And here we have yet another hello from Michigan!


White Belt
MT has just been invaded by Michigan! %-}

I am a casual martial artist with interests in some of the historical aspects and traditions. I've briefly trained in Tae Kwon Do, and currently am looking to begin some study of the sword arts. Swords have always fascinated me and now I finally want to start some beginner Japanese sword art work. Any suggestions are welcome, and thanks in advance!
Welcome and enjoy the site, Yes Michigan is a hot bed right now but we love it. Bring some more folks.
Hello from another Michigander!

If you are interested in pretty much any type of MA, you can find it at Martial Arts Unlimited in Clawson. We do TKD, Savate, Muay Thai, Silat, Kali, Brazilian Ju-jitsu, combat submission wrestling, kettlebell get the picture.

Go to't been updated in some time but it has the essentials.

Good luck!
MT has just been invaded by Michigan! %-}

I am a casual martial artist with interests in some of the historical aspects and traditions. I've briefly trained in Tae Kwon Do, and currently am looking to begin some study of the sword arts. Swords have always fascinated me and now I finally want to start some beginner Japanese sword art work. Any suggestions are welcome, and thanks in advance!

What can we say, Michigan can't be beat in the fall.

The colors, the colors

There is a school in Ann Arbor that does iado and I think kendo. Is your mind set on japanese? You might want to look into doing kali, escrima or arnis. They use knife and sword.
Perhaps you could look into Haidong Gumdo Sword, the way of the Samarang. It's a Korean Art usually taught at Taekwondo schools.