how many of you guys??

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how many have used ur art in a REAL fight

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i was thinking, many MAist study but dont u??
If you mean, fighting as in sparring, yes I do. But I don't go out on the street and perposely start a fight to see if it works. I did get attacted in the street, however, and the most simple basics worked.
do you mean brawling? bar fighting? competition? friendly school sparring?

i don't compete, but i do spar with fellow students and what not, and i try to avoid the other type of fights, but ya never know. things happen.
I don't usually spar. I have a mental block against it, because the first time I ever went to a sparring class, a green belt decided that it would be a good time to beat up a newbie. I came home and took off my uniform top, and went into the kitchen to get some water in just my tank top and gi pants, and my mom freaked out. You couldn't even see separate arms and torso and back were like one big bruise. I'd just sucked it up in class because I didn't want to complain. It took me five years to get up the guts to spar again, and even now, three years after I started up again, I don't do it very often, and only in either very controlled circumstances, like tournaments where they yell "break" to keep somebody from just going off on you, or with good friends who will respect it when I say I've had enough.

I've proved to myself that I can handle myself in a street fight, and that you don't need sparring to be able to defend yourself, so for me, sparring is something I do only because I know I'm going to have to do it on my black belt test, so I figure I'd better learn now rather than later.
Same thing happened to me, night. The first time I ever sparred, I got kicked full force in the tummy (no gear .... it was supossed to be light contact) by an advanced student. I didn't spar again till I got into TKD, cause we HAVE to spar. I just got in there and let lose. I got over the fear of getting hit in about a month or two.
I've only used my martial arts training a couple of times on the street. Once when my wife, my wheelchair-bound son and I were approached by a couple of punks who shoved my wife down and tipped my sons chair over. They, then, attacked me. Dumb move! As the onlookers told the cops when they showed up, with an ambulance for one of the punks, I did not instigate the fight, I did not want to fight, but when assaulted, didn't waste time with stopping the altercation. A little bit learned in the military, combined with my martial arts training probably saved our lives, as well as theirs. :supcool:
What do mean by a fight?... 2 people puching it out, or bar brawl, or a a situation that really didn't start because you knew how to stop it.

I didn't vote. I've been into a fight, but I fail to see that it amounts to something?

I was a bouncer for a few years as well as doing secuirty for bands so I had no choice but to use my art for my protection as well as others.
In all my 15 years of life I have never been in a :boxing: but I been in a few :argue: BUT isnt the whole point of learning martial arts is to learn how to avoid getting into those kind of situations Or if you do then how to defend yourself against them. But in answer to your question nope I dont just fight for no reason and I tend to stay away from sparring differant styles unless its a free style sparr cuz that tends to equal arguments or injuries. But in my class we have to do full contact sparring so I do that every week.
Personally, i think the question is kinda weird, but what is not! Yes, i have used my training numerous times. I can't say that it was great though. To have to really injure someone due to their own stupidity is not what the training is all about. Most of the situations which the violent encounter's occured could have been avoided. Yet, it did show that the martial arts system worked under real life conditions. By this i don't mean in bars, clubs, or anywhere in which their are crowds to watch or encourage some type of adverse reaction. I mean alone, one on one with the attacker or attacker and his accomplice/(s) with no witnesses close by where my life was on the line. Martial arts training teaches one to stay away from bad environments, evil people, and devilish ways. The training reveals, the chance of freedom for those who seek it's true way. Always, the best fight is no fight at all. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Chiduce

Personally, i think the question is kinda weird, but what is not! Yes, i have used my training numerous times. I can't say that it was great though. To have to really injure someone due to their own stupidity is not what the training is all about. Most of the situations which the violent encounter's occured could have been avoided. Yet, it did show that the martial arts system worked under real life conditions. By this i don't mean in bars, clubs, or anywhere in which their are crowds to watch or encourage some type of adverse reaction. I mean alone, one on one with the attacker or attacker and his accomplice/(s) with no witnesses close by where my life was on the line. Martial arts training teaches one to stay away from bad environments, evil people, and devilish ways. The training reveals, the chance of freedom for those who seek it's true way. Always, the best fight is no fight at all. Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
I agree, Chiduce!! The training helps us if we are IN an encounter, but I believe that the training in the martial art's trains us to be more aware of what is happening around us, and, therefore, we are LESS LIKELY to get ourselves into a situation where our training must be put to use. :soapbox:
true that in any art you learn how to fight, but fighting alone is not any art.

i will use my skills to protect myself, my family, and loved ones. i refuse to use it for any other purpose.

thank god i have never been called upon to use it.
I used to, but i was very temperate when i was younger. Thankfully i have grown up and discovered fighting hurts more than it used to. Better to talk it out.
8253 said:
I used to, but i was very temperate when i was younger. Thankfully i have grown up and discovered fighting hurts more than it used to. Better to talk it out.
Heh, same here. I had a volatile temperment when I was younger and gotten myself (well actually my mouth did more than anything else :rolleyes: ) into situations that would've been best to leave alone. Ya, fighting hurts. But I also occasionally found myself in situations that called for SD and my arts helped a lot in the rapid extracation of those situations...those skills and running like hell.
Now-a-days I'll "Bugs Bunny" my way outta of a fight and then make a fast exit. The most remarkable thing is that I discovered that there's no shame in it. All that macho-testosterone bull crap just went right out the window.

Still, better to have the skills to kick *** than to get ***-kicked.
I have several times when I was younger.These days I usually talk my way out of it,but never without being ready to fight if that's what is needed.I have to admitt that the last couple of times a fight could have easily happened,I was disapointed that a fight didn't happen.
I'm a bouncer. I dont like fighting. People try to start fights with me. I end them. Of course i could choose a different profession, but 95% of the time that i am there i meet amazing people, and see my friends, and have a good time at a fun easy job, and i wouldnt give that up because every once in a while some dude and his bud throw a punch. Big deal. So i block it, and his balls taste my boot, and i lock up their arms in a jif and chuck em in the gutter. Hardly ever have i had to strike a person in the face, but it happens so i deal with it.
No, I've never been in a real fight situation. I'm not even sure if I could use what I've learned if forced. I'd hope that I could at least pull out some of the very basics, but I can't really know without being put in that situation. And I hope I never have to be in that situation.
Thought I was gonna have to use my martial arts just the other night (for the first time in 18 years of study) when confronted outside a convenience store by two men trying to act tough with me......a female pregnant lady at that!! I got out of it thankfully. Nope- have never had to use it and am very grateful for that. I do spar in class, yes.

:asian: :karate:
I was in several fights before I started formal training (in a studio) none since. Although to the question "have you ever used your training?" the answer would be a yes. I work armed security for a bunch of apartment complexes and frequently deal with people who are intoxicated, people involved in domestic disputes, etc. and there have been a couple of times when, due to my training, I was able to see the signs of someone getting set-up to throw a sucker punch. At that point the verbal judo and B.S. kicked into overdrive and I was able to defuse the situations.
I have been in a few fights and I wouldn't call what I did as and art. A real fight can be like being put in a meat grinder. When I am not in the controlled enviroment of the dojo everthing turns primal.

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