How an MT Mod gets ready for the work day...

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
That last move is the key to a good day here. :D
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The SoCo is a requirement. Tinfoil and boots, optional.
First... I'm partial to Jack, not SoCo. Second... Cowboy boots are so last year. This year -- it's hip waders.
What happened to the harem outfits?

Country music is going to your head, Bobo.

Oh ... and So Co sux.
What happened to the harem outfits?

Country music is going to your head, Bobo.

Oh ... and So Co sux.

They were retired as they just didn't look sexy enough with the current crew. :rofl:

I can't stand country...I have to crank some Manowar daily.

Rum here. Rum. But it's always *sniff* gone!
I have plenty of rum here, Cap'n ... don't know quite where it came from ... :angel:
The SoCo is a requirement. Tinfoil and boots, optional.

The tin foil's to keep the voices out of your head. I thought everyone knew that. {Shaddup! They don't know that. It's a secret, you tripe mongerin' blatherskate!} Oops! See?

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