Hi everyone! I'm new to the forums, and have a question right from the beginning. I was wondering if any of you guys would know of any martial arts retail stores that would sell things like sais, tonfas, and general martial arts equipment. Thanks!
I had actually found that site, but couldn't tell whether they were an actual store or not? Do you know if they have a real store, or do you have to buy them online? Thanks, I really appreciate it!
In The Cage Fight Shop looks to be a real store...Google had their hours.
Arawaza, I don't actually know! I know some friends of mine up in northern Vermont have ordered from them, and said they were helpful and quick. I bet they would answer quickly if you e-mail them.
This is my Sensei's site. He sells everything, including custom stuff, while not in Ottawa, but we have many students training out your way with his pieces. http://sdksupplies.netfirms.com/