Hi everyone!!!


White Belt
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Hello all,
I just bought a high-quality pair of Sai, about 6 or 7 months ago and have been working with them ever since. Alot of other Martial Arts forums I have been on have basically "kicked" me off the forum because they said that I can never learn the Sai without master guidance.
On the happy side, I have done quiet well on my own, although I am now getting interested in going to a martial arts school in my area and seeing what I can learn. Until then though (money is an issue :)), I decided to join the forum and see what friends I can make here.

Sai Lover
welcome to the forum

I will say that you will learn more from a good school that teaches the Sai but I will not say that you can not learn basic ideas and transitions without one. We almost always suggest that a person study with an instructor and I am happy to hear that you may soon join a school near you
Thanks guys :). Yes I understand that I can learn more from an instructor, which is why I plan on joining a school when money permits. Thats what I am doing is learning the basics, I've come to really love the sai and can't explain to you how protected and confident I feel with the weight of them in my hands. I have also learned alot of twirls and flips too, mind you, thoes are more for show then anything, but their still fun to do. The only problem that I have had, when it comes to a martial arts school, is that I have very little interest in learning anything before Sai level (not trying to offend anyone), and alot of schools down here will not teach me Sai independently. Ah well, I guess determination might do the trick. :)

Sai Lover
Yes, I have seen some of his work, soon, I plan on buying his book, I think he has a DVD out too, but I'm not sure. I also tried e-mailing self defense canada, see if they have anyone who can teach me the sai. Cross my fingers. :)

Sai Lover