Home Self defence options for physically weak person


Yellow Belt
Feb 25, 2016
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4 of the houses i have lived in have been burgled, also another i lived in was shot at with a air rifle
luckily i was only in on the occasion with the air rifle, however on each of these occasions calling the police resulted in a long wait for them to arrive, someone shooting the house over the course of about an hour multiple times breaking the double glazed windows still took the police 3 hours to arrive, i lived 1/4 mile from the police station in a city at night when it was quiet on the roads, so i have given up on the police being there when needed

due to my health (epilepsy) over the last 3 years i have gained 5 stone (17 stone now) and i am house bound, im working on getting my fitness back but right now im weak as hell and having to live with my family members in a house which is a probably a good target for a robber (big bungalow, crap doors and windows, off the street cant be seen by any neighbours but is obvious its there and not protected, tbh even i could break in with a crowbar without any issues)

there has been recent issues in the area with houses and cars be stolen (including one car getting stolen while it was being used at the bottom of our driveway (person pulled over to help someone pretending to be broken down)

the other night i heard a noise and looked around and realised i have nothing i can really use if a robber did turn up, 2 days later i thought of better options but at the time i found myself creeping around the house with a 2l bottle of coke lol

i have a baseball bat but its too heavy for me and too big to swing anyway, so iv ruled that out as an option

ideally i'm looking for something that i can use now with zero training or with basic dvd training, my uncle and my dad passed away recently also and my uncle was into martial arts, so i do like the idea of doing some kind of martial art that would be helpful to me for both self defence, feeling safer when im out and about, fitness and hopefully improve my coordination, my uncle did judo, karate and nun chucks (so i have some wooden worn nunchucks and they do hold a place in my heart just because it reminds me of him)

i should add that my left hand has no coordination at all these days (eating is hard, my hands shake so a fork with peas makes a mess everywhere lol) im a gamer so my right hand altho shakes is atleast half decent coordination strength wise i can hold a full kettle or a 2l bottle for a few mins but then i need a rest, running is not possible at all

i cant travel or take classes currently but hope when my health improves i will be able to

im in the uk so guns are out, not that i would ever want to shoot someone, i dont like the idea of stabbing someone either so altho i would prob have a pen knife on me its not really my idea of defence

current thoughts are
tactical torch tho i cant use the strobe function and any with that function is likely to be worse on me than them, also i know the house they dont so thats an advantage to me in the dark
Gel spray, however all that does it stop them for a moment i cant run away so i would have to hope they do or have another backup plan
Sai, thinking more of my left arm can protect me while my right hand can use it like a club/sai as i train with it, if i can find a dvd to help, also im thinking it would help with my hands shaking issue and build up strength/coordination in them while i learn how to use them
nun chucks, i just like the idea but don't think i have the coordination to use them currently, but would leave a hand free for the torch

sorry for the wall of text, but iv spent 2 weeks looking at options and the more i look the further away i seem to get from making an informed choice

i have looked for local martial arts centres etc cant see any that train in weapons and since i expect anyone breaking in to have a crowbar or bar of some type plus possibly a knife since best location to come through is the kitchen i would want a better chance than the person breaking in..

thanks for any advice you can give, im open to any suggestions, the house is lots of tight spaces, so swingling anything means it needs to be about 15" or less from my hand, stabbing range ofc can be higher hence my current thought of the Sai

if you think Sai links to a half decent set and more importantly dvd or online training (cant be live online classes)

when im healthy enough to train properly id like to continue with that option unless you all agree a torch then ill train with the nun chucks and beat myself up lol
One of the first things you need to do is contact your local crime prevention police officers, they will come and help you identify what you can do to make your home more secure. Far better to prevent a break in than have to deal with one, there are also grants you can get that will enable you to have things like motion tripped lights put up, decent locks etc put in. You may even be able to have an alarm fitted with a panic button. Go to your local Citizens Advice Centre, they may well be able to put you in the way of advice about other aspects of your life such as housing associations, you may also be entitled to free fitness at you local leisure centre/gym.
I would also contact these, Housing issues | Victim Support. You have been the victim of crime, never a good thing though you are unusually unlucky in having four break ins. It's a confidence shaker which needs help to get over.

I'm not going to address the weapon issue because I think you need to address a lot of other things first to ensure you feel safer in your home. the police can take a long time to come, they are stretched for resources but you need to tell them more than you've been burgled, if you can discuss your situation with a crime prevention officer they will take your concerns and really will do their best to help. If they know that you are unable to defend yourself if there is a break in they will make you a priority.

If you can let me know whereabouts you are, by PM if you wish, I will try to recommend a good martial arts place for you to train that will take your limitations into consideration, weapons training alone will not help but I think training a martial art will give you more confidence and will certainly help with your fitness. Martial arts is also good for socialising with like minded people and for taking you out of yourself when you need cheering up.
Thanks for the reply,
House wise we have lights, they get set off a lot due to wildlife and our cat but they should act as a deterrent, the alarm on the house does need to be changed its currently an alarm based on the property being empty, as i cant leave the house currently its never in use, it was expensive when my sister had it fitted, so on the alarm its more a case of deciding if im going to be long term stuck at home with them, then we can replace it or i might be able to move into my own place etc, my plan is still to get fit enough to start going out, but i don't know how long that will take, its all based on my medication side effects and fitness level.

im looking at getting cameras setup so i can see who is at the door etc, however again i dont answer the door unless im expecting someone, the windows and doors are planned to be replaced, however that's further down the road when they have the money to do it, its not so bad to the point of getting grants and its not a bad area that we live in, its just been a few incidents recently and it just got me thinking, what if?

there is a local gym, however to be completely honest im not fit enough to make use of it, i have a rowing machine, skipping rope and an exercise bike here to use, but just emptying the dishwasher is a work out for me, currently i average about 10 skips a minute over 10 minutes due to needing breaks, which is then followed by needing to lay down
im not even close to being able to join a MA centre yet, however iv found one not to far away that has special classes for older/weaker people, so i thought i would probably start there Mutton Club classes are not running currently but then im not ready anyway, when i am ready i may not be living in this area either as iv only moved down here due to needing the support while i recover

my health atm means im not allowed outside alone, i have very little awareness in general, however when i thought someone was looking at breaking in it did get my senses working hard lol

the break ins have happened over my 36 years, 2 were when i was very young all i remember was being upset that they never even opened my bedroom door so both were by people who must have known the house, 1 was awhile ago just a normal thing according to the police they broke into 9 houses in our street professional burglars they disabled the alarms and just took jewelry, last one was christmas, house was empty having building work done, they tried to break in using a scaffolding pole, they did not get in and took nothing, odd really as that would have been really easy to break into they were just stupid, police said it happens and will probably happen again while the work is being completed

even if they made me a priority where i live now they would not get here quick enough to do anything, however there is a camera at the bottom so whoever broke in would get caught on camera, not that iv seen it but im told its there

weapon wise, and the reason im here rather than on another forum is i like the idea of taking up a martial art, iv given up air rifle and air pistol shooting due to my hands shaking, cant play darts or pool anymore either, basically given up everything i used to do and with my medication its unlikely to get much better so i wont be going back to any of those, fitness should help a little, however i really don't ever see me joining a gym for its social and fun side where i can with MA

id never want to do any ma with blades but with some kind of weapon i can see it being more "fun"
plus im in the mood to spend some money atm, so its either buy some weapon to learn with that's useful now, buy a torch or upgrade the pc and continue with my wonderful powerball for my hands, cant praise the powerballs enough i love them

i do have a torch fetish and i lost all my torches in my move, well lost a lot when i moved very long story....

I will add i don't think its likely we would have a break in and if we did and its at night then my sisters hubby is here anyway who is capable enough, i dont think im concerned enough to go to a support group (not that i could get to one currently) though i must admit i did not really think 4 break ins was a lot, however cant think of anyone i know that's had a break in unless i was living there.
one of the bonuses of my epilepsy medications side effect its also used for depression so nothing really gets me down tbh

oh and i cant get anything for free, apparently im too rich, (due to uncle and dad passing away) granted when we sell their houses i can move out or we can build an extension on this house and do the security at the same time, almost all the areas that are not great on this house would be getting replaced when my sister builds her extention, my sisters hubby's dad also just passed away so they want to make the house bigger for his mum to come and stay when she wants to
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Have you considered a dog? Should be a good deterrent whether you are home or not.
Excellent advice from Tez3.

I would add that any weapon that you cannot use fully or would not use is a wepon that could be used against you. Also using weapons that are obviously weapons can count against you. If for example you protect yourself with a commando dagger it looks far worse on you than if you use a carving knife. A carving knife is something most people have around the home and could be picked up on the spur of the moment while a dagger has the sole purpose of stabbing someone. In a similar vein; a club or bat would be viewed in a different way to say a Mag light torch.

Have you cosidered the possibility of getting a large dog, this would also serve to protect your property while you are not there.
I do love dogs and when im well enough to look after myself i may get a dog, but i'm not going to get a dog just for the off chance someone breaks in

i was looking at a torch granted not a mag light, i was thinking smaller led torch like the Klarus XT15 the mag lights are big and heavy which yes do work as a club, but some of the smaller ones have the glass breaker attachments etc, they are still solid just don't have the weight of the bigger torch, might be i get a bigger heavier torch as long as its more powerful lol
i own some land etc so its always good to have a powerful torch kicking about, granted iv not seen my land for quite awhile as im stuck here but a torch is still handy around here when im hunting in the shed/barn for my stuff

so it sounds like obvious weapons like the Sai etc is a bad idea, so torch and a trusty 4 way adaptor/ ethernet cable it is then
when you train for using Sai for example do you start with a Sai instructor with no basic knowledge yourself and then train for use of that weapon or are you expected to know a certain level of hand to hand first?
if its no basic knowledge i assume they would cover the basics and some hand to hand before you would start with a weapon?

Also do you think i would be right in saying that training with a weapon would help with my coordination and shaky hands?
im guessing you can go at your own pace so movements would be nice and slow as again my meds act like sedatives so my reflexes are not the best

lastly based on all this it sounds like i would like to try the nun chucks, is buying a training dvd and some foam nun chucks a waste of time? i.e would it create bad habits, would i be better off just working on general fitness until i can manage to be active for 2 hours at a time, ready to join a class?
Sorry but you did make me smile when you said you have a torch fetish!

Four break ins even over thirty odd years is a huge amount, most people go their whole lives without ever having a burglary. Most break in here are done when the householders is out though, the perceived danger is greater than the reality. that doesn't mean not taking sensible precautions though.

I'm not sure that Sai would be any good for your purpose because they aren't for what you think they are, they are attractive weapons though. Can you teach yourself nunchucks? To be honest I don't know, hopefully a more knowledgeable person will answer though as a rule learning from videos isn't such a good idea.

There is a good gym in your area that does self defence and fitness including Pilates and Yoga, it might be worth giving them a shout to see what they advise. Steves Gym Fitness Booking Suite Classes

A dog is a very good idea for a number of reason, it doesn't have to be a big one, burglars hate dogs because of the noise they make not so much because they can bite. A dog would make a good companion for you and you can train him to help you with the house work lol. Seriously though they are very useful creatures. Other things to protect the house is noisy gravel paths and hedges planted with Dog Rose, ( it's a tough rose with fearsome thorns, makes good hedging)
My wife has fibromyalgia. She likes to use a large dowel, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches, to roll on to help with muscle pain. She had one cut to about 4 feet for her back, and another about 18 inches for her arms and the back of her neck. She often sleeps with them in the bed so she can put one under her when pain wakes her. They are always somewhere close at hand.

I was surprised at how relatively light they were, which allows her to control them better. You might want to try that yourself, although I don't know if they would help that much with epilepsy. I suspect they might work better than your baseball bat; they would not roll unevenly, probably weigh less, be more controllable, and would present a finer line for more effect on a body.
From what you have said so far, if I were in your place I would avoid phisical conflicts like the plague.

Maybe you could have a panic alarm installed. I have a friend who has a trigger device that she wears around her neck which she can use to summon assistance.
I don't want this to sound rude or anything but how does epilepsy stop cause you to gain weight. Yeah epilepsy sucks but it doesn't stop you exercising, both my mum and dad have the condition and both exercise regularly and are in good shape and my dad has it quite badly as well and still runs 3 times a week and practices martial arts a lot so yeah I'm sure it's not nice but it shouldn't hinder your ability to work out or even go for a walk.
It seems there are different manifestations of epilepsy. Some showing more symptoms than others, and some responding to different medications. Some medications cause problems of their own.

I would like to agree with you, and I am glad your parents are coping well. But sadly, not all people do.

Haven't even talked about depression yet.
I don't want this to sound rude or anything but how does epilepsy stop cause you to gain weight. Yeah epilepsy sucks but it doesn't stop you exercising, both my mum and dad have the condition and both exercise regularly and are in good shape and my dad has it quite badly as well and still runs 3 times a week and practices martial arts a lot so yeah I'm sure it's not nice but it shouldn't hinder your ability to work out or even go for a walk.

Yes, you sound rude.
I can think of many reasons why he cannot exercise at the moment, the type of epilepsy, the cause ( head injury perhaps?), other conditions and complications. He did say he hopes to be able to exercise in a while. I don't think he needs you being judgemental and making him feel bad about what for him is a bad situation at the moment anyway. He's doing his best and that's all anyone can ask, I hope things do get better for him and I for one wish him all the best!
Sorry but you did make me smile when you said you have a torch fetish!
my dads house (now mine when building work is completed) is about 6 miles from the closest town, nearest street lamp or village is a good 3 miles away so can be pitch black at night, used to have power cuts all the time, that's when my torch fetish started, with the land there as well walking around at night with my torch acting like a lightsaber in the sky :D

had about 30 at one point with a big 2 million candle power bad boy that i think had car battery inside lol, not the most mobile of torches, also used to go lamping in the fields with the air rifle, my current best torch however came free with a graphics card i bought a few years ago so its erm crap

re Sai i just like them, since they are a no go as a self defence tool i would only really like the idea of training with them and iv seen vids of them being spun around etc the show off stuff like you see with nun chucks more often, just thought it would help with my hand control, i find the powerball quite good in the same respect it builds up the strength of my hands and they seem to shake less, its been recommended to use heavier items to reduce shaking but im not sure if that only helps while using those items, i do find knife and forks harder than a glass of water for example, but then i spill coffee from coffee shops all the time as they are normally quite full and the tray is a 2 hand item

You got me excited when i saw Kettlecise but its got nothing to do with coffee or tea, but its quite close to me, ill keep an eye on it, for when im allowed out on my own, wont be that far by taxi, the yoga sounds good would be nice to be able to reach my knees at some point again lol

never had a break in when i have been in, its just now im always in and i spend a lot of time asleep so it would be hard for anyone to know when im in or awake etc
still annoyed the person who tried to break in to steal my car at my dads house did more damage to the garage door than the cars worth, now i had to pay to replace the door and pay to get the car scrapped

My wife has fibromyalgia. She likes to use a large dowel, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches, to roll on to help with muscle pain. She had one cut to about 4 feet for her back, and another about 18 inches for her arms and the back of her neck. She often sleeps with them in the bed so she can put one under her when pain wakes her. They are always somewhere close at hand.

I was surprised at how relatively light they were, which allows her to control them better. You might want to try that yourself, although I don't know if they would help that much with epilepsy. I suspect they might work better than your baseball bat; they would not roll unevenly, probably weigh less, be more controllable, and would present a finer line for more effect on a body.

i tend to have to keep things away from me when im in bed, but my room is full of random crap, its just a case of thinking about these things so if anything happens i know what to grab, as it happens i have 4 hollow metal poles left over from a mini green house i built in my bedroom, also have mountains of screw drivers, hammers etc, i have the whole of my old house crammed into 1 room, it looks quite silly but it was my only option, 2 tv's, 5 monitors, 4 laptops, its quite the random selection of items in a little bedroom, only missing kitchen stuff and clothes, looking around my brain was clearly in a horror movie why i picked up a bottle of coke as my weapon is beyond me, got a stunning air pistol in here too, should sell that really cost a fortune and i'm never going to take it back up again.

i did look at learning escrima sticks as its another i always loved the idea of, but after watching some vids of pros it looked boring, hollywood version of that was far better, granted cant find much on Sai thats not just demo stuff, but reading on them sounds more like what i would be interested in, nun chucks i like the idea of but i can see me beating the crap outta myself with them while the sparring partner looks on laughing, granted that still sounds like fun

so i can take from this buy a torch :D get fitter then join a gym/dojo
think of what i would do incase the worst happens so i'm mentally prepared
then ill be back to work out what MA/Weapon to train for

thanks for the advice
You got me excited when i saw Kettlecise but its got nothing to do with coffee or tea, but its quite close to me, ill keep an eye on it, for when im allowed out on my own, wont be that far by taxi, the yoga sounds good would be nice to be able to reach my knees at some point again lol

I'm so glad your sense of humour is intact! Please do stick around with us, I joined MT a long time ago when I was off work with a serious illness, it got me through some very difficult months. My husband had a heart attack last year and is now restricted to what he can do so I again need the company here. It stops me killing him lol, he's now retired from work and gets under my feet, as a woman's work is never done I can't get things done as I want. (that's only half a joke because of course I'm relieved he's relatively fine). He finds it very frustrating because he feels tired so much of the time whereas he used to be very active, our children have bought him models etc to make which he'll do for a while but he misses being physically strong. We used to go to Cornwall twice a year for a fortnight but haven't been yet because it's such a long way from N Yorks but we're hoping he might be up to it later this year or early next as we love it there. yep we pass through Devon lol, we'll stop and have a cuppa with you. Keep your chin up, with your attitude I'm sure things will improve for you ( and keep on here, it's a mine of information, the Americans are cool, the Aussies have a good sense of humour and us Brits have to keep the side up :D:D:D:D)
Yes, you sound rude.
I can think of many reasons why he cannot exercise at the moment, the type of epilepsy, the cause ( head injury perhaps?), other conditions and complications. He did say he hopes to be able to exercise in a while. I don't think he needs you being judgemental and making him feel bad about what for him is a bad situation at the moment anyway. He's doing his best and that's all anyone can ask, I hope things do get better for him and I for one wish him all the best!

i just got unlucky but its improving now, basically i had a bad fit which put me in hospital for 3 weeks, when i came out they put me on a massive dose of 3 different meds so i was asleep for about 18 hours a day, i was only awake to eat, they told me to eat just pasta and potatoes for slow burning energy, turns out i had concussion for about 9 months, i really don't remember much of that time i was quite messed up, they just kept increasing my meds after each scan but now 2 years on the meds are coming down and im awake half the day, so now all i really do is try and lose this silly weight gain, i went from 12 stone to 17.5stone in 1 year im back down to 14.5 stone and doing exercise in the house, while my dietitian they assigned me has set me on a better meal plan of 800 calories and im losing around 1-2lb a week

they stopped me going out alone as i was nearly run over several times, during this time i was lucky enough to have 4 grand mal fits in a row while at the Dr's where i stopped breathing for a short time and again ended up in hospital for 2 weeks, but it was the first time they have seen me have a fit which helped them so im told.

but i have an MRI so i have a copy of my brain on dvd to prove its in there, meds are now back down below the max dosage on the boxes so its all improving and i think im fit free (Doctor still thinks i might be having petit mal's thoughtout the day and night which is why he thinks im tired) i think its just side effects currently which i think is partly due to being unfit hence that's my current goal, then its getting my licence back, cant wait to be able to drive again

out of interest what do they take for there meds and if they suffer with the hands shaking? did they find MA helps with that?
im currently taking
2.5g epicentre
2g desitrend
50mg clobazam (think max for this is 30 on the box but that's been increased to lower the other 2)
Dogs are awesome especially one with a heavy bark. A dog makes breaking into a place more difficult than it needs to be. If a person is too weak or too out of shape to fight then a dog can be a really great equalizer if a person is still bold enough to break in after hearing a heavy bark from a dog. You don't want a small dog because they have that high tone bark that basically gives away the size of the dog. Mid size to large size dogs have a bark that lets people know that it's not going to be an easy task. The large dogs have a bark that scares people on an instinct level.

The best thing about a good dog in terms of self-defense is that they'll hear trouble before it actually gets to the house which gives you valuable seconds of prep time that you otherwise wouldn't have with an alarm suddenly going off. I'm not saying get the dog over an alarm, I recommend both if possible.

A dog also has additional benefits as well because it's not just an animal used to keep the bad people away, a good dog is a companion and will treat you better than most people will. All you need to do is google "dog saves" and you'll see all the things that dogs do on their own without training.
I'm so glad your sense of humour is intact! Please do stick around with us, I joined MT a long time ago when I was off work with a serious illness, it got me through some very difficult months. My husband had a heart attack last year and is now restricted to what he can do so I again need the company here. It stops me killing him lol, he's now retired from work and gets under my feet, as a woman's work is never done I can't get things done as I want. (that's only half a joke because of course I'm relieved he's relatively fine). He finds it very frustrating because he feels tired so much of the time whereas he used to be very active, our children have bought him models etc to make which he'll do for a while but he misses being physically strong. We used to go to Cornwall twice a year for a fortnight but haven't been yet because it's such a long way from N Yorks but we're hoping he might be up to it later this year or early next as we love it there. yep we pass through Devon lol, we'll stop and have a cuppa with you. Keep your chin up, with your attitude I'm sure things will improve for you ( and keep on here, it's a mine of information, the Americans are cool, the Aussies have a good sense of humour and us Brits have to keep the side up :D:D:D:D)

i love cornwall, my mum has a house in Sennen, used to love the walk from Sennen cove to lands end across the bridge, though the bridge has been closed permanently now, its my Grans old house so i spent all my summer holidays down there, been down there every year since i was born, even while i was messed up i was taken down there and stayed in the old success on the sea front and did the walk, took me 6 hours but i got there and got picked up from lands end, im just not allowed in any of the attractions as they all have flashing lights now, but i had a treat on the way home at the drive through pasty place, well the pictures say i did i don't remember it but still i got to go there so im happy :~)
I don't want this to sound rude or anything but how does epilepsy stop cause you to gain weight. Yeah epilepsy sucks but it doesn't stop you exercising, both my mum and dad have the condition and both exercise regularly and are in good shape and my dad has it quite badly as well and still runs 3 times a week and practices martial arts a lot so yeah I'm sure it's not nice but it shouldn't hinder your ability to work out or even go for a walk.
Well, for what it's worth, I understand what you're suggesting and agree. While I also understand where others are coming from, I get that depression and other things are serious, as well. Truly, we don't know very much about the OP's situation... only what has been shared. Without asking questions, we're just jumping to conclusions. And your questions were exactly my questions, so thanks for posting them.

Be that as it may, exercise for people who have epilepsy is encouraged. Not a surprise at all, really.

It sounds like you're in the UK somewhere. Here's what the Epilepsy Society of the UK says about exercise when you feel too tired or too ill: Suitable exercise for people with epilepsy | Epilepsy Society
Can I do exercise if I'm tired or ill?
You may not feel like doing exercise if you are tired due to seizures or because of the side effects of your medication. However, even gentle exercise can actually boost energy levels.

Some people with epilepsy may worry about doing in exercise in case they hurt themselves during a seizure. In fact, research shows that although seizures can happen during exercise, the positive effects of exercise may help to reduce seizures for some people with epilepsy.
It sounds like you're on the right track regarding exercise, and based upon what I'm seeing available from the various epilepsy support sites, it looks like the type of exercises you're considering are appropriate. Large muscle exercises such as rowing and biking.

One thing I did see is a recommendation to avoid any exercise that could result in blows to the head, such as martial arts, boxing or soccer. If you're considering martial arts, maybe talk to your doctor before hand to ensure this is a smart move.

Yes, you sound rude.
I can think of many reasons why he cannot exercise at the moment, the type of epilepsy, the cause ( head injury perhaps?), other conditions and complications. He did say he hopes to be able to exercise in a while. I don't think he needs you being judgemental and making him feel bad about what for him is a bad situation at the moment anyway. He's doing his best and that's all anyone can ask, I hope things do get better for him and I for one wish him all the best!
Lighten up, Tez. Sheesh.
never even thought about blows to the head being an issue, had so many of them i did not think the more gentle hits from MA would be an issue, my head has hit so many walls and been left bleeding so many times it never occurred to me

iv had it since i was 11, this is the first time its ever really been an issue for me, normally after a fit im fine the next day, first time iv been hospitalized since my first one, i know quite a few people with epilepsy its not uncommon, i know some with it who have fits daily who are really bad and others who just have the odd blank stare from time to time and are fine, i was fine for 23 years, only lost my licence once during that time (my own fault, i had a drink or two which messed the meds up)
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katie off to Thailand 018.JPG

The path from Land's End to Sennen Cove, just to cheer you up.