His Computer Downloaded Kiddie Porn by Itself. Really!

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Feb 8, 2009
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Framed for child porn -- by a PC virus

Jordan Robertson / Associated Press

Of all the sinister things that Internet viruses do, this might be the worst: They can make you an unsuspecting collector of child pornography.
Heinous pictures and videos can be deposited on computers by viruses -- the malicious programs better known for swiping your credit card numbers. In this twist, it's your reputation that's stolen.
If left to it's own devices, the human mind can conjure up some of the ugliest filth. It takes a truly sick mind to follow through with it.
The really bad thing, though, is that the accusation itself is enough to destroy someone's reputation, even if it were proven that the person were truly innocent.

Having a reputation as being "that guy who was thought to have downloaded kiddie porn" will stick, and nobody will want to associate with him.

I really wish that President Obama would step forth, and issue a Presidential statement, completely vindicating this guy, on national TV. That's probably one of the very few ways to truly clear his name.
The really bad thing, though, is that the accusation itself is enough to destroy someone's reputation, even if it were proven that the person were truly innocent.

Having a reputation as being "that guy who was thought to have downloaded kiddie porn" will stick, and nobody will want to associate with him.

I really wish that President Obama would step forth, and issue a Presidential statement, completely vindicating this guy, on national TV. That's probably one of the very few ways to truly clear his name.
MAYBE... I was charged with attempted rape... I was totally cleared of all charges because the police investigation showed that no such event occurred... AND that the girl who pointed a finger had a HISTORY of falsely accusing guys of said act.
Nearly everyone I know who had heard the police's vindication still has that bit of "doubt" in their minds. The only ones who believe me are the ones that didn't believe the charges to begin with... true friends who knew my true character. Thusly... the only ones who really matter/count in my book.
What makes me shake my head is the thought of some hacker sitting in his mom and dad's basement being amused by all this because they think the virus they created to download child porn to unsuspecting newbs is actually funny.
Of course, if the virus is really capable of downloading porn onto your computer without your knowledge or participation, it just provided a wonderful defense for anyone found with it on their computer. Sorry, lawyer think kicked in.

Also, this virus, if sent out in the standard bulk transmission method that I think most are, could pose a serious threat of overflow to whatever vice cops or feds are in charge of such investigations.

Well, I cannot say that it is true or that it isn't.

However, I run the Linux operating system, and I generally have one machine running in my DMZ to act as a mail/web/ftp whatever server. I once let it get seriously out of date and when my wife complained that our internet had been running slowly, I did some investigation and discovered someone had hacked themselves an ftp account on my machine using a known exploit and they'd uploaded a bunch of movies to my server, which were being downloaded like crazy by anonymous individuals. Of course I reformatted the drive and put a more modern version of the OS on it, but the point is that it happened, and I'm reasonably tech-savvy. So yeah, I believe it *could* happen.
Hmmm......if the cat downloads porn, is it "kitty porn"? :lol:

While I don't know anything about this virus, this sounds like something that is very easy to do if the computer was already set up to download share out files on a file sharing network of some sort.
There was an incident recently where it seemed that a batch of workers across the state suddenly decided to send each other unsolicited pornographic ads..... only none of them actually did it. A tech investigation revealed that a hacker had done "spoofing"... where he could send porn across the offices and make it look like others had sent it.

Don't know the mechanics, but I do know innocent folks can be in some real trouble unless the techs can clear them.
It doesn't matter, as Caver said, once you've been accused, once you've been painted with that brush, it doesn't matter how well you are cleaned up, you'll still carry the residue around for a very long time.
In this case, fortunately, it was pretty clear pretty soon that a batch of middle aged and experienced employees would not ordinarily begin bombarding each other and their managers with cheap porn ads at work. It didn't take long for the techs to come up with the answer, and it never went outside.
The only ones who believe me are the ones that didn't believe the charges to begin with... true friends who knew my true character. Thusly... the only ones who really matter/count in my book.

In my book, that is not enough. This can cause job loss (indirectly), loss of sales, and being rejected for a lot of other things. That matters a lot too imo.

It is easy to be skeptic, but only 2 days ago I was reading an article in my local newspaper that explained that these days, there are pedophiles using hijacked computers to download and store kiddie porn. That way they get to 'enjoy' it without taking the risk.

I have 2 little daughters. My stance on kiddie porn is hardline, let there be bo doubt about it. That does not take away the fact that pedophiles are not necessarily stupid, and perfectly able to come up with technological solutions to keep a distance between themselves and their thrash.

There are many botnets in the world, running their malware on millions of infected pcs. These are used by criminal organizations to send spam, run scams, run attacks against institutions, and various other criminal acts. It is really not that hard to belive that they'll use infected computers to run a distribution of kiddie porn.

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