-Goldman, the rest of Wall St.....:lfao:

Yeah, but do they really get together and discuss how they are going to brainwash us and essentially steal everything of value?

LOL, isn't that the point of CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, etc...:lfao:

The irony of this video is killing me actually.
Yeppers......GM, Chevron, BP, GE, Sachs-Goldman, the rest of Wall St.....:lfao:

Don't forget Monsanto!

Curiously, these are also the corporations that have the most to gain from the threat of global warming.
Don't forget Monsanto!

Curiously, these are also the corporations that have the most to gain from the threat of global warming.

Monsanto....(they make the mob look like Boy Scouts...)

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